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Author Topic: Me Here Supervisor  (Read 5388 times)

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Me Here Supervisor
« on: November 22, 2005, 04:04:58 pm »
Wow is that your photo?

I,m a silly billy and my IP is and I like to post rude things on the forum so my post has been edited to show how stupid I really am.

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« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2005, 11:17:26 am »
Do i smell the evil Nazi smell of Censorship? nah i must be mistaken, that would never happen on this forum.  :D

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« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2005, 01:06:38 pm »
Nobby that post was edited to remove content that was not only personally instulting to me, but also would have made hard core sailors blush.. :oops:

This forum has never said that the freedom of speech is to include dirty comments that have nothing to do with WinMX.  This site is a WinMX Help Site, we dont have a cesspool and make claims that freedom of speech are the moral standards the site was built on and then edit the posts.  

We make no bones about it, if a poster insists on posting material that is not WinMX related, or has foul language it will be edited, deleted or terminated.

If it continues to be a problem the users IP will be banned.

If anyone has a problem with this policy ( which has been in place since day one of this site) please do let me know.

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« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2005, 01:34:00 pm »
i have no problem with the policy of this site, i like this site its well run and full of good info, but its also only fair to point out the double standard.....

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« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2005, 02:52:20 pm »
I fail to see the double standard Nobby,

If we had made claims about these virtues being what this site is based on then I might see this.  Some sites have built themselves on this and thats great if they maintain it.

If I post on a site that claims to not delete or render my posts in the name of freedom of speech, then find them altered and deleted thats a double standard.

Again this site has never made this claim.

I dont mean to argue the point with you really Nobby, but the above seems a more true definition of a double standard in my opiniion.

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« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2005, 12:36:26 pm »
A double standard exists when party A complain intensly about the actions of party B, then go right ahead and do the same thing.

Hence 1 standard for the other, another for yourself, hence double standard.

Double Standard

a rule or principle applied more strictly to some people more than others (or oneself). - The Concise Oxford English Dictionary

Clear as day.

Offline Bearded Blunder

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« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2005, 12:56:38 pm »
I fail to see it Nobby..

party a complains party b is not living up to theiir own claimed standards

party a never claimed those standards themselves

there is no double standard in this, only if a had claimed them too

the broken standard here is not living up to ones own claims
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« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2005, 02:26:33 pm »
Your trying to force the definiation of a double standard to mean more than it does.

a rule or principle applied more strictly to some people more than others (or oneself). - The Concise Oxford English Dictionary

lets break it down:

a rule or prinicipal - that post editing is censorship and unacceptable to several of the site admins here.

applied more strictly to some people - By way of demands and threats on Vladds forum.

more than other (or oneself) - not applied at all by the same site admins here.

It cant be more of a double standard if it tried, fits the meaning perfectly. You can try to add what you wish, the actually meaning as laid down in the dictionary is as it is.

If you chose to argue with this, feel free, but take it up with the Concise Oxford English Dictionary people, i only used the definition they laid down.

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« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2005, 04:29:10 pm »
Still don't see it, the rule

"Censorship is unnaceptable HERE" broken by those who made it

complained about by those that OBSERVED it..

It's IRRELEVENT that they run one WITHOUT such a self proclaimed principle or rule, their COMPLAINT is valid, no double standards involved..

Someone broke their own rule & was called on it.. that who called them on it had no such rule themselves is COMPLETELY irrelevent..

Simple logic:  ONE standard.. keeping of your OWN rules, something I've not observed broken HERE.. they may be DIFFERENT rules.. but they're KEPT.
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« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2005, 04:44:00 pm »
you refer to something of a different meaning, i refered only to the Double Standard, which i have defined and proven.....

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« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2005, 07:17:51 pm »
Your logic in your "proof" doesn't hold up though, it's like if I met a vegetarian friend in macdonalds, & they were eating a big mac, if I were to point out their moral fibre was suspect as a result of them breaking their moral code, I would be guilty of no double standards EVEN if I then order & eat the same.. I am NOT a vegetarian...
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« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2005, 10:35:38 pm »
That is an excellent analogy Beareded.  Maybe that will make it clearer and easier to understand.

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« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2005, 10:39:23 am »
as i have already pointed out, your taking the meaning of the term Double standard, and expanding it, do as you will, the meaning is cast in stone, adapt it how you wish it doesnt change my point or the meaning of the term.

And Ghost, you pointed out my comments about topics other than winmx werent welcome, you will notice this thread isnt about winmx, so why would i try and change it?

If you dont like the thread being on a topic other than winmx, why not simply delete the first post rather than censor it and leave it open for others to comment.

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« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2005, 11:09:06 am »
Nobby I observed that the poster had made disgusting sexual references and left that post to shame the user into acting reasonbly.
I hope you share my wish to keep the site accessible to a broad range of users of all age groups.

Your interest in something that really is of minor interest to winmxworld users leaves me to asssume you have other motives for drawing attention to the subject..

As you are aware and have been informed repeatedly our small team here is busy conducting anti flooding operations and general help and research, so for you to waste our valuable time over hair splitting and word play suggests to me you do not have the interests of winmx at heart.

Please solve the problem of helping users get flood protection, that to me is more relevant than asking me to compile a boring list of tit for tat allegations that help no one.

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« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2005, 11:27:56 am »
The post was edited for the benefit of the original poster, obviously.

Your the one the either didnt see that or just saw an opportunity to launch it into a topic about vladds site.

By the way your also the one that decided it was a "double standard", then seem to have tried to twist the situation at hand to fit that meaning.

Of late Nobby I dont see you post the help you once did here, not that its required but you never miss an chance to try to twist something into being about Vladd's site verses WinMXWorld.  But rather then move on for the future of WinMX you spend your days looking through posts here that you can then turn around and into another issue to argue over.  Thats too bad because your a knowledgeable person with much to offer. And of course this isnt Vladds site.  Coming here and posting more definitions of Double Standards will not make it any more so.

I would much rather spend my time talking to you regarding WinMX issues and not personal ones.

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« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2005, 02:02:33 pm »

I like you and Mehere and even KM (although he has no sense of humour, lol thats a programmer thing i guess), you clearly work hard for winmx, as does KM, and a few others over here.

The way you conduct yourselves on this forum, is excellent, you help many many users, and for that you should be applauded.

But, im not too sure what happens to nice normal decent folks, but you seem to regularly stop by Vladds forum, with a Demand, a flame, a threat, etc etc

I dont know why you do it, but it annoys the HELL outta me when you do, and then when i very simply illustrate the problems you have caused and the time you have wasted(flame demo from a while back on this forum) or point out a double standard, you seem to think im going out on a limb to cause problems, i am simply responding in kind and hoping you will see the error of your method and amend it. This has had some succes with you in the past, but its not desirable or pretty, and you seem to manage to bring out the worst in me with such tactics.

Some of the threads you have created on that forum have done alot of damage causing users to loose faith in Winmx, if you review the private messages i have exchanged with you Ghost and much of the discussions you will find most of it very polite, supportive, constructive, creative, and understanding etc It was your choice to wage a campaign against Vladd, Mxpie etc including stupid petitions, personal attacks etc  As i have said in private messages to you Ghost, i understand some of your frustrations, and was fully willing to assist getting answers, agreements and forging solid relations between the 2 groups, i have even posted an invite for you to email a specific list of Q's i garenteed i would ensure all your concerns were fully answered, you chose to ignore that offer, and for some reason you chose to create a Bad Publicity machine, as you see, this did little to stop, change, prevent, shape Mxpie, and i doubt it did anything to promote the .dll patch, what i am sure of, it did massive damage to the network, publically showing infighting, this was a mistake. It was from this point forward you placed our till that point good relationship under strain.

I would enjoy nothing more than to renew our contructive relationship of the past and i am happy to draw a line under recent exchanges and move on.

That said, i will not sit back while you create demand based threads and insult ppl, its up to you, if you wish to change your tactic to stop this flame fuel i will be happy to forget and move on, if you continue your recent tactic, you can be assured i will continue to respond in kind.

The recent ATTN PIE TEAM thread, needless, pointless, offensive in some part, and flame fuel as you can see, perhaps had you contacted me or one of the others, we could actually have debated the subject sensibly and worked out how best to address each parties concerns, i cant garentee MXpie would or will agree to your approach, but i do garentee you will get heard much more clearly when u use the right approach. Perhaps it could even be suggested your approach in some cases has damaged your credabilty, and thats not good for someone who manages the "only" up to date IP block list. I beleive the approach required is called dimplomacy, you will find in matters such as face us, it goes a long way.

If i wished to address a concern over the .dll, i would at least attempt to contact yourself, Mehere or KM, to discuss it rather than offer it up in an advasarial manner for all to flame.

I hope you take my points and respond in the spirit it was intended.

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« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2005, 05:40:11 pm »
I see your true agenda shows through once again Nobby.

You have made far too many accusations/flames in this one post to warrant any sort of rational reply.

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« Reply #17 on: November 26, 2005, 02:15:08 pm »
lol ok Ghost, if i make a valid point im a flamer, if i offer to draw i line under things it doesnt warrent a reply, ok we can continue to play the games by your rules, shame.

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« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2005, 12:08:59 am »
My rules are simple Nobby respect folks and work towards helping Winmx users.
You will not play here if your sole intention is to disrupt the work here of helping folks please understand this.

I have a responsibility to the users to provide help and advice, you are free to profer your advice as are the rest of the pie team, if you feel wasting our help time is gaining you anything I feel sorry for you Nobby.

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« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2005, 08:22:54 am »
only thing you should feel sorry for me over, is the amount of time i have wasted responding to firstly questions, then more questions, then some flames, then some attacks, the some demands, etc etc  As i have illustrated for you here and posted many times, THIS IS A WASTE OF TIME, please adopt a more positive and respectful method of addressing your concerns, i dont wish to see more negative winmx publicity posted.

As i said above, if you just thought about the consequences prior to making overly dramatic threads, then we could all get along just dandy.

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