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Author Topic: WinMXWorld's Monopolistic Regme Revealed. GhostShip Beats His Wife!  (Read 6962 times)

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htt p:/   /  thenam drib blogspot. com/2011/06/winmxworld-is-vicious-monopoly ht ml

Offline ']['affy

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Offline GhostShip

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Lol I have to say this is pretty lame and shows just how desperate these parasites have become, today I,m a wife beater and the other day I was a chld porn hoarder I wonder whats next a jihadist ?

Get a life NB.

Offline nylly444

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* nylly444 wonders if Me_Here knows about this?   :o      :lol:

sorry GhostShip, I know it may not seem funny but there's just no way one can take this seriously...

Someone  should spank these immature stupid kids - any volunteers?
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Offline GhostShip

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Most unlikely  :lol:

Its pretty pathetic when those who have not been able to obtain control of the network despite attacking it for weeks seek attention in this way, as well as telling so many lies they put pinocchio to shame, they seem not to understand how the caches are operated by the community and not just wmw, word to the wise liar gather facts first and then ppl might believe some of what you say as atm its clear you really have no idea who does what.

Offline White Stripes

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they seem not to understand how the caches are operated by the community and not just wmw

caches are community.... blocklist is wmw... headerbar/updatebar (thanks eagle! msg..) is wmw.... default patch options are wmw... (ini should never have been self-creating but i digress... back then i was just happy to see the ability to change settings.. tho changing the mainbar url entry has no effect...)

Offline GhostShip

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If you repeat your tests on the pie versions there should be some changes you notice Stripes, to prevent a total collpse of the network if ever wmw fell into enemy hands the pie and wmw versions run from diff locations and these locations can be changed in the ini file.


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Based on this article being the only real source of information I will have to believe it. WinMXWorld never seems to provide any more information besides when they need to defend themselves.

Maybe if you guys were not such secret hypocritical f**ks people would not be as angry.

Offline GhostShip

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Perhaps if you looked at this site and its contents rather than simply came here on a knee jerk reaction to "right the perceived wrongs" you would not be so abusive, what you should be asking yourself is this, you all know me and what I,m about and for a long time now, you have no clue who wrote all that nonsense and why they hide behind proxies and tell easily spotted lies, when you can put a name to this parasite who tells lies then you may have some kind of grounds to get angry but for now can I suggest you talk a walk round the block instead of reacting and reacting badly.

[update] Troll alert:

I notice you yourself are using a proxy, doing so invalidates anything you have to say in my opinion, winmx is a palace of trust amongst the community those who hide their idenities are never winmxers in my experience.

Offline White Stripes

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pie version has a different mainbar url and upnp disabled by default... i know... but i didnt try changing the mainbar url in that version... (both are from the same source so not sure if it would change in that one either).....

blocklist is still wmw tho....

telnet 7930

telnet 7930


all the same...

side note; returns 'connection refused'

Offline GhostShip

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The blocklist is held here no one disputes that, there is a forum section for all community partners to discuss such matters on along with a section for the cache operators and dns operators to converse, ignorance of all this shows that the person making the claims has not been around here for some time as it has all been published at one time or another.

I think the rogue blogger is relying on others not knowing theres a sizable support staff working behind the scenes here to keep things running smoothly for the community and its a fairly open community as we allow access to materials to our partner sites and they in turn bring things to the table that we have an interest in, I dont even need to be here for things to run smoothly as none it it relies on me, anyone that thinks I run this whole place single handedly is deluding themselves maybe nows the time to have a roll call of the staff so you can all see those who put in time effort and their own funds to keep this community alive, thats a role we have taken seriously and worked hard to acheive by building bridges of trust and working hard to show others they can trust us, if the attackers wanted the communities respect its always been there for those who work to improve things for all, I hold no monopoly on hard work and have never claimed to.

Offline bu44er

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At the end of the day, this is getting out of hand. There are a lot of people who are helping either seen or behind the scenes, there intentions are to keep the WPN alive and improve on what we all love.

I just personally hope that everyone who thinks time wasting is more important that solving the issues we face are more important.

Considering the circumstances of the WPN and the fact that people who are working hard will imrpove it, you will all look back in time to come and see that that the thing you have managed is giving yourself a bad reputation and name.
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Offline White Stripes

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there is a forum section for all community partners to discuss such matters on along with a section for the cache operators and dns operators to converse

and those being behind closed doors make ppl suspect ... noone likes a 'hidden power' regardless of what it is....

just giving a different angle to view.... and why they possibly see it like this...

and i can even honestly say... stopping by the forum to see something like '5 users (4 hidden)' isnt exactly the most comforting of things....

do me a favor GS.... logout of your admin account and browse around as a guest.... then as that guest create an account... a regular user account... well.. you can paste urls and see a little more of the forum but for those who 'really want to know' there is still a feel of 'secrecy' to it....

Offline GhostShip

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I have looked at the site many times from work Stripes I agree on the surface its not always reflecting outside what goes on on the inside but this is as we all know a volunteer site there simply is not enough hours in the day to act as a paid servant to those coming here in bad faith to talk down to us.

You know the room folks they work pretty damn hard to deliver good help and to all who ask, and yet recently they have suffered ddos atacks, massive amounts of sometimes obscene and sexually themed abuse and had the room name hijacked by an abuser, if folks come here to WMW or I suspect any other forum or site and help out and do so successfully they reach the inner circle as they have earned much respect and a place at the table, thats the same in government the work place and even in prison, showing commitment to helping the members has always been the route to taking part in the running of a community, any community works the same and its pretty impractical for any of the support staff to wish to put there heads out from behind the walls when abuse is all that many of them see of the senior members like myself.

Some folks wont accept simply reaping the bad will they sow.

Offline White Stripes

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if the people already at the table .... or even one person in particular... is disliked by many others there wont be a desire to befriend (or kiss the right ass as some may view it) or 'earn respect' of them... ....they will use other methods....

my gut thinks this will get worse... much much worse... before it gets even remotely better...


[n. proh-test; v. pruh-test, proh-test]
an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid: a protest against increased taxation.
Commerce . a.
a formal notarial certificate attesting the fact that a check, note, or bill of exchange has been presented for acceptance or payment and that it has been refused.
the action taken to fix the liability for a dishonored bill of exchange or note.
a formal notarial certificate attesting the fact that a check, note, or bill of exchange has been presented for acceptance or payment and that it has been refused.
the action taken to fix the liability for a dishonored bill of exchange or note.
Law . a.
(upon one's payment of a tax or other state or city exaction) a formal statement disputing the legality of the demand.
a written and attested declaration made by the master of a ship stating the circumstances under which some damage has happened to the ship or cargo, or other circumstances involving the liability of the officers, crew, etc.
(upon one's payment of a tax or other state or city exaction) a formal statement disputing the legality of the demand.
a written and attested declaration made by the master of a ship stating the circumstances under which some damage has happened to the ship or cargo, or other circumstances involving the liability of the officers, crew, etc.
–verb (used without object)
to give manifest expression to objection or disapproval; remonstrate.
to make solemn or earnest declaration.
–verb (used with object)
to make a protest or remonstrance against; object to.
to say in protest or remonstrance.
to declare solemnly or earnestly; affirm; assert.

1350–1400;  (noun) Middle English  < Middle French  ( French protêt ), derivative of protester  to protest < Latin prōtestārī  to declare publicly, equivalent to prō-  pro-1   + testārī  to testify, derivative of testis  a witness; (v.) late Middle English protesten  < Middle French protester

—Related forms
pro·test·a·ble, adjective
pro·test·er, pro·tes·tor, noun
pro·test·ing·ly, adverb
pro·test·ive, adjective
half-pro·test·ed, adjective

5.   complain. 6.   asseverate, avow, aver, attest. See declare.

1.   approval. 5.  approve.


coup d'é·tat
[koo dey-tah; Fr. koo dey-ta]
–noun, plural coups d'é·tat
[koo dey-tahz; Fr. koo dey-ta]
a sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force.
1640–50;  < French:  literally, stroke concerning the state

overthrow, rebellion, revolution, uprising.


noun, plural -nies,  verb, -nied, -ny·ing. 
revolt or rebellion against constituted authority, especially by sailors against their officers.
rebellion against any authority.
–verb (used without object)
to commit the offense of mutiny; revolt against authority.

1560–70;  obsolete mutine  to mutiny (< Middle French mutiner,  derivative of mutin  mutiny; see mutineer) + -y3

—Related forms
pre·mu·ti·ny, noun, plural -nies;  verb (used with object), -nied, -ny·ing.

2.  uprising, overthrow, coup, takeover.

(all sourced from )

Offline GhostShip

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Nice off topic post :/

Eat a decent meal and look around at those who whine and hide in the shadows badmouthing, they do not have the courage of their ill conceived convictions.

I'm disappointed you take such malicious gossip so seriously, its also a disappointment to me that you repeat what "others" say and yet lose your critical faculties in determining why they said it, I also see you have no care for the abuse of users and staff here, spreading gossip seems more fun eh.

Offline White Stripes

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gossip? it was a direct response to your post....

to sum up you said ppl have to earn it... i said some ppl would rather take it should they not like the ppl that it has to be earned from...

dunno whats off topic or gossip.... TL;DR?

In response to this monopolistic nonsense, it's just that, nonsense. If people want to connect to the network, having nothing to do with winmxworld they merely have to look past the first few responses when they google for winmx.

As for the analogy about those at the table, if people don't like those seated at the table then go to another table.

Frankly, the people in this inner circle help me run the site and the help room. They have earned their place there simply by continuously helping keep things going and not running away at the first sign of things getting difficult.

As for Ghostship, I don't know what else he can do. I for one am quite glad he's chosen to come back to help with an effort to find a solution. I know it's not all kittens and roses, I know Ghostship is a grumpy pain in the posterior sometimes. He and I don't see eye to eye on quite a few issues. However the thing we can agree on is that we (as in the whole community) need to do something, so he is doing what he can.
I just wish I had the skills or knowledge to be more helpful instead of just answering a few forum posts and hanging around in a few helprooms.

Offline Lagerlout666

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What gets me is, if we are so monopolistic, use another patch.

Theirs, sabre
theirs merlins
pri had a setup
oh and thiers us.

1 of 5 that i have fired of quick without going checking, im sure their is more, considering anyone can modify the ini file and set up themselves if they want too. Christ if your so scared of our blocklist, go to ares or something. No blocklists over their. A whole ton of fake files and sue your arse but no evil blocklists that have kept you safe on winmx for the last 4 odd years.

The Solution to 99% of winmx problems        -ONLINE again YAY!!!!!! :D

Praise's daily at the church of "Kopimi"

Offline White Stripes

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heh... easiest way around the blocklist is just use the ws2_32.dll on the page... just a 'passthough' ment for fixing old (no longer developed) toys but works fine with mx and has no list ;)

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