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Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« on: March 10, 2012, 08:12:33 pm »
I have just one question, but first let me state that I have used winmx under various user names for the past 10 years plus. It is a shame that what happened in the squabble between owner and workers occurred and all the users it has chased away permanently from this site. I used to find so much here and now it is a virtual wasteland if you look for anything but top 10 or mainstream mp3's now. That said, it has now become paramount to use opennap protocol servers to hopefully find any files anymore to download. I must have a list of literally hundreds of these servers, and have my connection limit set at the max to these servers of 50 at one time in the hopes of finding ANY positive results. My complaints about these opennap servers, or comments if you will, are as follows:
1.) What good does it do to have so many of these servers available?  I can try to make all the connections I want, but it is a waste of time and effort to keep downloading and importing all these servers if for every 100 of them, maybe 3 or 4 actually connect, and they all show the SAME results from the SAME people, just on different named sites.
2.) Why do so many people show up on results but you can never download from them? I usually put these people on my ignore list and wish I could have them deleted from even showing up in any of the results. There are some users out there that are notorious as showing up in the results with spots open and available in green, but you can never download from them.
I enjoy alot of music out of the mainstream, fromlittle know U.S. bands to foreign rock bands, and aside from a very few findings, the results of searching for such files is usually nil. Basically just wanted to put these questions out there and relieve some frustration over the demise of yet another great, free internet program that has gone down the tubes compared to how it was in years past. Peace.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2012, 09:30:36 pm »

dunno where you are getting your server lists but theres a place to at least get a group that works....

same files from different naps is from another user connected to multiple naps and winmx' inability to merge or multisource over nap...

putting users on ignore? interestng... ive had the opposite experence with nap... users on nap can be downloaded from moreso than the wpn...

all in all connecting to so many naps is moreso to share as much as you can... the button near search that says 'all available networks' ? click that and select a nap to search rather than searching all and the wpn too... and if using mx to connect to nap when downloading make sure to right click the file and click 'auto retry' ... this will make life quite a bit easier...

the two friendliest naps for mx are openworld and of course winmxgroup... search those first... then move on to the others if what you are looking for is not found..

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 10:26:20 pm »
Orpheus, Do you really connect to 50 servers at a time? I bet it takes eons to list the results of a search!
When I use open nap I comb thru no more than 2 or 3 servers at a time. If I dont find it I disconect them and look at a few more and so on. Makes life a little easier. And for a few security reasons too.


Offline Jehosephat

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2012, 12:56:58 am »
Thanks for the quick replies. I did not know if a lot of peeps were still going thru the winmx sites or not, but I have always rpeferred winmx over ANY other p2p that I have ever tried, and that includes limewire and frostwire. I found p2p's such as bearshare and kazaa, etc. to be a bit jokish as I never found anything there that I ever looked for that didn't need to be paid for. As for connecting to 50 servers at one time, I havenever actually had more than 28 or 29 online at anyone time, encompassing about 4200 users. Believe it or not the results only take seconds to come up, as fast as using the old winmx peer network alone used to be. I have gotten to just trying to connect to only a couple at a timeand still get a lot of error msgs like: connection reset by peer, reconnecting too fast, connection refused, etc. As to where I got my lists, I got them thru winmx world's own link to "working" open nap servers. I only tried the ignore not knowing what exactly it could do but hoping that it would exclude in my results window, the results that keep coming up but that the download NEVER works from. Prime example is Point Blank - Free Man. There is only 1 result with this, green and ready to supposedly download, but never connects. Goes from yellow to red or gone. I tried to "ignore" this result but it always shows up.

Dr. Orpheus

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2012, 12:59:44 am »
Hey,it finally used my username of jehosephat. It made me choose a different name when I first came on this forum stating that jehosephat was a reserved name already. That's why I signed with Orpheus. Not trying to be deceiving.


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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2012, 02:21:54 am »
i get results for the band (?)* but not the song (?)* ...

good rule(s) of thumb... dont 'ignore' on nap (admin dont like that)... dont use queue managers (they dont like those either)... wait for the connection to 'complete' before searching, that is, let it finish 'sending shared list to server'... dont 'hop' naps (@CE that goes for you too) -- use the network select button to select which nap to run the search on...

@CE: hopping naps causes unneeded overhead for the servers and 'disappearing' files for the other users (share and share alike).... if you dont feel safe staying connected to nap servers dont use them...

*i find no results on either the wpn (search was working when i looked) or any nap server for both 'point blank' and 'free man'  ... ive not heard of this group (group is called 'point blank'?) either which is the reason for the question marks.... hint: have you looked on youtube? -- if you find something there - there is another site that might come in handy; ... n'joy... ...and do please consider sharing your find as others may be interested...

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2012, 03:22:19 pm »
Hello all, I hope everyone had a happy Easter. I used to be on WinMX and used to share bothways tons of stuff. Then, my hard drive crashed and I lost everything. Now, a few years later, I wanted to re-collect, and I have the same problem. I can almost find nothing I am looking for, only main stream stuff. Where did all the people and the music go? My login errors are mostly 'reconnecting too fast' (how can I change that?) and 'valid name but no data of the requested type (can I do anything about that or just remove the server from the list?), 'connection refused' (why?), and connection timed out (remedy?). Thanks for any tips.

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2012, 04:15:38 pm »
Adulteress, welcome to the forum! The WPN is being attacked by ex disgruntled users. If you have not read this section of the site then read here please.  Also if you are running as a primary, and intend to continue then you should run peer block with the WinMx Group blocklist which can be found here If you have anymore question then fell free to ask.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2012, 06:45:38 pm »
Hi Adultress, I think the same rules of Open-Nap apply as before such as not joining too many of the linked Servers as well as ensuring you share the file amounts indicated in the server messages that can be seen in the menu on the open nap page, click on one and you might be helped.

As to Servers themselves we usually point folks here

Click the "WinMX" link to obtain the WSX file that you can import.

Offline Jehosephat

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2012, 06:16:11 pm »
Hi Adultress: I have to agree with you on many issues. First thing you have to know is that P2P (peer to peer) is dead. RIAA brought this to an end a few years ago. As you stated, finding anything in music that has not been heard 50 million times has become impossible.
   If you want to try any other P2P programs you will find nothing as well. Things such as Bearshare, Sharaza, etc. all want you to PAY for anything you find that you may want to download and other programs such as limewire have been shut down. Frostwire is totally useless as it searches only torrent sites, and the torrent sites are giving up nothing free except viruses inside files. Frostwire itself is no longer getting many working files to download as they tried to remove all the ads coming from alot of the torrent sites, thus costing the torrent sites it searches from some money.
   The opennap protocol networks are a complete joke and the reason why this is my swan song adios to winmx after over 11 years of downloading and sharing files here. Do these messages look familiar: 1. NON AUTHORITATIVE HOST FOUND, 2. CONNECTION RESET BY PEER, 3. CONNECTION ABORTED, 4. CONNECTION TIMED OUT, 5. YOU ARE BANNED-SHARE MORE (even though you may be sharing over 590 files such as i used to), 6. HOST NOT FOUND, 7. CONNECTION REFUSED. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of these so-called servers out there for opennap, yet you will be lucky to find more than about 1 percent that actually EVER connect. These are all from, and are always listed. OpenNap Protocol Networks simply is a no-go. AND same results from same people coming from the different servers that actually do connect. NO filters, so you constantly get results (aside from the gibberish from aholes that keep coming on winmx and screwing up the search function) that really have nothing to do what-so-ever with what you are looking for. AND the winmx network itself is just a joke. What must it have, about 6 users left on it? There are even a couple of opennap servers that have a hundred or so users on it with absolutely no files on it what-so-ever. These are the trivia ones that show up in such links from gotnap as jackals list, etc. They should rename that server the LEECH network!
   I am glad for what I have been able to locate on winmx and happy to have shared through the years but now is time to say adios as I have stated. To all I wish peace and good luck to any future searching you do for music. Just watch out for the torrent sights, such as bittorrent, utorrent, etc. These babies are loaded with viruses.

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2012, 12:41:13 am »
Sorry to hear your leaving us Jehosephat, although I'm fully aware of the reasons why.

I would like to impress on you and anyone else out there who is thinking of jumping ship to remember a golden truth,  a decentralised  network is comprised soley of its users, they by their large or small number make a network what it is, I share the disappointment more than most as to the current sorry state of the network however by wishing us adios your mentally closing a door and I would prefer you didnt lock it just yet, i urge you keep your eyes and ears open during the next few months and with luck and much user support we can all get back to normal, normal however means we all make an effort to re-kickstart the network we all love, it cant be done by one or two of us alone, I share your frustration but I ask you to look back in at intervals at the least, we need good people and your time here shows your one of those.


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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2012, 04:03:03 am »
First thing you have to know is that P2P (peer to peer) is dead. RIAA brought this to an end a few years ago.
I don't agree with this statement. I still use Xtreme Mule which is my favorite emule client. I find a lot of media on the KAD network that I can't find anywhere else. That's including all the popular torrent sites. Yes, the anti P2P groups such as RIAA, & MPAA have damaged the networks with flooding, and legal pressure but they have not gone away. I do believe the RIAA has definitely slowed down innovation by making it very risky to develop these type of technologies, but by no means have they made it extinct. I believe we are going to see an explosion in growth of decentralized P2P networks. Users that have gotten use to using torrent sites, and P2P networks that have been shut down will migrate to networks that are practically impossible to shut down such as completely decentralized networks. I believe the future of P2P will be anonymous decentralized networks. Mainly decentralized networks since anyone can use a VPN while using a network to add anonymity. I believe when WinMx is revived it will soon have even more users than it had in its former glory days. This is my prediction anyways. Of course for this to happen a good quality client will have to be completed which fixes the current problems with the network.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2012, 02:35:42 am »
p2p is just shorthand for 'peer to peer' ... its not dead cos if it was there would be no such thing as blank audio/video cassettes and blank optical discs... p2p can be as complex as an index on the tor network with a torrent client running over i2p or vpn and it can be as simple as a group of friends with usb thumb drives, dvd ripper software and a collection of promo codes for redbox...

'illegal' copying was once a literal death sentence... ...things always get worse before they get better... ...hang in there... just as the generations that saw new tech challenge old ways could eventually record such in the history books we will all be able to look back on the events of this time and think 'wow... what were they thinking?'

Offline Jehosephat

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2012, 01:44:25 am »
To Ghost and others: Of course I will be stopping by winmx from time to time. It's almost like a habit! The only other p2p program that ever came close, IMHO, to winmx was limewire and that got shut down. Once in a while I will still come up with some music I haven't heard in quite some time, when my memory gets jogged, and I will come looking for it to download. AND of course I am always sharing whatever is in my music library when I am on winmx. The RIAA, etc. make me wonder one thing: when their "clients" are worth hundreds of millions of dollars already, how much do they miss the few bucks they don't get by people sharing on p2p networks? (Most people either don't know about p2p or are afraid and still go and download music from places like itunes,, etc. for so much a song, so they will always get their money. I did not know about winmx until about 2000 when a dj friend of mine told me about winmx). Most of those people probably don't even know just how much money they really have anyway! Oh well, I don't have that terrible problem and I guess most of the rock and rollers we all thought were so cool have become a bunch of sellouts in this day and age.

Take it easy everyone. My adios is not forever, I just don't come on winmx as much as I used to because I like some rather obscure, hard to find rock and just don't find as much of it as I used to before they started to shut down some sites and the folks started hacking winmx with fake files and the gibberish search results.

PEACE   ;^} (kinda hard to make a shit-eating grin with the keyboard!)

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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2012, 05:37:15 am »
since the attacks winmx has been brought in even closer as a community, u only have to go into a chatroom and ask if anyone has such and such a file and they will be glad to get it for u, i myself haven't searched on mx for well over 5 years as i've no need to as most the people i know either has the file or can get it for me without having to "trade" so don't lose hope yet jehosephat, all it takes is going to a room and asking.


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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2023, 03:36:32 am »
  I lost my open nap servers log on info last year due to a dead hard drive. I belonged to several open nap servers. Id like to regain access to using open nap.  however. I see most of the posys on this forum are VERY OLD. I miss Lady Moonchild and Astroman. If anyone can help email me.


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Re: Finding More Positive OpenNap Servers
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2023, 09:21:01 pm »
there are folks sharing the Pauls Public files, the recent ones are 2020, 2021 and 2022 dates.
they have some of the private ones but he doesnt belong to any of those so no passwords. :-(

is a good idea to back up the winmx folder 'Just in case'

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