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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Did The RIAA Really Just Come Out In Support Of 'Opt-In' Copyright?

Author Topic: Did The RIAA Really Just Come Out In Support Of 'Opt-In' Copyright?  (Read 905 times)

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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Here's some potentially big news. The RIAA, who has always appeared to be in favor of ever expanded copyright, may actually be changing its mind. Two separate reports out of the National Academies' meeting on "the impact of copyright policy on innovation" note that RIAA president Cary Sherman apparently stated that he now believes an opt-in registration "formalities" approach to copyright might make sense. Derek Slater, on Twitter, summarized Sherman's statement as:

"my opinion is that pre-Berne system, requiring some sort of registration, makes more sense today."
Of course, the MPAA and the BSA apparently disagreed, with the BSA saying copyright should definitely be opt-out rather than opt-in. That said, it is nice to see the MPAA come out in favor of flexible fair use policies, though I'm sure that's as an alternative to actually improving copyright law.

I've asked the RIAA for comment (updated below) on whether or not this represents a change of position for them, and whether the group would now support an opt-in copyright system that only gives copyright to works that are formally registered (as we had for many, many years). If true, this would really be a huge deal. While an opt-in system has many problems, if set up properly, it's a lot better than the current opt-out system, which obliterated the public domain. An opt-in system at least makes it much easier to feed the public domain.

Update: The RIAA responded to my request as to whether or not this was a policy change, in response, I was told:
His basic point (and I'm quoting from his remarks) was that "we need better ways to distinguish when copyright is a beneficial property right, and when copyright is a meaningless and unwanted right." He was later asked what he meant by this, and he responded that it may be time for creators to affirmatively assert copyright, rather than have it automatically granted to them whether they want it or not. He also explained that this was a personal view, not an RIAA position.
The note also pointed out, correctly that there really "is no way to opt-out" of copyright today. So, while it's not the official RIAA position, I'm still really surprised that Sherman would feel this way, but kudos to him for making a statement that would seem at odds with the RIAA's standard position on copyright.

That's interesting. Now to see if the rest of that "fearless" crew will take up on the idea. I very much doubt it. There's an old UK saying, one swallow doesn't make a summer. :gum:

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Did The RIAA Really Just Come Out In Support Of 'Opt-In' Copyright?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2010, 08:05:40 am »
I dont think cary deserves any kudos for this kind of concept lets look a little deeper at the ramifications of this, by not granting automatic protection it would make it easier for selfish commercial interests to rip off the work of others with impunity it would also set a cost barrier to those who create works but are currently unable to afford to register them perhaps, once again this allows the commercial sector fat cats a free hand to steal from those who cant afford the registration fee, should only the rich be able to protect their creative effort ?

Theres a simple rule of thumb in this world if the RIAA supports something then look for the catch.

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: Did The RIAA Really Just Come Out In Support Of 'Opt-In' Copyright?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2010, 09:07:14 am »
Yeah, i didn't think that one through. I should have known anything coming from them has a self interest aspect as a must.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Did The RIAA Really Just Come Out In Support Of 'Opt-In' Copyright?

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