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Spotify And Facebook Intergration Perils
« on: September 30, 2011, 06:22:27 am »
In the haste to grant itself access to a large slice of the social networking market Spotfy seem to have confused many Facebook users.

Spotify tried to placate its unhappy users today after they were herded into Facebook's reservation in a deal between the two companies.

Users of Spotify's service suddenly started seeing their music playlists and history shared with their stalkerbase on Facebook. The onus was placed on individuals to then manually turn the thing off to stop it broadcasting to the world the tunes they were listening to. "We're rolling out a new client as we speak where you can temporarily hide your guilty pleasures. It works like a browser's private mode," Spotify CEO Daniel Ek said today. He later tweeted: "Temporarily means that it works for this session. If you want to turn it off completely you can do so in preferences."

I cant see the attraction of wanting all and sundry to conduct their lives under my gaze but some folks seem to enjoy this aspect of it all, lets hope they stay happy doing so while FB cuts ever more revenue generating deals thats could potentially put users private details in the hands of unsavoury organisations with less than spotless reputations.

Whilst looking for further news this morning this article jumped out at me as relevant to any discussion regarding Facebook

Most of you probably know that Facebook knows a lot about you. But did you know that if you were to print it out, it might take up about 880 pages?

Facebook keeps track of every person who has ever poked you, Facebook keeps track of every event you’ve ever been invited to, and how you responded to the invitation, Facebook keeps track of everyone you defriended and when, Facebook includes a history of messages and chats in the report. The report includes a list of the machines that L.B. has used Facebook from, how often she has signed in from the machine, as well as a list of all the other Facebookers who have logged in on that machine.

Theres a redacted sample of the info FB keep on users available here

I would be very concerned for my future privacy if I was a FB (or EX FB) user but thankfully I'm not so I can rest easy.

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