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Author Topic: MP3Rocket Switches to Different Technology to Avoid Limewire’s Fate  (Read 896 times)

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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The injunction that marked the end of probably the most installed p2p file sharing application in the world has put others on guard as well.

MP3Rocket, a program similar to Limewire and based, as the latter, on the Gnutella network, has announced its departure from the p2p landscape by its own choice.

“I wanted to give you a heads up that due to the LimeWire ruling, proposed US Senate’s Combating Online Infringements and Counterfeits Act” (COICA), the International Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, and The proposed Canadian copyright reform bill C-32 MP3Rocket will leave the Gnutella network no later than Dec 15 2010,” Zeropaid quoted MP3Rocket’s Paschal Rousseau.

However, this decision does not mean the MP3Rocket is giving up business altogether. On the contrary, according to Rousseau some better technology that doesn’t expose the service to copyright infringing issues like those that eventually brought down Limewire is already tested.

“The Software allows users to ’time-shift’ and record Internet broadcasts,” reads MP3Rocket’s Terms of Service. “Time-shifting allows a consumer view and/or listen to a work or sound recording that is publicly broadcast, to a more convenient time for the consumer.”

“Over that last few months MP3Rocket has been working on new YouTube video to MP3 downloading technology,” said Rousseau. “That will allow us to replace our Gnutella functionality with even faster MP3 searches and downloads, with even greater selection than Gnutella offered.”

Basically, MP3Rocket will become a media search and time-shifting app able to download and convert videos and MP3s and while this is already done by other services including Firefox add-ons, the need for something with a greater ease-of-use and some more appeal to it still remains.

Here’s a little preview of the future MP3Rocket: With the new MP3Rocket beta users will be able to preview and download YouTube videos as MP3s (other formats will be also included), and also easily transfer them to iPod. The service plans to offer the ability to capture any video, Internet streaming, internet broadcasting, online radio, Hulu, and more.

Rousseau wasted no time and already said a few words to promote the new service: “Capture that stream capture to your computer, convert to the data to any desired format, place it on the device of your choice, all with one download click,”

Says Zeropaid: “The only real downside to the new and improved MP3Rocket is that MP3 bitrate quality is limited to 192 KB’s in the free version. The pro version offers all the way up to 320 KB/s, but will set you back anywhere from $1.64 p/mo to $34.44 for lifetime access.”

It's now hardly recognisable as file sharing in the sense that most of us understand it.  :gum:

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Re: MP3Rocket Switches to Different Technology to Avoid Limewire’s Fate
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2010, 08:13:20 am »
Rousseau wasted no time and already said a few words to promote the new service: “Capture that stream capture to your computer, convert to the data to any desired format, place it on the device of your choice, all with one download click,”

Says Zeropaid: “The only real downside to the new and improved MP3Rocket is that MP3 bitrate quality is limited to 192 KB’s in the free version. The pro version offers all the way up to 320 KB/s, but will set you back anywhere from $1.64 p/mo to $34.44 for lifetime access.” its a cross between and VLC...... and they want ppl to pay for it? ...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: MP3Rocket Switches to Different Technology to Avoid Limewire’s Fate
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2010, 01:31:55 pm »
Mp3 rocket is a pay product that was built on free limewire code and thus all the hard work had already been done, profiteers are what I call such folks and tbh its no suprise such folks bailed out when it became clear their pay version of an open src product may incur them some potential legal  liability.

From the grokster ruling it has been clear for a long time that if your teling folks to help themselves to  copyrighted material and making a profit then the corporate lawyers will be around sooner rather than later as the whole business model is suggested to be based on profiting from such infringement.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  MP3Rocket Switches to Different Technology to Avoid Limewire’s Fate

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