I'm using WinMx 3.31 & need to use it for the sake of the tools I'm using with it, (they won't work in later WinMx releases). My platform is XP, and the problem is... after patching the new hosts file in (think I DL'd from Vladds site) it will connect indeed, note; none of the other fixes work (including the latest pie patch, the universal WiMX world will Exe will, but it forces me to upgrade the software, & I can't do that RE: above). Incidentally, I can only keep a secondary connection for up approx. 30 mins and i get disconnected - reconnected eventually, but not before I lose my place in queue and DL's are lost. I have also implemented Peer Guardian and the block lists (from this site) to stop the flooding etc. Have no idea how to proceed and fix this any ideas. Thanks to all concerned your time and attention is appreciated.