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Offline RebelMX

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3.31 protocol supporting client
« on: August 18, 2010, 12:05:19 pm »
Hi all,

Is anyone able to provide a list (I fear it may be very short) of those chat clients that support ONLY the 3.31 protocol and can enter a chat room indirectly, i.e. not via the channel list.  Similar to how RoboMX allows manual entry to channels.

Many Thanks,

Offline Max™

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2010, 12:18:26 pm »
The only one i know is Nushi, you can enter a room_hash as well as channel list,
even Ouka's client uses 3.31 & 3.53 commands.

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Offline RebelMX

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2010, 12:39:20 pm »
Thanks, I've got DarcNushi however having never used it...

I am trying to enter a room on my LAN but what is the "loopback ip and port" for in Nushi?

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2010, 06:59:49 pm »
The loopback is to enter a room on the same computer or lan.

In order to enter the room you will need to put in the filter bar ROOMNAME_IP:PORT. The IP is the internal IP of the machine, or the IP the router gives to the machine. To find this open the command prompt and type in ipconfig /all. (Please do not include the period at the end.) If you are using Vista or Windows 7 you will need to run the command prompt as administrator. PORT is the port number that the room is hosted on. If the room is hosted on the same computer as the client you are trying to make join the loopback will look something like this, ROOMNAME_127.0.0.1:PORT, or ROOMNAME_localhost:PORT. If the chat server is hosted on a different machine, your loopback will look different.

Ex. 1 (On same machine) Help_127.0.0.1:6699 Help_localhost:6699

Ex. 2 (On different machines on the same LAN) Help_192.168.2.2:6699

The IP in example 2 may be different, depending on your router configurations.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2010, 09:57:53 pm »
I suppose I had better jump in here to help you out RebelMx even though I have just lost 25 minutes of development time reading a log of your visit to the WMW help room, wasting time I dont have atm so please take notice when someone gives you good advice (Ask Quicks)
Its pretty obvious you want specialised information that I can aid you with and thus I truly feel all the ensuing drama in the room was a waste of time both yours and the folks in the room, I have made it clear that I want you to get on developing whatever it is you want to and thats why your not banned from the forum anymore, I firmly believe your server had a deliberate backdoor but all that aside I feel you have served a "sentence" and paid for the "crime" in my books.

Now lets look at answering your question : chat clients that support ONLY the 3.31 chat protocol.

httpss://           any of these three
httpss:// Polini46ChatClient versione Beta1.rar
httpss://    or httpss://  among other versions of early vintage.
httpss:// 040504.exe  or httpss:// Src
httpss://            any up to ver 2.7.1
httpss:// Client 220a -
httpss://             take your pick
httpss://               more versions, released under the TSC banner

I,m sure there are more but I hope thats enough versions for your "tests", after reading that room log I must say its a pity all your work is directed to find exploits to patch instead of actually making anything new that isnt based on KM's work.

BTW you have now taken an hour of my time in total, please in future just send me a PM if you want info and also please make use of the archive and do any searching yourself where possible as I really am working to a deadline I have set myself and you are no stranger here.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2010, 11:03:26 pm »
im not quite sure there would be too many willing to use anything 'new' he created anyway....

Offline Bieb

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2010, 06:55:53 am »
im not quite sure there would be too many willing to use anything 'new' he created anyway....


Offline RebelMX

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2010, 01:38:54 pm »
Sorry Quicks I did not realise my request was really anything "specialised" tbh just a query as to anyone who had an idea about a client with certain "features".  Call that specialist if you like i (and clearly someone else in the chat room also) thought it was a fairly general question to be asked fairly in a WINMX HELP ROOM surprisingly enough.

Any drama that spawned from that query actually had nothing to do with me as you will no doubt have realised having read the log as i quite clearly answered the questions put to me and attempted to steer discussions back towards the original question.  People tend to jump on the bandwagon I assume as the vast majority of the chat log is irrelevant to the actual query.

Thank you Omega and Quicks for your help, and my "tests" are purely to ensure that any programs I release do not contain "loopholes and exploits" I am not actively searching for them.  I'm sorry to not having searched the archive, there is a lot of material there but it does feel like looking for a needle in a haystack when searching for a specific program by feature and not having used/tested the entire archived binaries.  Next time I will endeavor to spend pointless time testing every item until I find the right program instead of asking in a CHATroom where people may/may not know off the top of their heads :)

Always good to have a thread that WAS productive end up being turned into a hate list when users claim that they wouldnt use any program I assisted in, what incentive is there in me attempting to re-create a WinMX clone if even if i bothered still having the haters from this site claim its buggy, exploits or backdoors without even checking it for themselves?  I ask once again Stripes, why are you in the Core section since so far I have seen nor heard of any program you are working on and your development issues with my programs is so severe without ever having tested or looked over a copy in binary or otherwise?

Finally, I would PM you Quicks but I am still awaiting replies to the past 2 I sent you about a month and a half ago...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2010, 09:27:30 pm »
You mean the same two that you proceeded to asked in public here or the one where you misconceieved my good will to mean something it was not ?

I read the log it quite clearly shows your simply looking to find exploits, why you need to look so far back in history is likely a mystery to most ppl but its clear to me what your going to claim next, your flawed logic will be that you have found a buffer overflow problem with some old client or other that uses the 3.31 protocol and then you,ll make some claim that because other programs allow this protocol to be used still they must also be at risk, however the facts of the matter are that its not the protocol but the implementation that will be at fault, those of us who have been around a little longer remember the winmx flaws of the old versions and this same problem that required a fix from both KM and the TSC to check the packet sizes where within bounds  your not creating any programs that I,m aware of just modifying programs created by KM so forgive me for not wanting you to waste my time when I'm actually doing real development not adding simple buffer overflow loops to existing programs.

Thats another 15 minutes you have stolen from the communities client project well done :/

Perhaps if you had manners and respected folks they wouldnt begrudge helping you but when its clear you a selfish chap you sort of become a "billy no mates"  :lol:

Offline RebelMX

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2010, 07:50:05 am »
you know if your charging by the hour then the time spent is relevant otherwise either don't reply to me or quit wasting time commenting how long it's taken, could save you a whole extra minute! also keep track of the sleep and loo breaks, such a annoying human feature those...

since you don't know what I'm testing for as I was not specific even for a dev like you, how do you know what I've found? Is the protocol documentation I highlighted fixed yet?
the 2 pm's I went on to post the questions on the site as over a month on I had had no reply from you saying "yes" or "no" even. so don't suggest I ask the "oracle" in private when it was a general query and you don't bother replying anyway, your too busy right? then why suggest it?

surely it comes down to this: "whether youvlike me or my work, development in any sense of the word is good positive progress for the winmx network". I best leave you to single handedly save the world... even if it's just winmxworld ;)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2010, 09:24:37 am »
That's the best thing you have said for ages  :yes:

At least folks know I,m going to share code I,m working on as I have already and folks can see for themselves there's no backdoors etc, whereas so far you havent kept your word and appointed someone to vouch for your code as you claimed you would, cant you get anything right, its great being arrogant, rude and obnoxious Ritchy but it has to be backed up with some real intelligence and the ability to comprehend, what I call "common sense" and you just don't seem to have a lot of that atm, lets hope that will change.

folks does anyone care here that some old and mainly unused chat room message packet is either one value or the other depending on whose src you read, will this affect you (no) will it transfer any files for you (no) will it actually make a difference to anyone besides RebelMX ( and even then only in his mind ?), the answer is basically no, instead of creating something useful simply editing up kms chat server and adding your name to it then stamping your foot is not what I call progress when so many other aspects of winmx operation are begging for attention, attention that Ritchy is too lazy and selfish to bother with. Lets be honest here just when was the last time Ritchy did anything for anyone besides himself ?

If anyone knows of something Ritchy has done to aid the community then please refresh my memory as I honestly am feeling he is a waste of space and abuser of my time, time that is best wasted fixing bugs and planning how to take the next steps for the future of the community. Sorry Ritchy if this is a bit harsh but when your stealing from the community I no longer feel the need to be polite.

Unlike Ritchy I have been here for over 5 years sharing insights and doing what I can to help others enjoy WinMX, for me working on a clone is simply putting something back for all the good times and to prevent folks like Ritchy being able to abuse users who simply want a chat and don't care that they are not using modified WCS (the chat server with the most buffer overflow code out there atm, this despite there not being any problems with buffer overflows outside of the ones Ritchy is "discovering" then  "testing" ), will anyone notice if Ritchy stops "helping" ? (helping himself is basically the only help I have seen him do so far  :/)

Ritchy did ask to help out on the client project folks but after the way he helped Raven with her plugin code that he then edited to say it was his I think no one would thank me for getting such a character involved in something so important to us all.

Btw this post took another 25 minutes off the client projects time, cheers for your continued sabotage.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2010, 09:54:26 am »
...editing up kms chat server and adding your name...

he completely rebranded it... its as if KM didnt even have anything to do with it....

Offline RebelMX

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2010, 12:33:16 pm »
I think Quick's last post shows the fact that any discussion on here by me is purely going to be personal on his part, since he continues to attack me personally on a factless basis.  If you wont accept help, and you've set deadlines then go do it Quicks my *friend* instead of posting on here replies that are in themselves a personal standpoint aimed at (but failing at) belittling my work and efforts.
Why do you repeatedly post about RSWCS when you hate it and me?  Why do you continue to abuse it when you yourself have admitted there are no backdoors in any recent versions (i argue there never was but that's by and by).

You comment so much on time wasted yet the posts you made recently about me and my work are wasted time since they contain no material or substance even.  If you look at a sample of chat rooms across MX i'll bet 99% of them have at least one of my metis scripts in.  The rest have scripts based on my code.  And I assisted Raven with some plugins but she quit on developing them (go read the MXStuff forum or even on here!) whereas I finished off many of the ones I started, including complex ones such as a winamp displayer.
I've shared my code, I've assisted users and given them a personal service whereby many contact me directly via msn, email or pm on our forum.  Sorry you haven't got the time to do that...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2010, 06:58:29 pm »
Ritchy old bean just who was it that created the rebellions logo and has a link to that same place from here? Yes thats right this chap who is no one in your estimation.

You ask why I am not happy to show either trust or friendship to you and yet you couldnt be bothered to apologise to the community or folks here for your actions , actions that you admit where wrong, I told you in the last topic and I,ll tell you again here apologise and I,ll leave you be but dont and I will mention your history at every opportunity as folks must be under no illusions what sort of chap you are and I,m always going to be happy to keep them informed even if you wish otherwise.

Btw I spoke to Raven before she passed away and she told me the history of how you stole her code when she asked you to help her with a problem, she said she was really very annoyed when you later put your name on her work and released it, neither of us can argue with the dead Ritchy but even dead Ravens words hold more trust with me than yours do, so you keep telling youreself that your the poor picked on guy who no one on wmw likes, the reality is no one likes your attitude nor your activities and I dont mind being the one who tells you plainly, if you want ppl to lie to you go elsewhere. If you want to do the decent thing and apologise I have a nice side too, are you man enough to put my words to the test ?

Btw these words are off the clock as I havent fired up the compiler yet, if your going to reply please keep it breif.

Offline RebelMX

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2010, 12:58:02 pm »
Quicks, i'm sorry but at no point have I said any single person is "no one" in my estimation...

Unfortunately Raven is not with us to clarify her words and thus I will ignore everything you have stated that she said as it is only heresay and nothing more.  If you read the posts on MXStuff you can clearly see I assisted her and her claiming she "gives up":
Along with many on her forum and on here.  However, yes I'm stealing other peoples plugins and code, coz thats what I've always done, go check out my metis scripts and wcb plugin sourcecodes.  Every single one is made from scratch by me when I have released it, some I haven't released at all just given to friends or modded broken scripts so they work for a particular person.  Those ones I claim nothing for even though I have worked on them, however if other people post stuff claiming I made it that is out of my hands!  You'll notice all the scripts on Rebelion that I have posted are mine, no mods of other people every one is made by me from scratch, unless you can argue differently?

I have nothing to prove to you Quicks, don't you see?  I've proven my knowledge and helpfulness and abilities to produce what I say, you haven't provided a screenshot even.  That will be the real "test" of your words is if you can deliver what you have promised...a chat client with both primary and secondary functions fully working.  Of course you are all for opensource, but will your client be fully opensource including the primary portion?  Puts you in a tight spot keep asking me to release my sourcecode when you won't release yours doesn't it? ;)

Why are you "firing up the compiler" if your still working on the client?  If its at a compiler stage then you should be beta testing (which you have previously claimed you are nowhere near) otherwise you may as well leave the compiler alone.  Also will you be compressing the final executable to minimize the size of the file, or leaving it as is?  Surely minimizing it is "hiding something" so I was told, however its just an efficient use of resources...isn't it?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2010, 06:07:33 pm »
It really must be important to you to look good here Ritchy to resort to outright lies, cant take the heat eh ?

I,m not sure if your any sort of coder but the rest of us write code and compile it then see that its doing as we wish, why you feel we are all perfect and writing each line of code  perfect everytime and then without checking it at all only compile it in the final build I have no clue but then I,m of the opinion neither do you if thats your take on what "compiling" means.

You obviously have no idea of what winmx does outside of your chat room string editing concept, at no stage have I expressed the desire to open src the Primary code and unlike your selfish attitude the project will be open src and secondary, why secondary your asking eh ?

If you had bothered to read what I have been posting for weeks you would both know and understand that we cant open src the current primary network ever so we would need to rework that entire protocol to add many security fixes and at that stage we would need a tier two client to go with it, I also will not be using any sort of "exe packer", why you think evryone is as blind as you when it comes to a road plan for the future I really have no clue but please take note there have been may discussions with many people on the way ahead and a plan is in place to follow a path, simply running amok and creating chat room panic and drama to get attention is pretty much not even on my radar so I'll leave you to continue on with that, it does after all seem to be the only thing you excel at.

I think anyone with any coding experience will see your not very knowledgable, anyone who knows the winmx protocol will know your not knowledgable.
While you may pretend to yourself that Raven wasnt annoyed we both know the truth and we both know your deleted many posts from the rebelion forum, lie to yourself Ritchy but dont ever think your lying to me I know the truth. BTW why do you need any screenshots of the new client when its going to be identical in appearance to the old ones or is it because you dont use winmx anymore. The src code for the client project is already in the hands of 3 other folks who can be trusted perhaps we are all liars and I,m making this all

Cheers for the posting so much for me to laugh at Ritchy  :lol:

This post took 22 minutes of time from the community client project.

Offline RebelMX

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2010, 08:27:37 pm »
not sure which part I have "lied" about as you haven't clarified that and no part is wrong lol

compiling when you have code to test I.e. an alpha or beta test but compiling after every line of code shows your lack of coding knowledge and experience! do you think that's how they do it corporately for example Microsoft? string editing a sourcecode makes it pretty hard to add features, maybe you can't understand about how to add brand new features and GUI components when your cloning a program?

no idea if you have thought bout this but a chat client with plugins (ie a dll) which could be loaded by the client. this dll could be the primary section which could be released under a separate license and would therefore allow a  opensource client fully replacing the current winmx client? guess I really don't understand how to program or the protocol. would be a really simple way to implement it but you have obviously thought that through right?

I find it offensive that you can even state we have deleted posts as we have never deleted a single one, can you confirm that no admin has ever deleted one on here?

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2010, 08:53:14 pm »
You'll notice all the scripts on Rebelion that I have posted are mine, no mods of other people every one is made by me from scratch, unless you can argue differently?

You tell so many lies you dont know the truth anymore lol. As i pointed out on your forum awhile back when u posted
WWE by Røçkåfë££ë® §kåñK and i clearly showed the similarities, even the variables and self triggers were the same, and
i believe i posted a version here 3 days prior to you posting "yours". So is that making it from scratch? I think not!

Folks can have a look for themselves here and decide for themselves if indeed you made it from scratch lol
unless of course it's deleted after this post.

Quote from: RebelMX
I find it offensive that you can even state we have deleted posts as we have never deleted a single one

Thats interesting since 1 of my posts on there was deleted just over a week ago, along with another thread being locked and later posted on to suit you! lol So yes richy you are a liar and those that dont know that yet soon will. :)

Quote from: Raven
and Richy I see you just posted MY onenter plugin, without any changes made to it and took my name off it and put yours on!!

I did not give you permission to take my work from my site and claim it as yours!! and then you lock the thread so I cant comment??

Remove my work from this site now!!!

It appears she thought you were a liar and a thief as well. Odd eh?

You made some nice scripts that many hosts use richy, and you even began adding some nice features to wcs.
Why you added your hidden commands and threw all trust and credibility out the window is something only you
will ever know. You expect people to trust you? I cant speak for others but i for 1 would never trust anything you
made. If scripts could have hidden commands i'm sure you would have snuck a few into them as well.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2010, 10:22:28 pm »
even if it was a 'rewrite' as you so claim it was not from scratch as you took... if nothing else... ideas from it...

so the proper way to have gone about that would have been to credit it as "original by reef, rewrite by rockafellar skank.." just as reef made the disclaimer that code was taken from other scripts to get his to work....

isnt sharing great? be it files, code, or even just ideas?

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: 3.31 protocol supporting client
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2010, 10:34:52 pm »
Ohhhhhhhhhh, wicked pride that prevents persons admitting the truth...
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But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

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