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Offline DaBees-Knees

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Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« on: March 24, 2011, 05:05:53 am »

Self-proclaimed cranky technology and business journalist Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (whose articles have also appeared in the Washington Post, PC World and ZDNet) recently put together a list of five reasons not to upgrade to Microsoft's newest web browser, Internet Explorer 9.

Topping the list of reasons are operating system incompatibilities and performance issues.

We've known for some time that Internet Explorer wouldn't be compatible with Windows XP, but that doesn't make it any easier for Vaughan-Nichols to swallow. Even though Windows XP is slowly declining in market share, it remains an incredibly useful and easy-to-navigate operating system. It's also the only option for many netbook users, for whom an OS upgrade to something big and bulky like Windows 7 or Windows Vista would represent an inescapable nightmare of slowdowns and performance problems. (Source:

Internet Explorer 9 Speed and Security Major Concerns

Vaughan-Nichols' second issue with Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) is its speed.

While it's true that IE9 is considered quicker in loading web pages than its predecessors, Microsoft Watch expert Mary Jo Foley agrees that Google's Chrome browser is still the fastest browser out there.

Given the amount of hype surrounding IE9 and the sheer amount of resources available for its design, experts seem generally disappointed that Internet Explorer 9 is still lagging behind its competition.

Internet Explorer 9 64-Bit Edition "Second-Rate"

Third on Vaughan-Nichols' list are concerns with the 64-bit version of IE9, which he describes as "second-rate".

"It's several times slower than all the other browsers when it comes to JavaScript," says Vaughan-Nichols. (Source:

Most concerning may be Internet Explorer 9's security features. Here, the situation is similar to questions about performance. While IE9 is reportedly more secure than its predecessors, it doesn't seem as safe to use as some of its rivals. For instance, Firefox warns users if they're not running the latest version of an Adobe plug-in (which is then susceptible to exploits and attacks). On the other hand, Internet Explorer 9 does not make such a warning.

Finally, there have been lots of reports of trouble with the way IE9 displays web pages. Problems with text wrapping improperly led one expert to complain that he came away with a "splitting headache" after using IE9 for an extended period of time.

Chrome, Firefox Still the Choice for Experts?

Regardless of preference, this is most certainly not good press for Microsoft just days after IE9's widespread release.

I am still using XP. I haven't tried IE9 myself, but it would seem it leaves a lot to be desired.  8)

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 05:21:18 am »
IE8 needed serious tweaks to make its rendering easy on the eyes (i uninstalled it after testing and finding it lacking tho at least IE8 finally properly supports position:fixed) as well.... im beginning to think ms' IE team havent the foggiest clue what they are doing.... which is scary considering the browser is builtin to the os...

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 08:58:46 am »
i still use XP,
i dont want to try IE9, i know my Firefox is safer than any IE, Chrome is light and fast, and i think also safer than IE,

the only reason they say XP is declining is because they wont sell XP anymore, they forced upgrading to Vista then Win 7,
i know afew ppl with Vista that would rather go back to XP,

i did test IE7 when it was launched,
i found it slowed boot-up time as it wanted to start on boot & run in the background, so its always ready (making it seem faster)

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Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 12:56:21 pm »
Dunno what you guys are running, Win-7/64 Pro, IE8 seem fine to me, individually and as a combo

Any self-respecting geek would have hardware that can run Win7, and any IE

Those that wanna go back, from Vista to XP must be running dinosaur hardware, but it has been said, many many times: Windows 7 - The last Service pack you will ever need for Vista. they look similar, and thats where the similarity ends, Windows 7 is civilised...

So is IE8, and, i suspect, so is IE9, when run with a decent Operating System

I am getting tired of all the Microsnot bashing...
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011, 01:28:03 pm »
Windows XP is slowly declining in market share, it remains an incredibly useful and easy-to-navigate operating system. It's also the only option for many netbook users
(emphasis mine)

...i think you missed that part...

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 02:43:45 pm »
Win 7 basic versions will run on many netbooks, Vista will not, at all...
People who dont upgrade their netbooks dont do so for a more elementary reason...
No Optical drive, and they dont know how to connect/use an external, especially at bootup...
AND probably cant find a source for Win-7 Home basic 32 bit
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 03:42:06 pm » did read the article on its original site right?

not sure why someone would want to 'update' to win7 from xp on a netbook tho... ff4, chrome and, yes, opera all do what IE9 is trying for all while being fully compatible with xp...

as for updating the netbooks OS... linux would honestly be a better fitting OS.... ...the OS should bend to fit the hardware... not the other way round... (one example of a customised-for-netbooks os)

Offline Joshua203

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2011, 08:36:56 pm »
Well I like to think I'm very up to date with both software as hardware I'm using, and I use all the main browsers ( mostly for crossbrowser compatebility checks on my site(s) )

So here is an honest opinion of someone that uses explorer as favourite browser:

I've used IE7  I had no real other complaints besides the fact that there is no standard css markup (but this goes for all browsers)

I've used IE8 and the main problem for me is that it crashes alot when entering certain sites,  I had no real other complaints besides the fact that there is no standard css markup (but this goes for all browsers)

I've tested the IE9 preview and uninstalled it multiple times

And finally I use IE9 final release and the main problem for me is that it crashes alot when entering certain sites, downloading anything is hell for me (even a simple pdf view/download ain't functioning,  Installing both 64 and 32 bit with a separate install is impossible (the 64bit install updates/installs both and it looks to me like the two affect eachother somehow).
Opening the same page in 2 separate tabs makes some parts of the site flicker (on the last opened tab).
I don't love the new way of handling downloads (in this case I would have liked it better if IE did NOT follow the other browser's examples, I loved the little download popup window ..wich gave me more a feeling of control and more info)
IE9 also seems to hold on the the cache more than IE8 wonder it looks and feels a bit faster if it does not look if a file was updated :P ( where I needed only a refresh in IE8 I now need to use f5 to force it to refresh )

In short I will probably revert to IE8 even if this one crashes sometimes too on site enters ( I think IE7 is really too far back in time for me :oops: ), in my eyes IE9 was prematurely released (as usual)

This from a IE user this has nothing to do with bashing, I'm just not happy with it

The one thing I love about it is the dé/ré-attacheble tabs and the step forward in the css department but that's about all :/

PS ..while trying to priview this post I also notice this takes ages on IE9  :tired:
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2011, 11:30:57 pm »
of all the IE versions released version 3 always seemed to be the best to me... ms actually put their best effort into it... it was also their last standalone release of IE...

Offline Joshua203

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2011, 05:10:08 am »
I haven't been arround that long Stripes :D I think my earliest version was 6 or was it 7? I can't even remember that hehehe
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2011, 02:52:01 pm »
it came with win95revB ... was optional on 95a....

if you have an xp machine around you can install the 16bit version of IE3 without hassle.... dont try the 32bit version tho.. the 'built-in' IE will get fussy...  (use the one that says win3.11 if you really want to try it... and remember this software is very very old... so dont expect much when visiting current-day websites)

...i'll post a screenshot in a bit...
* Silver Stripes feels really old...

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2011, 04:11:31 pm »
screenshots... had a bit too much fun with this.... and nearly fell out of my chair laughing when i saw the att worldnet branding, why?, cos that means im the one who sent this particuar installer of ie3 to .... forgot i even did it till i saw that...


Offline Joshua203

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Re: Expert Discourages Use of Internet Explorer 9
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2011, 05:52:18 pm »
yeah I do have a partly broken old puter with XP but I'm not that curious to be honest, I have not uninstalled IE9 yet btw .. it has started to manage some downloads now just not my pdf phone administration (could be a provider website problem)

I still don't love it but maybe I just need to look a little deeper, I hate the fact that it flashes a white screen when i refresh a page ...could be that tuneup lost control over some settings.
I also don't like that IE keeps nagging that other stuff is causing slowness (the pot calling the kettle black... lol)
IE used to be the only browser that knew what a "page loading effect was" (on my pages) spontaniously forgot now

I must admit that crashes on visiting websites occur just as much as in IE8 (maybe even less), recovering is faster.. still annoying though ( most of all because usually it refreshes nore than just the page that crashed but IE8 dis exactly the same):whistle:

I still may uninstall it but for now I'm too lazy to do it :yes: (also ..chroome is looking more and more attractive to me, ...thank you microsoft for opening my eyes  :o )

(some edits above)
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