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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Chat Issues  |  Can get a list of rooms but cannot enter all

Author Topic: Can get a list of rooms but cannot enter all  (Read 5348 times)

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Sue P

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Can get a list of rooms but cannot enter all
« on: June 10, 2010, 06:41:00 pm »
I can get about 400 rooms in list but when i try and enter rooms i cannot enter fully.  I get 'half' a room loaded this has been happening for about six months now and has put me off using winmx.  The smaller rooms seem to be ok though.  Can anyone help please.

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Re: Can get a list of rooms but cannot enter all
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2010, 07:02:32 pm »
are you connected as primary or secondary?

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Can get a list of rooms but cannot enter all
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2010, 08:19:20 pm »

This sounds familular, is your ISP Talk Talk ? as they block winmx somehow i had the same probelm entering rooms when i used Talk Talk. Only way i could use winmx was through a VPN which also proved it was the ISP causing the problem ;)

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Re: Can get a list of rooms but cannot enter all
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2010, 09:32:01 pm »
Hiya Sue, Welcome to WinmxWorld,
yes its possibly your provider,
a while ago i was told that Talk Talk had merged with Tiscali, who also merged with AOL,
now these three was known as the worst in a top 10 list of providers that throttle users,
now they definitely hold the no#1 spot, they use a packet sniffer to analyse packets sent to and from, winmx uses such packets,
they can block the ones they want, so with a large motd, it wont all load and you wont see a user list, this is common throttling,

the only 2 options are,
1, depending how long your contract, wether you can change provider
2, use a proxy, but so many rooms use the proxy blocker now, due to spammers.

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