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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Microsoft Becomes Impatient With IE6 - Automatic Updates Notified

Author Topic: Microsoft Becomes Impatient With IE6 - Automatic Updates Notified  (Read 1001 times)

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In its bid to gather the millions of users using its antiquated IE6 browser Microsoft are firing their last salvo, an automatic update.

Microsoft has announced that starting in January 2012 Internet Explorer will, like Chrome, Firefox and Opera, no longer pester you with update notices. Instead Internet Explorer will automatically download and install updates in the background.

The new auto-update feature will only apply to users who've opted into the automatic updates through Windows Update. Those that have opted in will be upgraded to the latest version of IE available for their system. If you're still on Windows XP that means you'll be updated to IE 8. Vista and Windows 7 users will move to IE 9.

While IE 8 was a huge step up from its predecessors, it still lacks support for most of the HTML5 and CSS 3 features found in modern web browsers.

Offering the inferior IE8  will prompt many to switch to other vendors web browser offerings, given a choice I would suggest folks take advantage of Opera and its clean lines instead of the IE8 Crap that's high on fancy icons and thus annoying to use, I for one prefer a browser that offers visible wording for functions instead of stars and other visual gimmicks that are far from intuitive and thus result in much wasted time, its a shame users are being bullied into using such trash.

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Re: Microsoft Becomes Impatient With IE6 - Automatic Updates Notified
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2011, 08:05:19 pm »
a couple of registry changes and a lot of setting changes in ie8 itself makes it have somewhat of a decent interface again....

dunno why they forced the win7 look for xp users tho... would have taken very little to add a line for tabs to the exsisting ie6 ui and updated the rendering engine to ie8s...

and i have to agree with the switch to opera even if its closed source.... operas ui can be made to look like its ancient predicessors should one so wish....

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Microsoft Becomes Impatient With IE6 - Automatic Updates Notified

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