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Anti P2P Lawyer To Face Tribunal
« on: August 24, 2010, 08:47:49 am »
This has been dragging on for a very long time but good news has just arrived in the form of this.

Anyone spending time online will probably be familiar with ACS:Law - especially those living in the UK. ACS:Law has been intimately involved with sending out hundreds, if not thousands of monetary demands to UK residents, alleging distribution of copyrighted works. The nature of these demands has caused many of the accused to vigorously defend their innocence, as often shocked ISP customers who contend they've never shared a file find themselves receiving these monetary demands.

The consumer advocacy group Which? (similar to the EFF) has also gotten involved on the side of the accused. In May of 2009, Which? filed a complaint with the Solicitors Regulation Authority. After moving at a glacial pace (yet collecting over 258 other ACS:Law complaints as of March 2010), the SRA has agreed to refer Andrew Crossley of ACS:Law to the SDT. Which? accuses ACS:Law of "excessive" and "bullying" conduct.

This nasty peice of work will now be dealt with I hope, sending out "speculative" demands for cash based on little in the way of legitimate evidence of infringement and bullying folks is just plain wrong, lets hope the SDT agrees.

Cheers to Slycks for their story and persistence in standing firm against the threats this legal company made against their forum  8)

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Re: Anti P2P Lawyer To Face Tribunal
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 09:09:39 am »
Andrew and his Company sound like just a scam to get money out of people using file sharing as an excuse, regardless of wether or not they have actually shared any files,
suppose you shared some files from your home pc to your office pc, ACS want money off you on the grounds you are sharing files? yeah right!

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