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Offline GhostShip

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Legislative Creep - Where will it end ?
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:02:52 pm »
It seems yet another backdoor attack against privacy is being launched and this latest effort is cloaked as usual in another flag to disguise its true targets.

"Think of the children" has become the rallying cry of politicians around the world trying to push for ever-increasing Internet surveillance powers. Since nobody wants to run the risk of being branded as soft on crimes like paedophilia, resistance to such measures is greatly reduced as a result.

This approach was used in the "Declaration of the European Parliament of 23 June 2010 on setting up a European early warning system (EWS) for paedophiles and sex offenders" which:

2. Asks the Council and the Commission to implement Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks and extend it to search engines in order to tackle online child pornography and sex offending rapidly and effectively;

3. Calls on the Member States to coordinate a European early warning system involving their public authorities, based on the existing system for food safety, as a means of tackling paedophilia and sex offending;
The two European politicians behind the Declaration, which seeks to extend the already intrusive Data Retention Directive, were Tiziano Motti and Anna Zaborska. Motti now wants to go even further by monitoring and storing all Internet activity in the European Union

This article digs deep into the core reasons behind such monitoring and storing of data and highlights that the proposed legislation does little to nothing to prevent the activities of predatory or otherwise paedophiles, what is does seem to do more efficiently is set up a mechanism that destroys any ordinary net users privacy whilst allowing the technically skilled to make short work of any such mechanism, and makes life easier for the big media groups, why this should all be done at public expense is beyond me but then the media conglomerates have a long history of putting their grubby hands into the tax payers pockets why should now be any different.

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Re: Legislative Creep - Where will it end ?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2011, 11:14:54 am »
The two European politicians behind the Declaration, which seeks to extend the already intrusive Data Retention Directive, were Tiziano Motti and Anna Zaborska. Motti now wants to go even further by monitoring and storing all Internet activity in the European Union

(note: list is for eu not for eu member states)

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