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Introducing me, Robert
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Topic: Introducing me, Robert (Read 3072 times)
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Introducing me, Robert
April 12, 2011, 08:53:18 am »
My name is Robert and I have just joined this forum because Limewire has been closed out.
man... I am going to miss f**king Limewire.
I quit watching porn awhile ago, btw. Not a healthy habit.
Before I used Limewire, I used a program called WinMX. This was years ago when I was just a boy. I downloaded a couple gigs of Family Guy. I thot WinMX was the best thing out there.
Now, I have a hobby that requires me to aquire free mass-media. For example, I used to download disney movies off of Limewire and then I could use the footage in my youtube videos. (oddly enough, despite the millions of views I have gotten, disney has mostly left me alone for copyright.)
Because my enterprise on youtube has been so successful, I am going to continue and exand my movie-analysis hobby. But I need to be able to have something to replace Limewire- something in which I can type in the name of a movie and download it in less than a half-day.
Can WinMX replace what Limewire did for me? How about Bearshare? I will be back tomorrow to check for replies.
White Stripes
Je suis aimé
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #1 on:
April 12, 2011, 10:07:07 am »
just a note.... winmx can only handle files up to 2gig in size... but if someone is sharing the content you want theres no reason it wont do what you want....
less than half day however may be a stretch.... (enjoy the queues)
id suggest other means (hint; lookit my sig) but.... such suggestions might devolve into a flame war...
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WMW Team
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #2 on:
April 12, 2011, 12:37:34 pm »
The WinMx experience differs from person to person.
People share a lot of different files here, but the time frame to obtain a file varies according to how many other users might have the file, how much bandwidth they are allocating to uploading and your own connection.
The big advantage of WinMx is the ability to chat to a large number of other users via the chat rooms.
I would suggest finding a chat room with people interested in simialr things to yourself and I'm sure you'll find the winmx experience enjoyable.
Do you need any help setting up and getting connected?
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #3 on:
April 12, 2011, 06:02:31 pm »
I've been using WinMX since the old Napster died. I think you will find WinMX is much slower than Limewire, but I also think you will find that there are many more movies available on the WinMX network. Limewire which uses the Gnutella network was also plagued with viruses so if Limewire was still alive today I would personally prefer WinMX over Limewire. No disrespect intended to the inventors of Limewire. The WinMX patch also does a much better job at blocking malicious traffic like the RIAA, and others like them. As already mentioned by Silver Stripes WinMX has a 2Gig file limit at the moment so that may be a problem for you. I do think that limit will be lifted, but i don't believe it will happen soon.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.
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Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #4 on:
April 13, 2011, 06:31:25 am »
Hello you three and thanks for the replies, this is quite helpful- yes, that would be an advantage of WinMX, the person-to-person support, thanks toad.
And the 2gig limit doesn't seem like it will be a problem for me, all I require are medium quality rips, usually on limewire they were about 700mb
and yea, Limewire was plauged by viruses, but after a few years using it and the old WinMX, I got to know what the funky ones looked like and stayed away. I never had virus problems with the last few years of my using Limewire.
and- god- I did try using Bittorent and the Pirate bay, after my THIRD major virus-infection -in a row!- that I had gotten trying to download Gimp, I pitched the PB and bittorent.
So yes please, Toad, I would like to give WinMX a shot and see how it suits me, my mentor told me that I should do one video a week- he told me that 8 days ago!
Would you guys reccomend I also get BearShare, as I'm familiar with it, to test out as well?
WMW Team
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #5 on:
April 13, 2011, 08:50:31 am »
I'm not familiar with BearShare, remember this is a WinMx support site.
Up the top of the screen, click on the word "Patch".
Download one of the full setup files, it's personal preference whether you choose 3.54b4 or 3.53, just go with 3.54b4 and you can always change later.
Once installed, if you have trouble connecting, take a look on the "tutorials" page or pop into the help room.
You can get to the help room by pasting the winmx community patch room address into your channel list screen and click "join".
Or post back here and someone will be along to help out.
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #6 on:
April 13, 2011, 08:58:07 pm »
I use to use Bearshare several years ago, and I liked it until they started putting adware in it. I believe it also had a trojan / spyware in it at one time or another. I don't know anything about the new version. It could be a knockoff of Bearshare for all I know. If i get bored I may download it, and run it using Shadow Defender while in shadow mode to check to see if it has any malicious code in it that can be detected. When I went to the site WOT (Web of Trust) it flagged it as a bad site. I don't know what criteria made WOT flag it as a bad site, but it could warrant further looking into.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.
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Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #7 on:
April 13, 2011, 09:01:43 pm »
best bet is to stick to winmx robert,, find a decent room u feel comfortable in, alot of ppl are around to help u out in what u require even go the distant to get what u need aslong as your willing to share and chat am sure you will enjoy winmx.
Forum Member
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #8 on:
April 17, 2011, 07:43:16 am »
Hello you guys, I downloaded the patch that was suggested and am downloading the piece of mass media video that I am going to use for my project.
Forum Member
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #9 on:
April 17, 2011, 07:45:07 am »
I am "remotely queued"- not like I am attaching any value to that, I'm kind of just clarifying my earlier statement-- and also there have happened some things that I don't understand the meaning of- if these things become problematic I will mosey over to the questions section. Thanks for your assistance, see you around maybe
White Stripes
Je suis aimé
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #10 on:
April 17, 2011, 07:59:49 am »
say "enjoy the queues"
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WMW Team
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #11 on:
April 17, 2011, 01:57:43 pm »
Remotely queued just means you're waiting for your turn.
Being a part of a chat room with similar interests to yourself can cut down the wait time for files somewhat.
I'd definitely recommend checking a few out if you get a chance.
Forum Member
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #12 on:
April 20, 2011, 08:42:02 pm »
Yea I did. I went into one of the gay chatrooms and asked for girlfriend finding advice. lol
What makes WimMX chatrooms superior to others, if I may ask that here?
WMW Team
Re: Introducing me, Robert
Reply #13 on:
April 20, 2011, 10:47:53 pm »
I think the key here is that while you may be talking to someone in one of the chat rooms about your video analysis work, they may have produced their own analysis of that movie or movie in a similar genre which you can then download and they will usually start your download right away.
If some of the educational material you are downloading, is being shared by someone in the chat room you're part of, they may start your download right away.
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