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Author Topic: Serial Copyright Infringers, Entirely Banned  (Read 854 times)

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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Serial Copyright Infringers, Entirely Banned
« on: August 30, 2010, 06:03:37 am »

New Zealand parliament approves of new file sharing pirate law that would impose a 6 month internet ban along with hefty fines. Copyright lobbyist aren't satisfied though, they want worse punishment.

The Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill, which allows for large files and six month Internet suspensions, has already passed its first reading in the New Zealand Parliament. However, according to copyright advocates, it doesn't go far enough. Instead of simply disconnecting repeat infringers, they are calling for a heavier punishment that would take people's right to Internet access away.

One of the most radical proposals is that  if the current draft is insufficient to deter serial infringers from downloading music and movies without consent from copyright holders, instead of simply suspending the account of infringers, it was suggested taking offenders’ right to Internet access away entirely.

“This would remove uncertainty about how infringement notices are issued, clarifying whether copyright owners or ISP’s are responsible for dealing with issues where infringement notices are challenged, and removing restrictions on the Copyright Tribunal’s ability to award costs.”

However, it looks like not all the copyrights sustainers see in the measure the best way to solve the problem. “A disconnection penalty is a response way out of line with the harm caused by infringing file sharing. People are using the Internet for a huge range of important economic and social tasks. Cutting off their accounts is akin to banning someone from using the postal system because they were caught posting copied music CDs”.

" it was suggested taking offenders’ right to Internet access away entirely"

This is akin to banning all food from someone because they have been caught eating fatty food. The sheer stupidity of the suggestion, and the fact that politicians may even consider it, amazes me.  8)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Serial Copyright Infringers, Entirely Banned
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 08:35:01 am »
Once again we are seeing a subtle blurring of the topic of copyright infringement, infringing activity is when you upload material that is copyrighted there is no crime involved in downloading for your own personal usage  thus all the talk of "cutting off " infringing downloaders has it seem no foundation in law and is being put forward on the false premise that is has.

We all need to be on guard against incorrect information being handed out by politicians and confront them when they mislead as only by doing so will they actually take on board the realities of both the situation and the law.

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