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Author Topic: RIAA Executives Pay-Fest Revealed  (Read 874 times)

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RIAA Executives Pay-Fest Revealed
« on: May 23, 2011, 11:52:29 pm »
Most of you know when you go to work that you pay taxes, some of you know the RIAA does not as it pretends to be a non profit organisation, but what even fewer sof you will know is just how much the Cartel fat cats get paid, read on to discover...

As a whole bunch of folks have been sending over, RIAA President Cary Sherman made $3.2 million in 2009 -- the highest paid "non-CEO staffer who is a federally registered lobbyist in a tax-exempt organization" by more than double. Meanwhile Hypebot adds in the details that Sherman's official "boss," RIAA CEO Mitch Bainwol made "only" $1.6 million that year. Kinda makes you wonder what exactly the two of them did that deserves that kind of cash. Presided of an industry that's collapsing? Got Congress to pass new laws that didn't help and really only served to make things worse? This seems like pretty strong evidence that the labels, perhaps, should be giving less money to the RIAA. After all, we keep hearing about how the labels don't have enough money to invest in new artists these days.

Its nice to see Mike in his usual good form  8)

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  RIAA Executives Pay-Fest Revealed

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