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Author Topic: Rogers Customer Hostages  (Read 33799 times)

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« on: November 14, 2005, 06:54:24 am »
We have been seeing many folks on the site that have been struggling some of them weeks and months to fix their WinMX downloads, only to find out that they are victims of Rogers Cable Internet.

Rogers Cable Internet is throttling your WinMX.  They are charging their customers for bandwidth, some of  them upto $100 dollars a month then throttling the use.

This means that downloads are the most effected but its both uploads and downloads.  They start out normal then slowly drop to nothing until they time out.  This sounds exactly like one of the tricks that  the flooders aka RIAA/MPAA do only worse because its all transfers and they get paid to supply bandwidth and with an excuss of p2ps using excess amounts rip off their cutomers.  I dont hear DSL ISP's crying about it .. :roll:

What I would like to do is organize as many of these folks that use WinMX as I can find to send emails to both Rogers complaining about this practice and to the Phone companies in the areas they do this, urging them to set up dsl access in those areas.

Rogers does this like many companies do only in areas where users dont have a choice.  Cable are  the only companies that supply internet service that filter and throttle bandwidth they are charging unsuspecting users for.

If anyone knows any victims of Rogers please post here or pm me on site.

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 06:57:25 am »
***Here is an earlier post I made with a small portion of the infomation I found when investigating this Rogers Cable.**

Rogers is definately engaging in filtering and throttleing of your p2p activity..I personally would tell them to sitck thier service .. well.. I would get dsl if its available to you...

Here are some of links and articles I have read for other Rogers users that have this problem...,13668192?hilite=winmx+ports,+filtering+p2p&hl=en

Northland Cable taps Allot for bandwidth management

Excessive peer-to-peer traffic coursing Northland's networks, particularly in markets serving multiple universities, was affecting Northland's network performance. With Allot's NetEnforcer management system, the MSO said it can now manage P2P traffic and effectively limit aggregate peak bandwidth usage in particular areas.

"NetEnforcer has become an integral part of our data services rollout because it gives us tremendous network efficiency, improves the end-user experience and performance, and saves us money in the process,"

I did not purchase a 5 Mbit connection to check my email or do searches on Google faster, I bought it because I am an extreme/heavy user, hence the name Rogers High Speed Extreme. Rogers’ own advertising contained the line, "Download what you want, when you want!" I did not sign up for a limited service. This really frustrates me because I spent $100 dollars for the “extreme” modem and now Rogers has decided to implement these ridiculous caps.

This is completely beyond me as to why a cable company can get away with charging you for bandwidth then limit it...


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rogers hostage
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 08:50:16 pm »
I have been trying foer months to return to winmx......
only to find out I'm being screwed by my ISP(rogers)motherf&*(@#s
I have heard of problems with other p2p as well its seems rogers....wants to controll what I do with my service that I pay good bucks for.......not it will do any good but I plan on contacting them an letting them know what i think of this unfiar treatment............thanks just least I now know  that its not a bad insallment......not only Is rogers ripping me of there wasting my time and patiants


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rogers denies
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 09:31:20 pm »
called tech support at rogers they cliam that they do not throlle bandwidth
however they have had numerous compliants an are looking into the problem......(something smells here) ETA on when it will be corrected however............................................. :evil:


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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2005, 01:35:17 am »
I know that rodger's cable services eastern Canada. I live in western Canada and up until 6 months ago was using the internet service of shaw cable, which I believe is affiliated with rodger's cable. After using winmx for a few years and having constant frustrations mostly with incoming connections when using shaw cable, I switched to DSL using Telus internet. What a difference!! With shaw I was lucky if people could get 10k's from me, but with Telus I saw it go as high as 60k's and people weren't timing out. I don't think this is something new with these cable providers.

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2005, 02:11:26 am »
Your right Laurie and GOOD for you for not taking it!

This is not a new practice at all, and Shaw is another Cable company that is doing a lot of filtering as far as I know.  What is making this situation more news worthy or noticed lately is the increase in customers, and the major frustrations this causes.  If you didnt know, you might assume its you, your machine, your setup, your problem, even most of them if you call will tell you 'OH NO!, we would never do that to our customers', then you get a supervisor a few tech calls later that is like 'Yea, well we do have to do this because charging our customers for bandwidth we dont have the capabilities to deliver is a normal business practice of many cable companies.  We arent DSL you know' ... :roll:

I suspect they have found this 'Charge our customers for Bandwidth and then limit it' quite lucrative business practice as most people would be completely unsuspecting.

They have probably seen how much money they can milk from customers and decided to increase the areas that are throttled, filtered, or blocked.

Again I urge customers, if you live in an area with DSL please change if its at all possible for you!!


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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2005, 04:00:40 am »
I had spent alot of time trying to figure out what I could be doing wrong during that time period. I decided to try and do some research on what others had to say and alot had complained about cable and said DSL was better, so that's what made me change. It had gotten so bad that I had to leave a message asking to people to keep my file up so they could re-enter my que when they timed out so I could start them again. I didn't dare ask anyone to trade because of connection problems. It sure had made me feel better that when I changed to DSL, I was so much more able to contribute better to others on WinMx. Ijust wish I hadn't of waited so long to figure out what the problem was.


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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2005, 05:01:30 am »
me  agian......still trying .......your diffenitly right about rogers
called them and got severals dinials.......had them come in and they replace my line and boosted signal strenght....internet works great
winmx.....not so good
will be changing to dsl......but till than just benging head against a
wall. no point in trying to go any futher with rogers a complete waste
of will be missed


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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2005, 05:02:03 am »
its seems to me that rogers (others as well) are over selling thier
bandwidth so they are controlling users volume
here is a site concerning proof of thier underhanded activeties that you may not have seen yet?

Offline Me Here

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2005, 07:06:48 am »
Thats  very interesting reading, seems to me there is a debate going as to whether or not Rogers is involved in this activity.

I have said before and will again there is a way to know 100% in my opinion.

Make a trip to the local computer store, preferably a 2nd hand store if you have one in your area, buy a cheap dial up modem if you dont have one installed on  your pc already.

Its easy to install your self, you simply open the pc and plug it in then restart usually.

Now make a trip to this url.  Juno offers you a free 10 hours a month dial-up from here.  Sign up and use it with WinMX.

Now Does your WinMX work?  
Are your downloads at a steady speed?
Do your uploads work all of the sudden?

If the ansewer is yes, how can they deny that the rip off is being implemented?


Let me just say that if Cable companies feel this is the way to control the p2p bandwidth issues they face, then be honest for crying out loud.  Why dont they just tell thier customers this from the begining?  Instead they use p2p and unlimited downloading as a sales tactic for their high speed internet.  This is a bait n switch tatic in the digital world, no way around it.

IF  the bandwidth is such an issue for them, and honesty is out of  the question... then by all means offer your customers that actually use the p2p systems a slight hike in their monthly charges and be up front about it.  I would gladly pay a few dollars more a month to have access to this, especially if they were honest about it to begin with.

Instead we hear them cry about bandwidth usage and shortages.. dont hear this from DSL companies.  Most Cable companies are already charging way beyond the market value when you add the required TV service to the package.  Then to lie to you on top of this seems to me to be the hieght of instult to cumstomers that pay their bills each month then stuggle with trying to fix something the Company they are paying broke, not to mention blantently lie to you about when you discover it.

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2005, 11:59:49 am »
Sorry to double post folks but a Guest by the name of Art posted this iformation in another thread to help someone from another greedy Cable company.

I felt that it warrented being tried by other Rogers Customers, if this works for any one please let me know here so that we can get the word to all..

Art Wrote:
I am a customer of an ISP (Rogers in Toronto Canada) that is widely reputed to block p2p traffic by packet inspection. I found good info in the slyck forums. They talked about cable ISPs not blocking port 1720 cuz they use it for home voip services. So, needing another port, I tried port 39 (reserved for "rlp" - Resource Location Protocol) and am happily back up and running, both uploads and downloads.

In short, I set:
IN/OUT ports to Listen on 1720 for TCP
and send and receive on port 39 for UDP.
and I was uploading and downloading for the first time in weeks.

No guarantees, but it worked for me!


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ART may be onto something
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2005, 06:00:15 am »
hi.......I tried arts suggestion and it it seem to be wirking was holding tranfer much longer than i have been able to since all this trouble started
still could not hold ul very well though.......I'm not that technical...and wonder if I did the change correctly?........In settings I entered the 1720
In Incoming 39 In the In/OUt packets......Is this what I should be doing?........dl's did eventually run down though only not right away as they have been doing..........thanks art will keep trying was just on the brink of cancelling ISP......may still be the only option


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« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2005, 06:13:54 am »
It's Thanksgiving....(well in the U S).an I have something else to be Thankful for
.........................................I think Its working....God bless you Art
just completed first dl in weeks

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2005, 11:50:31 am »
:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Yes Yes.. ok.  Thats great, its not perfect but it sounds like a step forward.  Now the trick is to find more of these ports that they dont filter, throttle or shape inorder to keep a variety and also keep them from finding it.  We need more ports that work here folks and you Rogers customers are the only ones that can test them for us.  If your up for it let me know I have a small list of ports that might work as they are designed for other applications and an ISP would get lots of grief if they tried to block them.


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gone agian
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2005, 12:19:20 am »
Hi  I was having some luck  with (arts) fix but my dl's are running down again.....anymore tcp - url's I could try.........what a drag man....if rogers wants  to sell more wireless why don't they add more...instead of piggybacking of thier internet users........what a bunch of crooks....

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2005, 12:42:44 am »
Hi Fagan,

At present I have a few folks working on lists for us, but for now try one of these...

1352 used for Lotus Notes  - either tcp or udp
3389 used for the remote assistance - either tcp or udp

Dont for get to use the filters for the fakes when searching.. some fake file downloads operate this way to, or go galactic and crash your mx.. just use the -user filters for now also when searching...


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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2005, 01:32:00 am »
thanks me here..
I seem to be back in with (arts)fix.......will try others if the need arises
maybe I need to learn more about fakes and filters........will check out
forums and see what I can learn.....................

Offline Me Here

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2005, 01:43:05 am »


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« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2005, 09:23:53 pm »
Hi me here
between my ISP.and all the's just not as much fun anymore...
but I still love it!.........thanks to all for there untiring efforts
I have read the help file on filtering/fakes a couple of times now and I'm trying to do the best i can with what I've learned
in the help forum you state ...use the -user as a filter....I've also seen using -c:(music)....does it matter which one I use I have been using both is that o k?......also have try the method of searching for similar after 3000 bytes.....but usually see many results that are not in anyway connected with the this normal or am I being fooled?
These matters concern me greatly as I would not want be a user that causes any grief whatsoever to the network.....hope I'm on the right track
and not doing so..............

Offline Me Here

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Rogers Customer Hostages
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2005, 10:49:04 pm »
Ok Fagan..

Use this filter for now -user, only.  The -c: was used when we had two types of files being flooded onto our network.. since frontcode's cache servers went down however the company (Macrovision) that is operating now uses a full file path of this:

\user\files\ bogus track or file

Using the -user will keep then out of your results.

So if you get a file downloading and then do the 'Find Sources' or 'Search for Alternative' and get results that are named differently you either have fakes or mislabled files.. either way its not worth the bother of them.. look for things that match and look right.

Fagan just want to add on a personal note for anyone that doesnt already know.. i have to commend you on not only your efforts to do whats best for this network but also in the battle with your ISP over your right to use what you pay for.  Its users like yourself that remind me whats great about this network and what we all faught so hard to save on Sept. 20th.. thanks for sticking with us .. :wink:

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