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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2011, 02:21:38 am »
Better than that even!  Packets with fields that are null's.  Most packets have nulls at the end, some seem to have 2 nulls...
These are packets used by all versions of the protocol so i doubt that when 3.31 was created it was planned to be filled out in 3.54?  But perhaps so.

since the protocol is binary... fixing the packet lengths.... it would actually be a bad idea not to have a few reserved bytes (this is where XML comes in handy).... since a simple feature added would have no place to 'fit' without being backward compatible or requiring an entirely new packet...

there may even be some packets that were ment for mx4 that were used in mx3 (how long was mx4 'coming soon' ?)

* Silver Stripes shrugs...

as long as kevin stays quiet on the matter we'll never know what was intended to be put there... if anything...

Offline achilles

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #41 on: December 26, 2011, 11:59:37 am »
Hans, if you want to start working on a secure file transfer system for a new client then please do.  I hope you and Rebel can come to an agreement, and work together on this project. I do not know if any of the code from the client they have been working on has been shared with you. If they don't share the code with you then please start your own project, and keep us updated on your work. You may even find that other coders are more willing to work with you than other coders that have been working on this project in the past. No disrespect meant towards any of those coders.  Has the code from the client they have been working on been shared with you? 
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline cuttingedge

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #42 on: December 26, 2011, 06:48:30 pm »
I guess my questions are about the same.......
*Directed twards all the winMX team* I hope that a secure separate "think tank" is set up, and there is some kind of coordination going on as far as who is working on what parts and a base out line is in place to work from.
Otherwise we will have a pyle of code from all different sources, who knows how many new cliant versions floating around, and 2 more years before we see any of them.  :/
 I read alot of what Hans writes on the forum.....I dont know nothing about what he is doing as far as the reverse engineering. I wish I did! Has anyone else here physically looked at the work he is doing?
I just kinda wonder why no one here has pulled him to the side to say, "here is a place to post up findings and results that is not in the general publics eye."
To the coders here working on this: I hope you are making good progress!
Much Respect,


Offline achilles

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2011, 07:16:03 am »
Not sure anyone but RebelMx has been actually doing the coding lately.  If they allow Hans access to the code then maybe that would speed up the process of releasing an alpha build of the client. I dont have core access so he may already have the code for all i know. I'm worried that if SOPA is passed then the site may get taken down, and really make it difficult to coordinate. I hope they already have a contingency Plan for such an occasion.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #44 on: December 29, 2011, 08:16:17 am »
@CE and achilles;

theres a lot more coding than you might think going on, yes there are parts of the site 'locked away' from the rest just for coding (going as far as to be in various levels), there are even folks who arent on this site who are coding...

its not a matter at this point of 'if' there will be a replacement for winmx its 'when' ... when? well... actually thats a good question... but lets say 'close' .... ...yes, yes i know 'close' has been said waaay too many times... ...problem is theres been a few 'so close you can smell it' times.. only to find out its the wrong smell.. requiring one to sniff in a different direction... (imagine how the folks over at the reactos project feel)

@achilles & hans; the 2gig limit can only go to 4gig before a few things have to be made completely incompatible...

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2011, 08:36:30 am »
I'm worried that if SOPA is passed then the site may get taken down, and really make it difficult to coordinate.

the US just wont be able to use winmx anymore... Japan, Oz and the UK can keep on keepin on...

Offline achilles

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #46 on: December 29, 2011, 09:28:29 am »
Well, Stripes that sucks for me since I'm in the US! It doesn't look like it's going to be the land of the free much longer. I guess I will need to get someone's email address so they can send me a copy of the new client when it becomes available.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #47 on: December 29, 2011, 10:19:57 am »
Well, Stripes that sucks for me since I'm in the US! It doesn't look like it's going to be the land of the free much longer. I guess I will need to get someone's email address so they can send me a copy of the new client when it becomes available.

i am in the US too ... so ... yeah... it sucks... the new client could still function with a 'mafiaa fire' style proxy bounce system to get to the cache servers (as its currently written any 'foreign' website is subject to loss of its .com .net or .org domain and filtering at the DNS and ISP levels... no questions asked... the sites own country code domain will still remain but will need to be bounced... that is the domains you see in the current patches .ini file... )

ofc the wording of sopa means the wikipedia, facebook, twitter, etc... anything with user generated content... is subject to being shut down as a whole....  .... guess that means is gone too....

Offline Hans-Linux

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2011, 01:02:13 pm »
 I was able to obtain most of the protocol from this site and other sources. I am starting to code validation tests to make sure the information I have is valid.

The first item will be a command line utility based on "Cleaner" to check whether a partly downloaded file in the download directory already exists in the same or other directory. The comparisons will be by file size and hash code. This will not be perfect because the simple WinMx hash algorithm allows files with different contents to have the same hash.

At present, I intent the final product to be able to connect to WinMx primaries and optionally use Gnunet network tunnelling or mesh protocol for file transfer and chat for protection of users in countries like Iran, USA, etc..

Hans  :walk:
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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #49 on: December 29, 2011, 01:46:09 pm »
...problem is theres been a few 'so close you can smell it' times.. only to find out its the wrong smell.. requiring one to sniff in a different direction...

Sorry to post without making any contribution but ROFL, that has to be the best descriptive line I have seen.

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2011, 02:12:37 pm »
The 2gig file limit is their for a reason, once you go over 2gig with winmx's file transfer system it becomes unstable and validation is pretty terrible imo but then this was designed with 56k in mind so large files above 2gig wasnt a issue. This is a feature that will need to be changed in the new client ofc, And i would suggest that if their was a two client network that their was some validation method as to what the client was you was about to share with. This could be as simple as the new client sending a tcp packet with Hi:-D and if it recived Hi:-D back then it could use any system known to man to transfer the file. If it timed out after 10 seconds sends the arbitary GET/Winmx command and it uses the old system(their is a 30 second window to play with here before transfers time out). This is though in keeping with if a new client supports the old client.

I personally would like to see a shift away from the old client, if the old client must still remain on the network it stays almost like a secondary client on the network.

That is the new client uses completely different packets for the new primary network and is kinda like a restricted primary network, but will still accept old packets to connect primary, but the old packets have no access to the primary chatter between the new clients and the new network will only forward information the client is requesting, and will ignore any network packets from the old client,packets accepted can be  like channel list refreshs or search results and these could be restricted to 5 a minute(would slow the channel list attack down ten fold) and these primaries are not included in any node harvesting for caches so they should never have any secondrys etc. Call it a super fast secondry so to speak for a modern winmx, fast chatlist and search results but non of the BW consumption of running full primary.

I dunno how this system would work out, i dunno if everyone would stick on the old client running super fast secondary and we wouldn't have enough new client primaries to support it?? but suppose a new transfers system most would move.

An its also all completely a non issue compared to just having a new client lol. Just something doing something is important to me, i dont really care if the old client is supported anymore. Im just sick of not being able to download at full speed because of throttling, having canadians and italians and even TALK TALK users in my own country not able to connect to the network because ISP's are blocking winmx bugger knows how many more in the world their are. We just need control of winmx back in the users hands. We are busy talking about the attacks all the time and yes its important we get rid of it. But their is a damn site more important stuff we need to fix too.

Throttling, Blocking and now SOPA are all far more important than stopping the attackers, whats the point in a network that is blocked, slow and broke. It wont ever get new users and 2 gig limits and support for this and that is pointless. I just want something i can talk to my mates back on about shite, pure shite and nothing but shite, Not all this packet is this and that needs filtering or mending, and this ip is doing this crap. I just want all me mates back in the winmxworld help room and the cafe and we can start having fun again. Maybe knock nobby offline lmao (joking mate) but yeah, everyone is just pissed off all the time and its a great shame. I love winmx, ive been on it since i was a kid, id download music, stick it on tape and bounce out the park with me bottle of cider and 10 lambert and think i was king of the park and have all the birds listening to me walkman :-DD It wasnt that long ago lol :-D

Anyway rant over and way to go off topic lol, hans have you dropped ghostship a PM? he will be able to help you far more than rebelmx or anyone else; and if you get alot of quizzing of ghost dont be down hearted by it. With all the code stealing been going down last year or so he can be abit of a troll with making sure ya know what your talking about and that you can actually help. Not that i blame him at all though,  even i get 20 questions sometimes. Its just his age :-PPPPPPPPPPPPP
The Solution to 99% of winmx problems        -ONLINE again YAY!!!!!! :D

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Offline achilles

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #51 on: December 29, 2011, 02:54:50 pm »
Well, this is my first post with my desktop in some time. Been using the iphone for a while because i've been in the middle of a big move, and man i'm  glad to actually be able to see all the way across the screen when i'm typing. I have a similar view as Laugerlout666 since I also do not care if the new client is compatible with the old client. What I do know is that Millions of people are waiting for a new network to migrate over to. Its not like a new P2P project where one has to start from scratch, and then work on attracting a use base. The best software in the world is useless if no one users it. Luckily that is not the case here. I have no doubt in my mind that if you build it they will come. Just make it more secure, and provide all the same functionality that WinMx currently offers. I feel we are very close to seeing that happen. I will bring hundreds of new users to the network when it happens, and those users will surely bring a few new users themselves. We already have millions of users waiting. I don't see any way this project can fall. I don't think SOPA can bring it down either. I do believe the first thing you will see go is most torrent trackers. Torrents could be on the endangered species list soon. I don''t want to see that happen, but if it does then the best alternative to those users will be decentralized networks with anti-censorship protocols enabled. It may be away with the new, and back to the old style P2P networks like WinMx with added security protocols implemented such as something similar to GNUNET. Times are changing fast my friends, and we must think 3 steps ahead.  If SOPA is passed then networks like WinMx could soon become back in demand like the old days.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline achilles

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2011, 03:10:50 pm »
Sorry for the horrible typos in my post above. I saw how bad they were, but was unable to correct them since i'm not given an option to after already posting. Maybe the next cipher for WinMx can be based off my last post lol
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Offline RebelMX

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2011, 06:53:54 pm »
I'll allow Tiny the sligh dig as hes an old man himself now.
I never mentioned my ability to help Hans, I think it was achilles who mentioned me actually.  And GhostShip can help with the theoretical protocol ideas yes, but code, I very much doubt.

Hans, if you would like some tested protocol info, I am working on a published set of documentation that includes packet types and info and code sections also all in C?  Drop me a PM.

Offline achilles

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #54 on: December 30, 2011, 12:34:34 am »
I would like for all those involved in working on the new client / network to have a look at this page.  I posted this page once before, but I think this is a good little listing of a lot of P2P projects that could be of some assistance with ideals, protocols, and maybe even some code that can be used to our needs. If anything it makes researching a little easier, and you may find more developers that have already worked on similar projects in the past that may take an interest in our cause as well. Follow the Rabbit Hole, and see where it may lead you ;)
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #55 on: December 30, 2011, 01:27:01 am »
* Silver Stripes reads the post...

methinks you missed the part where you post the link

Offline cuttingedge

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #56 on: December 30, 2011, 02:51:04 am »
Nice to see everyone gettin together! Seems we all want basically the same stuff, except the government of course.... I had no idea about the SOPA bill. So, after reading about it I kinda feel sick to my stomach  :vomit:
if past it would let private agencys do deep packet sniffing.....Not a good thing.....What about privacy? What about our freedom of speech? What a crock O $#!+

I dont think its gonna pass.....It's too drastic and not very well thought out thankfully.


Offline achilles

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #57 on: December 30, 2011, 04:05:51 am »
Opps.. your right Stripes lol Here's the link
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline Hans-Linux

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #58 on: December 30, 2011, 04:54:05 am »
It looks like the minds are slowly moving toward the same direction.

Hans    :walk:
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Reverse Enginer WinMx
« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2011, 06:48:17 am »
I dont think its gonna pass.....It's too drastic and not very well thought out thankfully.

the same was said about the DMCA.... read some old news posts...

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