Another aspect of news on this topic : of the four major labels said some of the $105 million settlement will be shared with artists, but after the RIAA deducts the cost of 5 years of litigation artists are likely to see little, if any of that money.
Almost immediately after last week's announcement by the RIAA and LimeWire that the two had agreed to an out-of-court $105 million settlement to finally bring to the copyright infringement case, questions arose about how the money would be divvied up.
The RIAA’s Senior Vice President of Communications , Jonathan Lamy stated “The record companies have historically shared large litigation recoveries such as the KaZaa settlement with their artists.”
Bob Donnelly, a longtime lawyer for artists told the NY Times that he doesn’t “remember any of my artist's accountants ever saying, ‘Hey, guess what, we got a great bonus this month’.”
In fact, three years ago artists were still looking for a cut from settlement money seven years after the Napster case was settled, and two years after KaZaA
Why does this not surprise anyone

I think we are all able to see why many of the world richest folks are record company executives who can charm politicians with glamour and glitz but most certainly never make much effort to deliver any sort of professional remuneration service to the artists under their corporate umbrella, sure they are great at collecting artists money but folks should never assume the artists ever see all of their share unless they got good lawyers and a double insulated contract.