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Author Topic: Download link for WinMX, and english/american flag.  (Read 8129 times)

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Download link for WinMX, and english/american flag.
« on: September 21, 2012, 01:41:26 am »
Hello WMW. Yesterday a friend asked me what I use to download music from these days, and I told him to give WinMX a try since torrents suck for music. I told him to go to to find and download it since I didn't remember the exact address for downloading the patched MX and I assumed he would be able to find it from there.

He downloaded WinMX but told me he couldn't get it going so I went over to help him out.

What I found was that he had downloaded the wrong file. When I asked him where he downloaded the files from, he told me he had downloaded it by clicking the archive link, then winmx, then winmx releases, and the latest version available from there. He thought maybe it was a bit like sourceforge where you have to search a bit around in subdirectories to get what you need and was wondering why it wasn't connecting.

I helped him download the patched version and it is all good and up and running now. :)

Afterwards we discussed the website a bit and thought maybe the links near the top are a bit misleading to new users. It isnt very obvious that you're supposed to click on "Patch" to download WinMX, nor does the word look very appealing to new users in my opinion, so I can very well understand why he ended up in the archive. If you look at other websites offering p2p apps you will see that you are immediately offered some way of getting the stuff you want. If you look at for example, the yellow flashy button, and the Get uTorrent link near the top get your attention right away and you know what you have to do. And even if you miss that, hovering over products will be your next step.

Maybe it could be an idea to use one of these labels:

Get WinMX
Get patched WinMX
Download patched WinMX

Another thing we discussed is that the first thing that gets your attention on this website are the flags. The immediate impression you get is that you have to select a language to continue to the site, but there is no english or american flag there so you may feel a bit lost when you havent visited the site before. lol.

Ok it might sound like I am complaining, lol. that's not my intention, I really love this website but I just thought I wanted to point it out. Maybe its an idea to add an english/american flag there, or to make it more obvious that the website is in english by default so you don't have to select it.

Thank you very much all.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Download link for WinMX, and english/american flag.
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2012, 04:14:32 am »
Cheers for the constructive feedback Scarlet  8)

I'm sure those who take care of the site will read your post and let you know what they think of your suggestions, one small item however, WinMxWorld dont actually host the patched versions but link to a location that has them, I believe this is the reason some folks end up in the WMW archive when looking on google or other search engines for a connection solution.

Once again thanks for taking the time to offer your ideas and I'm sure others will reply to let you know what they think  :yes:

Offline nylly444

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Re: Download link for WinMX, and english/american flag.
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2012, 10:31:19 am »
Heya Scarlet!

Thanks for taking the time to post your your feedback.

As for the points you raised:

As Ghostship already mentioned the patch and winmx downloads are being hosted on another site for legal reasons.

You are right that new users will not necessarily connect the link "Patch" with a winmx download location, we might have to rethink that.
It just never occurred to us that there are users out there NOT knowing of tthe history behind that :lol:

If you took a bit of a look around on the forum you might have noticed that there is development of a new client going on,
once that is ready to release we will change the link on top for sure but till then we'll keep it as it is.

I did put a description above the winmx downloads in the archive though to send people to the right direction,
why don't you check it out here and let me know what you think?

As for the flags you may be right but then again it should be pretty obvious that everything is in english by default?

I'll have to admit that a lot of things might need overhauling on the site anyway - unfortunately we're spread thin as it is
so that will have to stay as it is for a while longer  :)
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Re: Download link for WinMX, and english/american flag.
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2012, 09:45:04 pm »
There is a lot to be done these days and I am sure the development team of the new client are busy fine tuning the last pieces needed for the new client and as such they have no time for fixing such issues now that all effort is focused on the new client. the patch download website is hosted by a different party and therefore winmxworld is not obligated to add any link to the website at all, but they have still chosen to do it to support those who host the files but that's an extra bonus and not something to take for granted. So for now I think the patch link will do, remember once the new client is out the patch is dead for good and I am sure the link will be replaced with one taking you to the new client and all the issues will be solved. be patient and hold tight and spread the word about the new client. it will be available within 3 months from what i hear. long live winmx :)

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