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Author Topic: Sands thru the hour glass  (Read 7215 times)

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Offline cuttingedge

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Sands thru the hour glass
« on: July 17, 2011, 09:34:08 pm »
I was a Napster nut from the beginning! It was great. New music flowed like water in my house every night. I knew it wouldn't last! Soon the court cases flew, RIAA up n arms, and the program shut down. Some time later I talked to a net nut friend turned me on to an almost identical interface, and winMX became a household name!
Thousands of files later, I met Smitty. We became fast friends and Mod for Smittys Tavern. Helping people with their MX complications when the very first round of attacks took place. I was also running slavanap "Rock me P2P" helping the free media movement in my every spare moment! Smitty was a great problem solver and technical guy, but I think it became more than he knew what to do with. He had a full time job, a new baby, and not enough time to dedicate to the cause.
 I come here now and again to pay my respects to the great ones who keep this alive (you know who you are!)  I myself am now just another secondary connection amongst all the other sheep searching for another good patch a MX grass to graze on LOL! I have never even tried to use anything else, never needed to! Because winMX is a truly unstoppable force fed by WE THE PEOPLE!

Rock On MX Heads!


Offline tower

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2011, 11:09:38 am »
I used to be a regular seed or source of music oldies on WinMX but sadly I just can not get anyone to connect now all my machines are running Windows 7.   I can connect and download as a secondary but with a 100mbps down and a whopping 4mbps upload fibre optic internet connection sadly can not get any peers or leeches to download from me.   I am an advanced user and I have reported this problem before some years ago when windows 7 first came out.   Has anything come of this, or is WinMX destined to die off as the users of pre windows 7 operating systems get less and less.   WinMX runs fine on XP, with tweaks fine on Vista, but nothing I do can persuade it to run properly on Windows 7 64 bit in the primary mode.   I connect, have up to 7 primary servers hooked up, but not one person ever downloads from me, so guess my sands of time have run out sigh... and one of the largest classic oldies audio collections will never be back on WinMX.    Rigmar Radio
Kind regards,   Tom.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 02:55:54 pm »
I used to be a regular seed or source of music oldies on WinMX but sadly I just can not get anyone to connect now all my machines are running Windows 7.   I can connect and download as a secondary but with a 100mbps down and a whopping 4mbps upload fibre optic internet connection sadly can not get any peers or leeches to download from me.   I am an advanced user and I have reported this problem before some years ago when windows 7 first came out.   Has anything come of this, or is WinMX destined to die off as the users of pre windows 7 operating systems get less and less.   WinMX runs fine on XP, with tweaks fine on Vista, but nothing I do can persuade it to run properly on Windows 7 64 bit in the primary mode.   I connect, have up to 7 primary servers hooked up, but not one person ever downloads from me, so guess my sands of time have run out sigh... and one of the largest classic oldies audio collections will never be back on WinMX.    Rigmar Radio

if youve not tried it... right click > compatibility tab > run as admin ...

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 09:54:08 pm »
has to be a setting somewhere, winmx runs fine on win7-64 pro here, dammit, all the leeches seem to know it

set a static IP, run as Admin, set Port Forwarding, default ports even

Put your library in a folder other than default, in fact, other than C:\ drive, and incomings also into a new folder, then point winmx to both locations as appropriate

Lengthen all the timeouts (which is almost standard regardless of O/S)

Make sure other PC's in the house running MX use different ports, different LAN IP's and only 1 can run as Primary
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Offline tower

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 08:10:06 pm »
has to be a setting somewhere, winmx runs fine on win7-64 pro here, dammit, all the leeches seem to know it

set a static IP, run as Admin, set Port Forwarding, default ports even

Put your library in a folder other than default, in fact, other than C:\ drive, and incomings also into a new folder, then point winmx to both locations as appropriate

Lengthen all the timeouts (which is almost standard regardless of O/S)

Make sure other PC's in the house running MX use different ports, different LAN IP's and only 1 can run as Primary

Thank you for the prompt reply.   I have a dynamic IP, like most it changes every time I log in to my ISP.   I do not have any ports blocked and other P2P software and ALL BIT TORRENT software runs OK.  Just WinMX refuses to let me be a primary connection.   I think I am done here, this has been going on for years and no one has managed to solve this major problem for the end user.   I have also changed ISP's and even continents to no avail.   Has anyone got the source code so they can update it for nPNP UDP and dynamic IP address's ??
Kind regards,   Tom.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 08:56:14 pm »
static internal (inside the router) not static external (isp)....

frontcode took the source code to winmx when it closed in 2k5... theres no way to change the main client however the 'community patch' does have upnp functionality.....

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 10:21:25 pm »
What exactly do you mean ?

Has anyone got the source code so they can update it for nPNP UDP and dynamic IP address's ??

The network is a decentralised one and features all these things already, did you mean using UDP for something else ?

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 10:55:37 pm »
Tower, exactly what hardware exists between your PC and the fibre-optic internet that you have, and the rest of us dream of?
Having a Static IP as provided by your ISP makes no difference, but at the interface, there is normally a device that translates from your www IP to a LAN IP, and the output side of that we can control, thats where we talk of a static IP

Most people use a router as the interface device, and if you dont already have one, it might be recommended, to achieve the LAN network addressing that is needed. The router would need to be connected as the first device inside your home/office, with the fibre-optic modem connected to the line-input terminal, then all PC's connected to the front ports.

We then give each PC a static IP to suit the numbers used by the router itself, and away we go!
What you think is important is rarely urgent
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Offline cuttingedge

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2011, 12:54:21 am »
Tower, exactly what hardware exists between your PC and the fibre-optic internet that you have, and the rest of us dream of?
Having a Static IP as provided by your ISP makes no difference, but at the interface, there is normally a device that translates from your www IP to a LAN IP, and the output side of that we can control, thats where we talk of a static IP

Most people use a router as the interface device, and if you dont already have one, it might be recommended, to achieve the LAN network addressing that is needed. The router would need to be connected as the first device inside your home/office, with the fibre-optic modem connected to the line-input terminal, then all PC's connected to the front ports.

We then give each PC a static IP to suit the numbers used by the router itself, and away we go!

I believe there is a difference between a static IP and a dynamic IP. Static IP addressing is for one customer on one IP address and Dynamic IP addressing assigns a different IP address each time the ISP customer logs on to their computer, but this is dependent upon the Internet Service Provider because some ISP's only change the IP address as they deem it necessary.
I still dont think that ether one should have a problem connecting you could have a different IP every time you log on to winMx,
should make no difference. Unless the IP changes during the period logged on! Then it would drop the connection.....
I wonder if the ISP is blocking well known P2P apps. But he did not say who his ISP was. I think from what tower is saying, sounds like he knows his zeros and ones quite well.....And he also says he can connect as a secondary.
My best guess is the problem lies with the ISP. 


Offline cuttingedge

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Re: Sands thru the hour glass
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2011, 01:02:46 am »
Dont let your talents and collection waste away Tower, host for Open nap. I am sure there a few oldies organisations that would love to have you! 


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