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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Google Chrome poised to pass firefox in marketshare by the end of the year.

Author Topic: Google Chrome poised to pass firefox in marketshare by the end of the year.  (Read 1344 times)

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Offline Preston

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Google's Chrome is poised to become the second-biggest Web browser in the world before the end of the year, according to StatCounter. If trends as measured by the Ireland-based Web statistics firm's analytics tools hold up, Chrome will pass Mozilla's Firefox sometime in December and trail only Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) in global average user share.
Computerworld's Gregg Keizer looked at the trend lines in user growth for the three browsers as presented by StatCounter (graph below) and saw Chrome growing in popularity at about double the rate as projected over 12 months that Firefox and IE were each losing share since January of this year.

Firefox started 2010 with about 31 percent of user share and was sitting at 26.8 percent as of last Wednesday, according to StatCounter. Chrome, meanwhile, rocketed up from just over 15 percent user share in January to 23.6 percent in September. That puts the two browsers on a collision course to swap spots in the overall user share rankings when (or more precisely, if) Chrome climbs to about 25 percent of user share later this year and meets Firefox on its way down.,2817,2393978,00.asp#fbid=kObkGaUxhbO

Very interesting. If it continues at the rate IE is falling and Chrome is raising, chrome would also pass IE in late 2012.

Offline Trestor

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Certainly Firefox is becoming less pleasing and harder to use with each "improvement" (in my opinion); I'm not surprised people are leaving it. I've thought a few times myself of moving on to another. If I could find addons for other browsers like AdblockPlus and Download Helper I probably would.
Firefox appears to be unique in one sense: the addons are often written for the benefit of the user, unlike addons in other browsers which too often are written to benefit big business at the user's expense (again, in my opinion).

Offline ((PoPeYe))

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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Google Chrome poised to pass firefox in marketshare by the end of the year.

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