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Hadopi has a budget quasi equivalent to that of Cnil
« on: October 02, 2010, 04:46:59 pm »
In a document concerning its budget for the year 2011, the ministry for the Culture mentions that Hadopi, in responsibility of fight against the téléchargerment illegal one, will be seen equipped with a subsidy of 12 million euros. “This one constitutes the entire budget of the new independent authority”, mentions the street of Valois.
The sum “makes it possible to finance the missions of support to the development of the legal offer and protection of works against the illegal downloading entrusted by the legislator the High ranking authority, whose device of graduated response by the sending of progressive messages of warning to the Net surfers, the installation of procedures of certification of the legal offers and the means of security, the observation of the licit and illicit uses”, specifies the ministry.

A budget quasi equivalent to that of Cnil

Last year, in October 2009, it is a subsidy of 5,3 million euros which had been decided “to finance the personnel expenditure and the current expenditure of the structure, as well as the future fight plan against the illegal downloading”. At the time, the ministry for the Culture considered that the first emails of warning (which one knows from now on the contents) would be dispatched in January 2010. In this October 1, it is not (still) the case.
To spring, Hadopi had indicated to want to count in the long term between 50 and 70 agents (a fortnight were already posts some at the time) including 40 % specialized in the management of the procedures of warning.

The 12 million euros of budget does not include/understand the expenses of the operators of télécoms, who will have to identify the subscribers of which they will receive IP addresses raised by the sworn in agents of having the right. In July, in a letter addressed to the ministry for the Culture, Free, Numericable, Bouygues Telecom and Orange financial equalizations had claimed. One does not know where are the negotiations between the ministry and the companies.
As comparison, Cnil profited into 2009 from a budget from 13 million euros, for 132 stations. Arcep, it, in 2009 always, had a budget of 22,8 million for 169 collaborators. Arjel (online games), was equipped by finance law 2010 with a budget with 9 million euros, for about fifty employees.
I  used Babel Fish to translate it to English.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Hadopi has a budget quasi equivalent to that of Cnil

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