This really exposes the extent of official abuse of emergency powers granted after continuous fear mongering by the US government authorities have a court order and an Internet service provider is unable to isolate a suspects IP address because of technical reasons, the FBI said it uses a broad stroke wiretapping technique that allows agents to investigate and assemble the activities of thousands of Internet users at one time, according to a report on CNET News.
Known as full-pipe surveillance, FBI officials confirmed that they employ the tactic that allows them to gather massive amounts of data flowing through an ISP’s servers. The information is then entered into an FBI database and later queried for relevant names, email addresses or other keywords.
Under federal law, the FBI is required to “minimize the interception of communications not otherwise subject to interception.” However, courts have grappled with the meaning of “minimization” for nearly 30 years.
After the last few years of officially sanctioned abuses of FBI surveillance/interception warrants and the patriot act fiasco that makes a joke of the US constitution what are folks expected to do to defend democracy, whilst in real life we can kick up a stink when we smell corrupt practices, online there are methods folks are able to employ to stop illegal and unnecessary abuse of the law from undermining freedom and democracy, freedom has to be defended and I believe now is the time to start doing so.