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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Cyberlocker Ecosystem Shocked As Big Players Take Drastic Action

Author Topic: Cyberlocker Ecosystem Shocked As Big Players Take Drastic Action  (Read 840 times)

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In the wake of last week’s Megaupload shutdown, some of the biggest names in the market are taking drastic action. During the last 48 hours many sites have completely withdrawn their systems for paying uploaders when their files are shared with others, but one of the most dramatic moves came first from Filesonic and today Fileserve. Both services now forbid people from downloading any files they didn’t upload themselves.

While the shutdown last week of Megaupload and the arrest of its founder and management team was certainly dramatic, a situation of perhaps even greater gravity is beginning to emerge.

Over the past 48 to 72 hours, the operators of many prominent cyberlocker services have been taking unprecedented actions that can not simply be explained away by mere coincidence. The details in the Megaupload indictment clearly have some players in the file-hosting world spooked.
FileSonic has disabled file sharing in wake of Megaupload takedown

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Re: Cyberlocker Ecosystem Shocked As Big Players Take Drastic Action
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 06:20:30 pm »
the really sucky part about this cyberlocker disappearing act are the perfectly legal files... or worse... the perfectly legal files that are so incredibly old that the site that linked to the cyberlocker doesnt even exist anymore but the file still does... ( + google + filelocker = file found)


reason i say this is the folks who still have their content can reupload somewhere else... the 'elder files' are lost forever...

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Re: Cyberlocker Ecosystem Shocked As Big Players Take Drastic Action
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2012, 08:22:53 pm »
Stealing online file lockers is akin to cyber vandalism, we are all aware of how easy some things are to uitilise to break copyright laws but the wholesale destruction of every single file on a server is the work of Cyber-Luddites, I hope the enetity that has stolen the servers are found to have acted outside of the law and pounded into the dirt, such people have no idea what they are destoying in their rush to glutton themselves with unearned revenues.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Cyberlocker Ecosystem Shocked As Big Players Take Drastic Action

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