Ok, well we are always up for suggestions, and if you feel the need for a more general area, please let me know more about that idea.. we try to keep general help questions in the 'Other Help' area.. but as WinMX is changing so have we had to...
Keep in mind that we are not Forum Natzis as I have seen other places, dont insult folks for askin basic questions, and the worst we might do is move your post to the right area as so others can find answers also..
You are very right about this being alot to take in, its been the same for us lately as well..any way that we can help you we are willing to do so..
Let me address some of the questions you asked here
What can happen to us? Be sued? Can they get info from us while connected?
WinMX is a special kind of network, and I could throw alot of technical information at you but I feel thats not needed. You are very safe here. The nature of the way this network hooks you to other users instead of a central server allows you to maintain your privacy while your on it.
Also, with the crashes and "fake white files" or whatever they're called, will it affect my pc?
Crashes are not harmful to your computer, as I mentioned in another reply to you. The fake files with the White noise is not harmful, its just a pain. The fake files that dont download are not harmful to you as an individual but are very harmful to the network.
I dled the patch. Was that really a good thing? How does it work?
The Patch is an excellent way to repair the WinMX, it allows you to connect with virtually the same speed and efficiency as the WinMX once did. It basically just redirects your request to connect to WinMX to the new peer caches set up by us. It also has an added feature of blocking the IPs of the known flooding companies, in order to help the network.
I hope you do decide to visit us again, even if you dont post, but feel free to ask us any questions you wish..
For general information about alot of these subjects have a browse through some of our tutorials where we try to make things simple to understand and user friendly..