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Pirate Party Make Gains In Berlin
« on: September 20, 2011, 05:22:22 am »
Whilst they have been rather quite in many countries the German pirate party has enjoyed a much needed publicity boost.

The Pirate Party scored a nice victory a few years ago, having two of its members elected to the European Parliament, but despite a few tries, it had not been able to elect anyone to various state or federal legislatures... until now.

The German Pirate Party was apparently able to secure nearly 9% of the vote in the latest Berlin state parliamentary elections, which should translate into 15 seats in the Berlin Parliament. While many who don't understand the Pirate Party platform think it's just about file sharing, the fact is that more and more young people are recognizing that digital freedom is an important issue.

This is always good news for those urging reforms of unjust copyright laws and demanding fair opposition to those media monopolist companies that attempt to force the public to pay their "civil claim" legal expenses pleading poverty whilst they continue to rake in overly large profits for themselves.

If you have some time and you would like to work at getting some fresh faces into politics then look here

If you want to help turn back bad laws you have to help make it happen folks or put simply,  your voices all count, but only as long as you use them.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Pirate Party Make Gains In Berlin

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