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Author Topic: What's happen to WinMx  (Read 30331 times)

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Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2011, 07:56:31 pm »
Hey Stripes, thanks for the reply! I had already mentioned the updates you just listed in my post except for the chunk transfer method you described. I said, i would be fine without it.  You just went into more detail, and described specifics when I was just mentioning the areas that I believe are critical for WinMx to update.  I would be ok with the chunk transfer method you just described, but I also like the current transfer method because I like trading files as well. I never leach as i'm sure most around here have heard me ranting recently about being really tired of all the leaches. I think something must be done about this issue so if the chunk transfer method solves that then so be it, but I think there could be other options for solving this weakness in the protocol as well.  So i guess for the most part we do want to see the same thing as far as the future of the WinMx client, and Network go.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2011, 09:33:28 pm »
Allenx, you are purposefully overlooking the fact this is a WinMX support site not a general filesharing site, I have asked you at least three times now to stop advertising other p2p nets here, take the hint and respect our commitment to this network and not just any old place where you can obtain files, its not all about files for most users its the hundreds of friends they have here, I have asked you nicely please stop your unhelpful activity.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned winmx is decentralised since your post just like limewire but unlike limewire with peer block we feel its best you don't block 1/3 of the entire internet because some yo-yos at blutak are too lazy to check the IPs after initially adding them to a blocklist.
Limewire is simply one client on a larger network (gnutella) and that network is regularly scanned by the cartels goons for easy meat, your deluding yourself if you think your activities are being hidden especially as the gnutella protocol is in some respects worse that that used by winmx.


hes talking about them going from letting ppl record their live concerts with tape recorders (and then sharing those recordings) to their drummer going nuts and suing the original napster off the face of the planet....

it wasn't off topic... it was quite relevant.... ...ppl who once loved the 'sharing' idea now trying to wipe mx off the web....

I still don't see what metallica and this site have in common btw even your explanation of Alllenx's diatribe seems pretty flawed since wmw are not attacking the network and thus your own explanation also fails to make sense.

It really pains me to have to have my time wasted by folks who want to leave winmx and think they can drag the rest of the community that's left down with them, it didn't work for KM in 2007 and it wont work for anyone else, accept that and move on if you must, we will miss you for sure but we have hope and faith in a solution and that's worth holding on till its delivered.

Nothing here is done for selfish reasons but on morals and principals and we will not be bullied or threatened into handing users security over to anyone, that includes mis-advising folks as to the safety of other p2p nets.

There are some pretty safe ones I agree but limewire is not one of those.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2011, 10:02:45 pm »
trading is leeching... you are giving preference to a downloader rather than keeping things even...

cant have your cake and eat it too (but you can send that file you want to 'trade' via an im service)

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2011, 10:06:42 pm »
I still don't see what metallica and this site have in common btw even your explanation of Alllenx's diatribe seems pretty flawed since wmw are not attacking the network and thus your own explanation also fails to make sense.

the attackers not wmw... non sequitur?

btw, if you dont want ppl 'wasing your time' dont reply... there are non-retired site admin for that...

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2011, 11:54:59 pm »
If you wish to be rude Stripes I would prefer you did it somewhere else, there are enough children running amok as it is.

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2011, 12:18:33 am »
trading is leeching... you are giving preference to a downloader rather than keeping things even...

cant have your cake and eat it too (but you can send that file you want to 'trade' via an im service)
I don't see it that way since I always have at least 2 other upload queues available for anyone without receiving any file in return. I rarely trade, but I like having the option to do so. The majority of the time it's the other person making the request, and I start them without taking any file in return. The only time I don't start them is when I'm out of bandwidth, and I always let them know. I see nothing wrong with what i'm doing.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline allenx1966

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2011, 12:50:23 am »
 to GS
There are some pretty safe ones I agree but limewire is not one of those.

 Have you used the new pirate version I spoke of?
Bottom line, LW is working, Winmx is not. Your principals of file sharing and morals are great, until it hits your own back yard. Anyone that believes in total freedom of information and file sharing, should NOT have any problem with anyone sharing info. I never once claimed that LW was without risk. The difference is,Winmx has no risk at the moment, cause it doesn't work! Your philosophy is like a car with no motor on bricks in the back yard, but you claim to have a better safety record than my car that gets driven everyday.
   The Metallica ref is relevant. Lars loved the free spirited rebel side of the band and was not about making money, then he got taken in by the love of money, turned on file sharers with a rebel attitude. You love the right to share and exchange ideas, until it is something that goes against what YOU believe, then its "how dare you" .   Its the same attitude that caused at least 2/3's of Metallica fans to lose respect and love of the band.
   Wanting to shut me up, a long time supporter of WINMX, goes against everything WINMX stands for to begin with.
 Bash me again, I don't mind, enough people here understand where I am coming from. Just please do me one simple favor, before you trash LW anymore, be sure to answer the question "have you used the 5.6.2 pirate version yet?" . If you try it with peerblock, and your pride gets out of the way, you will see and understand my willingness to share the info on this forum.
  I don't know who is working on what, to fix winmx, but the best way to get this forum back on track is to get it fixed and working, bottom line. Arguing with me about other clients is doing nothing to fix winmx. I don't wish for winmx to be over, but i see no indication that any real progress is being made.

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2011, 03:51:13 am »
We need more coders with expertise in needed areas to accomplish our goal. I think we should try to remain constructive in our post or not say anything at all. That goes for everyone including myself.  If you can't code like myself then I guess the best thing to do  is just keep an eye out for coders that may be interested in such a task.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline allenx1966

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2011, 06:03:11 am »
I still see nothing wrong with sharing ideas and info on a forum that was created to protect the right to share. It makes me feel like being a retard sent into a round room and told to hide in the corner.

Offline reef

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2011, 06:59:55 am »
I still see nothing wrong with sharing ideas and info on a forum that was created to protect the right to share. It makes me feel like being a retard sent into a round room and told to hide in the corner.

Nobody is trying to make you feel that way allen lol. Some folks are ready to throw in the towel, some already have, but most of us are trying to adapt and use winmx whichever way we can.Recently i've seen users say their transfers and queues are even higher than before the attacks, sure it's a pain in the ass for the time being, but staying positive and awaiting a fix is all we can really do at this time. Many are frustrated,angry and upset,but this community is a lot stronger than given credit for and people are holding on and adapting. I think what upsets ghost is that people (everybody with a passion for winmx) are fighting to hold this network together, and it would be easy to ditch ole winmx and find something else, but wouldn't that mean the attackers have accomplished what they set out to do? When the going gets tough the tough get going, and that doesnt mean by throwing in the towel and giving up something that we all love to use and find so much enjoyment in. People are fragile at this moment and awaiting something great to happen and i think many of us believe it will happen, it's just a matter of time. Thats why it's called winmxworld, and not p2p world or torrent world or limewire world, we're all here to support winmx. Never give up :)

Toad is still fighting  :lol: :canadian:

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2011, 09:03:47 am »
@gs; ill take it that one-liner finally ment you caught the reference... stubborn old goat :P

@allenx; lot of pride on this forum, like reef said they dont want the attackers to win so the 'L' word and the 'T' word are bad words here... odd i know....

@achilles; i was referring to the traders that must have a download running from the person they are uploading to and cut off the download if the upload gets there sooner.... its built into mxmoni to do that.... what you describe is just starting a friend... not the typical winmx 'trade' .... or even trading in general for that matter...

@reef; hate to say it but count me in as one of those who've fully thrown in the towel... uninstalled mx and deleted about 400mb of incomplete files that werent going anywhere (no sources)... id rather a search function that worked (even if its not mx) than to play 'custers last stand' with some disgruntled attackers....

@gs again; you mentioned p2p that you would consider safe but mentioned no names.... considering the exodus will continue regardless of the wishes of the 'hardcore' users would... you be willing to list those p2p for those who do wish to leave but you would rather be safe? (the 'L' word and 'T' word cause you to get upset but ive mentioned ares soulseek and opennap several times here without causing too much of a stirr...)

@all readers; i cant help but wonder what the folks in the land of the rising sun (which at least at one point made up roughly 60% of the userbase of mx) think of all this... (on one forum at least there are japanese mx users looking into ... er... the 'T' word...)

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2011, 08:28:06 pm »
            If my memory serves me right it was KMs insisting that the attacks were to help our Japanese users that started all this. Strange how it seems to have strayed away from that aim now, but as the current attackers don't have the guts to honestly state what their aim is we can only assume they enjoy seeing winmx users struggle and that's the satisfaction that they get from what they are doing. ....... Sad isn't it.

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2011, 06:10:13 am »
I don't remember Japanese users launching an attack like this.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2011, 09:32:37 am »
they didnt... they are just chess pieces in this 'game' like the rest of those still on the wpn network...

Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2011, 11:21:46 am »
I think they're in the same boat as the rest of us, caught up in these attacks.

Many nationalities are represented on winmx.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2011, 08:42:43 pm »
There is no game, there are no players, there are simply cowardly attackers and the general community, I for one resent the implication anyone outside of the attackers cronies has any control or influence over the actions of these criminals, by peddling that falsehood you simply aid in dividing the community, is this your aim ?

Offline White Stripes

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #36 on: July 06, 2011, 10:38:21 pm »
divide? no... just would rather them be someplace safe... you've said over and over again that winmx is safe... tell that to the chat server hosts... esp the ones who lost their hosting services or got 'nastygrams' in the mail (be it paper mail or electronic mail)....

the 'community' moving as a whole someplace else would be the most desirable outcome...

Offline ~*~SELENA~*~

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2011, 03:32:36 am »
divide? no... just would rather them be someplace safe... you've said over and over again that winmx is safe... tell that to the chat server hosts... esp the ones who lost their hosting services or got 'nastygrams' in the mail (be it paper mail or electronic mail)....

the 'community' moving as a whole someplace else would be the most desirable outcome...

Sorry gs you and i have been friends for years but this time i have to say i'm done my bandwith has been maxed out to the point i am going to end up spending money i just cant afford to spend it's either eat or mx and i choose to eat. my room is offline and will stay that way until we have a plan to attack back or fold either way. Stripes I'm with you. Right now we need a safe haven and we need it fast before we end up losing what little mx we have left, if we can find neutral ground to gather at to stay together at least when she is back up and running we can come back home. Until then we have no other choice. there isnt much left to do and I for one am not going to sit around and get a nasty anything from anyone because of some childish nonsence yet again.
you will remember me as ~*~SELENA~*~ in 2005 on this forum....Room Owner MUSIC @ ThE Studio
 Long live Karaoke Colors (ex admin), we miss you Ele!!!

Offline achilles

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2011, 03:38:03 am »
So are you only here Stripes to convince everyone to move on to something else now? I mean.. you said you don't even use WinMx anymore.  Do you not ever plan on using WinMx again even if it's fixed? It sounds like you have gave up all hope, and don't believe WinMx will ever be fixed. In reading your last few post it sounds as though you want to convince everyone to stop using WinMx now.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline ~*~SELENA~*~

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Re: What's happen to WinMx
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2011, 03:59:59 am »
So are you only here Stripes to convince everyone to move on to something else now? I mean.. you said you don't even use WinMx anymore.  Do you not ever plan on using WinMx again even if it's fixed? It sounds like you have gave up all hope, and don't believe WinMx will ever be fixed. In reading your last few post it sounds as though you want to convince everyone to stop using WinMx now.

@achillies have you seen what's going on? i've lost not one server 2 mine and my sons one in nj one in texas, my sons blew up cause of the high traffic it took out his router as well, it nearly took out mine, 2 i run a 10 meg connection that was nearly maxed out, i cant search i cant speak i cant even go on the network without being hit and you want me to sit and do what? let them attack me while i wait for my home to be fixed? Sorry i'm not putting myself in any position after what i know is going on and who started it. There's a lot more alot LOT more going on that no one but gs myself and stripes know of and km himself and i for one have one thing to say i need a message brought to km himself. will he stop this garbage if i leave for good, the deal is i go if he stops and i dont just mean the attacks i mean all of it, the attacks on innocent people the thrashing of ip's of people not involved. The network taking the attack for no reason. Will it stop if its yes i'm gone if not i'll be on the side lines with stripe trying to figure out what we can use to keep what little of mx is left together so when she is fixed we can come back home.
you will remember me as ~*~SELENA~*~ in 2005 on this forum....Room Owner MUSIC @ ThE Studio
 Long live Karaoke Colors (ex admin), we miss you Ele!!!

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