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Topic: 2011, the year that was. (Read 18337 times)
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #80 on:
March 17, 2012, 02:07:58 pm »
Totally useless?
I have queues, and shares running all the time, uploads AND Downloads...
Jehosophat, when someone is queued to d/l from you, do a whois and browse...
A standard feature of winmx, but very highly useable right now
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #81 on:
March 30, 2012, 05:53:54 pm »
Yanno... I'm sitting here and its been a year now that this problem has yet to be addressed and am wondering why it's taking so long. I realize that there are alot of issues but it would seem to me that is someone were to write a routine to re-check the search string that's being performed before displaying the result, it would eliminate a hell of alot of headache for alot of users. I realize it doesn't address the IP attacks or the flooding of bad files, but it would be a quick fix that would give the programmers time to create the new GUI client. You would think that someone would have suggested it before. But it makes sense. You do a search for FOOBAR and right now you get everything but FOOBAR displayed in the search results. Wouldn't it make sense that if a small IF/THEN statement were placed before the coide to display the text in the results window to compare what was found with the actual search request to check whether it actually contains that string before it is shown would cut down on alot of the problems that are occuring now. Now I admit I'm no genuis programming guru, but that kind of fix would fit perfectly in a patch and would solve alot of the problems that are driving the userbase away right now. I can't believe that it's been so long without any kind of results or even ideas to give even a simple workaround like that. I've been an avid WinMX user since its inception in the 90's and since these attacks began, it's been impossible to use the program at all. So I've sat back and waited, knowing that surely someone would come along to fix the porblem, but here we all sit, a year later, with the same issues and frankly... its a crying shame. I mean, I LOVE(D) Winmx... would recommend it above every other P2P program out there... but now I'm searching myself for something new to be able to use until the problem is fixed but everything else falls short. I'm sorry... just can't sit back anymore and wait while everyone argues about what needs to be done. Its ridiculous for this to have been going on for so long. What happened to all the diehard WinMXers? When the server issue happened awhile back, the Piepatch fixed the problem and it didn't take but a couple of weeks. I don't know what to say anymore. I'm just sad I can't use the best P2P program ever created anymore.
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #82 on:
March 30, 2012, 06:24:02 pm »
if it were as simple as an 'if/then' then it would have been done a loooong time ago... trust me...
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #83 on:
March 30, 2012, 06:32:51 pm »
There is/was a patch that did just that but it was never released as it's too unstable
Ret. WinMX Special Forces
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #84 on:
March 30, 2012, 06:44:23 pm »
Hi LrdSatyr8
I shall answer your questions as best as I can although as you may have noticed I try to get the point of the issue rather than attempt to deal with the fallout.
You asked why nothing has been done to create a fix for searching in the patch, others ask why the roomlisting problem is not fixed in the patch, yet more others want to know why all others fixes and a whole half a client cant be placed in a new patch.
The simple answers are the ones we have been telling folks for months now, I'm aware they are not the most popular answer but they reflect the truth of the matter so for your benefit I'll go though the dicussion once more.
1) WinMX has a known protocol flaw (actually more tham one), this serious flaw affects the upper tier network and all packets using that side of the network.
2) We have tried several efforts to create a multiple fix patch but the attacks where already being modified to impact on further vectors and thus common sense dictates there is little point building on sand, and working around a known flaw hard coded in a closed src client is akin to such activity, further to this we also experienced threading problems as we are in effect banging on a door with a lot of time critical traffic and have no control over the internal threading mechanisms of the original client,, thus its on paper a simple concept but in reality its a deadish duck.,or at least a duck with severe injuries.
3) I have been around for the 2004 attacks the 2005 crash the 2007 crash and I,m still here along with the majority of the community, perhaps your thinking of another community if you think the die hards are gone.
Those are the brief facts LrdSatyr8, and yes they suck but I would rather you heard the honest truth than some BS, I hope you appreciate that and hold with us a little longer till the communities new client is finished, hope is our medicine for the malady of frustration, we all get angry over this disaster movie but no ones sitting idle behind the scenes here, hold firm and have trust.
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #85 on:
March 30, 2012, 08:58:01 pm »
Thanks GS... I appreciate the honesty. It's a pity the creator has abandoned the whole program... What happened to the original source code of it? And don't worry... I may be down, but I've been with you guys for a long time and I ain't going anywhere. I'm sure that eventually it'll get back up to the point it once was but it makes it difficult now. I do have some programming knowledge and would offer any suggestions I can to help out.
Ret. WinMX Special Forces
WMW Team
Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #86 on:
March 30, 2012, 09:18:33 pm »
The author of the WinMX program used the pseudo name of "Kevin Hearn" and resides in Canada still but has chosen not to make contact or open src his work and that's his right, it may be he has entered into some legal agreement that forbids him sharing the code in exchange for not being sued, we have no knowledge on this matter other than speculation, however we are aware that he is still alive and well due to the yearly renewing of the domain, the fact this has not been allowed to lapse gives me hope that its being held securely while there is still a community based around the client, that's my hope anyway.
(If this is the case he has the thanks of the whole community
I,m not sure if he is either aiding or just knows the folks creating Tixati (a bit torrent program) but he did for a short time allow the usage of the update bar to announce tixati and this leads me to believe he is if not the author of that program he is at least heavily involved, however I suspect legal issues will ensure my speculation remains just that.
Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #87 on:
March 30, 2012, 10:25:16 pm »
Tixati, looks like a WinMx style torrent Client with decentralized chat support. I would most definitely believe Kevin is the main coder if not the only coder. I have tried Tixati, and it's great for a torrent client. I have never been able to get a list of chat rooms to load though. Not sure if it's because there are none or something has been wrong on my end. Torrents are disappearing at an alarming rate though so its going to be out with the new, and back in with the old again soon. That's my belief anyways. A new, and improved WinMx will be waiting for those users to migrate on over
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #88 on:
April 07, 2012, 02:44:58 am »
lets hope that 2012 will be the year that winmx gets back on its feet! i really miss the old MX days.
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Re: 2011, the year that was.
Reply #89 on:
April 07, 2012, 06:29:33 am »
Just use it, John, it works fine for me...
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