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Author Topic: Ascii Displaying Script for Metis  (Read 2971 times)

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Offline Pri

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Ascii Displaying Script for Metis
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:00:30 am »
Okay this is a script that lets you display, browse and search your Art from the inside of your room. It supports .ini and .txt files and can create a batch file on your hard drive that you can run to index all your art. So basically you run the script, it asks you to tell it where your folder is that has your art in it. After that it will make a .bat file in the folder which you then launch and your art will be 'indexed' and usable by the script. If you add more art you can just run the same bat file again.

As usual it includes all the neat functions that my other scripts have including private displaying, full server support (FX, WCS, RSWCS, RCS, Ouka, ZCS etc) auto update notifications and menu colour changing.

There are screenshots and a full rundown on my site:

You may also notice some changes to my script section on the site, all the licenses have been updated to allow you to host and share my scripts as-is and a new 'Setup Difficulty' rating has been added to each script page which explains how hard a script will be to use and what steps you have to take to get them working.


Offline Max™

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Re: Ascii Displaying Script for Metis
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 03:39:12 pm »
Thanks Pri,
have amended/revoked the licence details on my site, in view of updated scripts and important info on your site, there is still the direct link to your site, so people can obtain latest versions.

Try Connecting, the attacks may let you

Offline Pri

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Re: Ascii Displaying Script for Metis
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 10:28:10 pm »
Sweet :)

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