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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  The Future of WinMX ?

Author Topic: The Future of WinMX ?  (Read 1338 times)

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The Future of WinMX ?
« on: June 04, 2011, 04:36:48 pm »
The bickering regarding WinMX's health has little academic value other than to inflate the egos of individulas who seem to need it.

I merely wish to record that many defenseless people who rely heavily on WinMX are being deprived and frustrated. Have they been forgotten?

Please can these differences be resolved in the interests of the greater Good?

Offline GhostShip

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The Future of WinMX ?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 06:24:37 pm »
I for one am not aware of any of the attackers identites definitively I do however believe the attackers are NB and KM and others they have aided by providing helpful data on how to attack the network, neither of these two folks use winmx any more and merely come here to attack those trying to do there best to keep the folks safe and secure, I actually feel insulted when ppl arrive here to tell me to deal with abusers, I wont ever be doing so on my own behalf as I dont feel thats something anyone can rely on, we have already seen how KM broke his words given in front of hundreds of users, if you wish to deal with him please do so on your own behalf I will hold out for a technical solution as the words of abusers are worth little more than a feather in a storm.

You have my best wishes Galahad if you wish to try to make a peace but there is no negotiating going on here as wmw dont after all run the WPN and I would be suprised if all folks where happy to agree anyone here was able to speak on behalf of all winmx users anyway, we tried to keep the peace and have seen why there never can be any with abusers.

Offline wonderer

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Re: The Future of WinMX ?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 11:29:58 pm »
topic closed?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: The Future of WinMX ?
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2011, 12:23:40 am »
Nothings ever closed Wonderer, I was just making sure folks know my personal position in this and that wmw have tried to negotiate in good faith and the attacks have continued and intensified to attack site staff caches and anyone who speaks against them.

All this despite KM claiming at the time of the deal he would honour it,  I was asked to negotiate with KM, I know him as a one time good friend and fellow winmx supporter and thus I was most likely to be the the best person to get to the facts in the shortest time to reach a settlement with him, that we did so,  unfortunately even while making peaceful noises KM handed around info on the network that empowers those with some skill to inflict damage on the WPN as  I said it would, anyone here can read what I posted at the time and see I have known the damage would be grave all along and its why I,m back around to assist those who took over the site when I officially stepped down, I'm here to stand firm with those folks until this disaster is settled, you all know I haven't ever walked away from doing whats necessary regardless of personal cost, all hands to the pumps includes me even like me or not and the sooner folks work together to rebuild trust and bridges the sooner the cancer of malice amongst us will be expelled.

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