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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Upload/Download Issues  |  Peers timeout while browsing user lists

Author Topic: Peers timeout while browsing user lists  (Read 1842 times)

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Peers timeout while browsing user lists
« on: February 08, 2012, 07:05:00 pm »

I often experience timeouts in the files I have queued from other users, when browsing user lists with lots of files which take a long time to list. It seems as if WinMX bottlenecks all bandwidth when performing the list browse function, causing the problem. I've already tried both releasing all available upload bandwidth and limiting it to a reasonable half of my connection's total, with no effect.

Is there a fix or workaround to be able to browse people's lists without seeing a lot of "waiting for network reply" messages in the main browse panel and eventually having them time-out ?

Thanks for any help!  :)

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Re: Peers timeout while browsing user lists
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2012, 10:03:06 pm »
good question... winmx has done that to me since 'day one' of using it (attack or no attack .... frontcode or no frontcode) so i think its a goof in mx itself...

one workaround i found is to use a chat client to browse the person... that is... if im in the same room as them... ...unfortunately its also the only workaround ive found... users with less than 1000 files usually make better browse candidates...

try increasing all your timeouts to 300 (the max mx will let you set them) and cross your fingers... 

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