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Author Topic: WCS  (Read 57877 times)

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Offline Lagerlout666

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« Reply #160 on: March 09, 2007, 06:45:46 pm »
Must of been the time taken to install that silly face that made time fly by ;-) lol
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« Reply #161 on: March 09, 2007, 08:10:58 pm »
WCS is actually known for being the most stable server (winmxworld generally only gets a restart either for an update, or a move to a different server... we have yet to have a single crash)

and redirects it's also known for being the most reliable... ouka is so unreliable because it actually kicks users if they don't redirect fast enough, but the other servers should be about the same in theory, can't say i know from experience but other servers are claimed to not redirect as well as WCS (note: i've never had a WCS-WCS redirect lose more than 1 or 2 users from a large room... however i've not done a large redirect with any other server to compare)

however the other stuff you are talking about seems to be based purely on never having looked in to things

look at active connections (netstat -n), your fxserver is conencted to primary users, not peer caches... primary users connect to other primary users (chat servers are just primary users that aren't fully functional), peer caches (those IP Addresses you had to modify your system to redirect traffic to... which WCS has no need for you to do) simply direct you to other primary users to get you connected initially - in the case of fxserver it then keeps hammering the caches the entire time it's running asking for more primaries, ignoring the fact it is already connected to a good sourc of primaries (around 50% of traffic hammering the peer caches comes from fxserver, a few hundred users on a network with hundreds of thousands on...)
both servers give you the option to do a full redirect or a partial redirect... however redirecting single users shouldn't ever be needed for redirecting a room, if it is then there is something seriously wrong, because a redirect should go through flawlessly (in fact with WCS if a user fails to redirect they are left sitting in the original room so you can try again... i believe fxserver kicks them)
as for bandwidth usage, that's the number of priaries connected... the more you connect to the better listed the channel will be, fxserver connects to 3, and does not allow you to connect to any more than that, WCS connects to around 8 by default (it will actually adjust itself to connect to a couple more or less for optimum balance between connection quality and bandwidth usage) with the option to reduce it to 3... so if anything fxserver is lacking there as it only has the dialup mode, and not the well listed mode

Offline J a M e S

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« Reply #162 on: March 09, 2007, 08:53:56 pm »
fxs allows upto 8 primarys, but, redirects suck and its unstable (it will crash easy if flooded or sometimes if u reload the config)   

i loved WCS for the stability, and admitibly, the redirects are better because as KM pointed out, if they aint redirected.. ther still there.. but that mostly only happens to users with slow internet,

id say, the main reason people was using FXs is the features.. (as i was up untill a few days ago)
When people realise WCS has unlimited formats, and seems to make use of the primarys (by simply running a cycle and disconecting, and reconecting every so often) instead of making loads of primarys

i used WCS for about a year when i started my room backup, but admins constantly nagging me for ther own format, needing to reboot every few days (that might have been my other computer objecting to WCS) and user count falling after 3-4 days uptime because it wasnt showing up good on the list, my freind (Snick) sujested i use FXS (seemed to list better, and didnt need rebooting as often, unlimited text formats ect.. and more able to personalise users formats), which i have been doing for the past year or so now... untill recently

+ it seems the maker of FXS has completly desurted us and isnt continueing FXS :(

Thanks KM keep it up :)
note: the above is based on my experiance (my opinion)... you views may be different..

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Offline Lagerlout666

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« Reply #163 on: March 09, 2007, 09:53:23 pm »
Yup agree entirely with james, i moved to WCS along time ago too, andthe beta versions are a hell of alot better than the 1.7.4 as james mentioned it is alot more configarable.Hope we shed some light for you anyway and good luck hosting.
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Offline Josh

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« Reply #164 on: April 09, 2007, 04:36:41 am »
WCS 1.8b10 has been released.

There are several major changes since b9:
+   Added /hidecmd command to hide a command from other users with w access.
+   Added /privnotice command for private notice.
+   Added ability to /hide another user.
+   Updated Windows GUI a bit - now has a right click menu for the user list and a text box for typing commands in to.
+   Added Topic2 and Topic3.
+   Added a P Access level to Protect from kicks by users with K access.
+   Added ability for other programs to send commands through the server.

Also a few small things:
+   Fixed a bug with hidden users not seeing when someone else unhides.
+   Allowed colour 252 when RestrictColours is enabled.
+   Fixed memory leak with selective random colours.
+   Fixed bug with selective random colours above colour 10 (it would only read the last digit of the number).
+   Changed /who output to show hidden users in grey.


/hidecmd <command> will perform the command, but just won't show it to users who have watchcmds access.
Example: /hidecmd /notice Hello   will do the same as /notice Hello, just without admins with w access seeing who typed it first. Requires H access.

/privnotice <username> <notice> does the same as a /notice, just only to a specific user, similar to a /message, but without displaying the senders name. Requires m and n access.

/hide <username> can be used to hide or unhide other users. /hide can still be used to hide or unhide yourself. Requires h access.

When using ChannelName2= or ChannelName3= in the config file, you can also use Topic2= and Topic3= to set different topics for those listings, or users with T access can use /topic2 or /topic3 to set those additional topics.

P Access behaves similarly to an @ for kicking purposes, so only users with k access can kick and not those with K.

Other programs can send text to the room, Just add the commands to a file called exec.txt and it will execute them then delete the file (text file, one command per line). I can think of a few immediate uses for it, such as allowing monitoring programs etc to send text to the room without having to be a full chat client. There are plenty of other uses though - leave it for the imagination :-)

I love these features. Especially the force login menu on the right click menu :-)
- Josh

Offline James420

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« Reply #165 on: April 10, 2007, 01:18:00 am »
Loving the new b10, it's the best release yet. Lots of new lovely features I've been wanting for some time now. The /hidecmd is great if you have a bot that tends to spam your admins. With this little feature, you can now always have W and be able to eliminate /notice spam from a bot. Especially love the new /privnotice it's a command I've been begging KM to add for months now. And so happy to have it now. This cuts down on spam even more for those that use their bots or other programs in their room a lot. Using /hidecmd infront of it is handy as well.

Like how we can now hide other users and love the new /who view. Plus the new gui that color codes users like the /who does. The multiple topics is a feature that has long been due to be part of WCS. Great feature, specially if you move room and want a topic for your old room telling them to update.

One of the nicest features is the P access. This access is great to have, but I'd advise room owners to keep a limited number of users that have this access to a minimum. Best to save for the host, or room bot, ect. You get the idea.

Like the new bug fixes. The fixed selected random is lovely. Glad you added 252 to be allowed, nice to have my color back.

Love all the new updates, though I've got some more ideas for you for the next release. Was wondering if you could make it possible to change the Server's name when the host chats through the server. I like not having it listed on the userlist, so please keep it like that. Also, is there a chance you could make it so all commands from the server use /hidecmd? If the host clicks reload it will always show <Server> /reload, be nice to be able to hide that as well.

Also, I like the feature where you let other programs send text to the room. It can prove to be very useful for those that put it to use that is. Though, is there any chance that a program will ever be able to get the text from the chat as it happens? Then people could make their own bots or something that runs purely through the server.


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« Reply #166 on: April 10, 2007, 01:42:43 am »
Also, I like the feature where you let other programs send text to the room. It can prove to be very useful for those that put it to use that is. Though, is there any chance that a program will ever be able to get the text from the chat as it happens? Then people could make their own bots or something that runs purely through the server.
String is working on a GUI for the Linux version that simply executes WCS and then reads from stdout to get the contents of the room as they happen, so that is a method of doing it.. but of course requires that the server be run from within the other program (and 2 programs couldn't do it), another option is to read the log files as the server write them, but that would probably mean polling every x seconds or something similarly inefficient...

i have no ideas for an efficient way of passing information between separate programs that would be cross-platform compatible, only ideas i can think of is either Management TCP connections (which don't act as normal clients, just manage the server) which wouldn't really be simple to deal with for all programs (and would be a pain to implement in the server), or of course using files... the files method is being used atm because it is extremely easy for other programs to use files, although not overly efficient the performance loss for the current one-way system is negligible.

Offline GhostShip

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« Reply #167 on: April 10, 2007, 06:40:46 pm »
Cheers for the new release KM  :D

I hope I,m not alone in this suggestion, but isnt it time your avatar got a haircut ?  :lol:

Offline SamSeeSam

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« Reply #168 on: April 10, 2007, 06:49:12 pm »
* Samseesam  hands km his lawnmower
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

Spread the word now :)

Offline Max™

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« Reply #169 on: April 10, 2007, 10:37:16 pm »
ok i know i aint the sharpest pencil in the box, but even i know when it says Download WCS 1.8b10-Win32 it shud download  not just send you to the start page again
and its not my pop-up blocker/browser  turned it off n same result

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Offline James420

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« Reply #170 on: April 11, 2007, 12:00:30 am »
I was able to download it just fine. Loving it, still would be nice to be able to control the servers name. Would make building a program that runs with that new WCS feature all the better. Plus I can think of a few more nice features that could make things easier on us. :/

Offline Max™

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« Reply #171 on: April 11, 2007, 07:02:14 am »
it's ok i worked it out thanks, copied the link and opened it in a seperate window & and it worked, never had to do that before.

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Offline Lagerlout666

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« Reply #172 on: April 14, 2007, 02:18:49 am »
Right avid and i come accross two things choco god.

a) it really dont like you getting anything wrong with the passwords, it crash's it straight away

b) i cant for me life get it to say Blah has logged in????

latest beta 10 anyway bud, i dont know if that pass thing was the same in the old one, will teach me to do it right in first place but it is very unfigiving lol
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Offline Max™

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« Reply #173 on: April 14, 2007, 07:19:41 am »
Hi Tiny,
you probably did but i wonder if you missed the %s on the login bit
Password=*@=YourPassword=#c5#<#c1#$NAME%#c5#> #c1#$TEXT$=%s has logged in!

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« Reply #174 on: April 14, 2007, 04:01:46 pm »
too many % symbols on the announcement text will probably cause a crash, i should probably switch it to use a replace and use $NAME$ or something instead of just passing it to sprintf... but that was just how i did it when i added it, shouldn't imagine it would be a problem as it could only cause crashes by editing the config file (so not a security risk)... i'll probably change it in b11

Offline Lagerlout666

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« Reply #175 on: April 14, 2007, 06:27:30 pm »
ah i see

Password=*@=************=#c8#:::#c1#ÃÐMÌÑ#c8#:::[#c8# %s #c8#] #c1# %s has logged in as Tiny

is what i was trying to do and it would just add the has logged in bit at the end all the time rof.

And KM it was me adjusting the config while the room was open, something i do very little but was bored, didnt expect it to kick out the 14 peeps i had collected lol (14 rof)

So dont worry about it anyway, like you say its not a major thing i should just ask more before tinkering and get it right in the first place.

Thanks max for enlightening me about the $NAME$ $TEXT$ bit i read about that but dint realise that needed implementing to make that bit work Ta bud and thanks KM.
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Offline Victim

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« Reply #176 on: April 15, 2007, 11:03:17 pm »
Great Release KM

Offline Josh

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« Reply #177 on: April 20, 2007, 03:47:57 am »
yay.. woo hoo.. woo...

new wcs beta is out.

WCS 1.8b11 has been released. This has a few bug fixes from b10 (those bugs are like busses, none for ages than 3 all at once) and a few other things.

Note: Anyone using previous betas is strongly recommended to update as one of the bugs is potentially critical (depending on your rooms configuration).

+   Fixed bug with kicking users on linux when sending commands from outside the server
+   Added 0x9908 packet (see below)
+   Fixed weird bug randomly giving users red at the start of it
+   Login announcements can now use $NAME$ and $RAWNAME$ instead of %s for users name
+   Text formats can now use $RAWNAME$ as well as $NAME$
+   Increased security blocks a little to protect from mass connection attacks, and also name spoofing
+   Added option to strip colours from usernames (BlockColourNames=0/1)
+   Fixed minor little bug that would let anyone crash the room in some room configurations

0x9908 Packet just contains a 4 byte IP Address, this can be sent by programs before join request to give different IP. This can be used for proxy type programs to give the users real IP Address for use in the room. For security reasons only accepted from localhost, the NIC Interface= is set to, or the IP Address detected a run time. Only really useful for programmers.

If BlockColourNames=1 is set in the config then colour codes will be removed from a users name when they type, useful for cases where you want the users to be able to us colours in their text, but don't want the coloured usernames.

I also forgot to mention but as of 1.8b8 the ColourCode= and RandomColour= options no longer work, because of this it now accepts both #c?# and #cx# for random colour codes.
- Josh

Offline Victim

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« Reply #178 on: April 21, 2007, 02:29:17 pm »
Nice Work KM.. Yet Another Great Release

Offline nylly444

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« Reply #179 on: April 22, 2007, 05:26:10 pm »
KM: Could you made a distinction between the ability to hide oneself and to hide others in the next release?
I don't especially like being hidden by my fellow admins.... :walk:
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