Right i thought i would post this here. As their are plenty of ubuntu folks having probs with the 6100 series of nvidia onboard graphics, this works on 8.10 intrepid and the new 9.04 jaunty.
Ok follow on

1. Click System, Administration, and then Synaptic Package Manager.
Put in your password and wait a few seconds for it too load.
In the search box at the top type NVIDIA
Unselect any "NVIDIA binary Xorg driver development" wrote in the description, ie currently their is
Also scroll down and remove any that have -Source on the end
2.Next go to http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=1990290
and download the driver that you require 64bit or 32bit and choose PKG1
Store the file on your desktop.
3.Write these down as thats what i found easyer.
You will be asked to login again, type your login and password.
Then type:
sudo killall gdm
You will be asked to enter your password yet again lol and this will kill gnome.
Then type:
cd Desktop
This will take you to the folder desktop
Now type:
sudo sh NVIDIA*
dont forget the *
Now it should start the installation process, now this told me i had a version installed, but i know i took it ouut of synaptic, so its prob finding some mess left somewhere. it also told me a few bits wernt found which required me to just click ok, and create kernals and skip unfound directory's etc. At the end it asks would you like to let it create the xorg, i just clicked yes.
It puts you back to the black screen at the end,
just type:
sudo reboot
The machine will reboot and blam i finally wasnt stuck on vesa in 800X600 graphics.
Bare in mind the 185.18.04 drivers are not yet approved by the linux folks, but looking at how many are suffering this issue I imagine it wont be long before they add it. But just so you can get cube and compiz working, and its a millions times better, and be sat on vesa or worse with the 2 pixel line at the top, which i also had appear 99% of the time this will get you past it