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Offline Pri

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #120 on: January 15, 2013, 10:18:08 pm »
I'm not defending him. I don't care what you say about him as he is not my friend, only Josh is. And I have never worked with KM on anything I have only worked with Josh on stuff. I'm just aware that KM gave Josh that server to help keep rooms listed when this attack started.

And about KM wanting Sabre's IP unblocked. That was like the entire reason he started making demands originally. It was just an excuse he used doesn't mean it was what he really wanted to happen he just said it to make you look bad to others and to make other people blame you for KM doing the attacks as some kind of protest. He didn't really care that sabre's IP was on there or not, or Joshes. His intention the whole time was to just disrupt the network for lulz. That is obvious to everyone.

All I'm maintaining is that he hasn't taken credit for these attacks. Which he hasn't. For all we know he is behind it or he gave someone else the software he used originally so they could carry out the attacks or someone else monitoring the network worked out what he was doing and is doing it.

And I have no comment about a server in Germany.

EDIT:// Refreshing the channel list once every 30 seconds is hardly hammering the network. Many of the bots people use (like WCB) have the ability to refresh the channel list that frequently. The fact remains that the attack on the network was not coming from Joshes IP and you knew that if you were monitoring the traffic. And if you had logging set up you would have seen Joshes IP was refreshing the channel list in that frequency for months and months before the attack ever started. I can forgive you for not running such logs of course but my point is he didn't actually do anything wrong and is just a user. So the blocklist was misused, even if only by mistake.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #121 on: January 15, 2013, 10:43:02 pm »
I dont agree with your claims Pri, simply because your misleading folks with the frequency of KMs activities that seemed as if they where coming from Josh as seen in the message Josh shared with me.

If the blocklist team see a spoofed IP or a non spoofed IP and they are the same IP and the network is suffering from one of them its a simple moral dilemna and one that was easy to handle, any attacking IP is to be blocked under the mandate the team operate under, if you have a way of diiffrentiating betwen Joshs genuine packets and KMs spoofed ones then please share such wisdom with the world.

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #122 on: January 15, 2013, 10:44:20 pm »
Also I just wanted to point out that the reason I brought up KM at all is because DeadGraveyard was blaming the attacks on Josh and acting like KM was a saint. This to me was strange because if he loves KM so much why would he blame KM's friend for it? I bet if you asked KM he would not say Josh was behind it. And that is why I brought it up in the first place.

If I was making a list of who I thought was behind the attacks, KM would be at the top and alone on that list. Not Josh.

EDIT:// I am not aware of KM spoofing Joshes home line when he started his attacks. That is news to me.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #123 on: January 15, 2013, 10:45:57 pm »
Duly noted.

Josh will confirm his IP was being spoofed if you ask him.

Offline Pri

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #124 on: January 15, 2013, 10:49:05 pm »
If KM was spoofing Joshes IP at the start like you say then I can understand why you would put Joshes IP on the blocklist. I was under the impression you had added Joshes IP only because his bot was refreshing the channel list, I did not know it was because the attack packets were spoofing Joshes IP.

My intention in posting here is not to mislead people if anything I just want people to stop blaming Josh for things he hasn't done. He isn't a saint as we all know but he isn't behind this attack. Him and me both wish that this attack wasn't happening. KM has a lot to answer for really because even if this isn't him, he started it all off with what he did in the beginning.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #125 on: January 15, 2013, 10:58:40 pm »
I have to agree with every word you have posted, the way ahead however has not been lost in the battle smoke and we are always making progress and will continue to do so with the client project, the history myself and Pri share in this thread is just that, something we can debate ad infinitum but both he and I know its not worth a hill of beans who is right or wrong when we need simply to ensure the survival of the network, thats the duty of all who come here, and we have always been stronger when united in common cause, against a common foe, the names of the foes may change but our resolve to survive disruptions and attacks must never divert our positive energies away from ensuring the community can continue to exist.

Offline Pri

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #126 on: January 15, 2013, 11:03:40 pm »
Agreed. And just to get back on topic I have some questions about the client if you're happy to answer them?

1. Will this client be compatible with the current clients already in use. For example file transfers, searching, room listing, room joining etc
2. If it is compatible, I'm guessing this means the client is affected by the attacks right now?
3. If it is affected, is the intention long term to eventually switch away to a different incompatible protocol that retains all the features we have?


Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #127 on: January 15, 2013, 11:15:49 pm »
Those answers I can deliver  :)

1 ) Currently is is fully compatible with the existing network

2 ) Yes and No, some parts of the client have added routines to kill some of the attack methods used and thus it has some measure of protection that the old client does not have. Also it features an automated chat list delivery system when engaged by a selection box that ignores the standard network listing when its being abused.

3 ) Also yes, we have gotten many new ideas and concepts that will provide a decent framework of security and resilience to further attacks however as a mutating project that will have updates its hoped the lifespan of any annoyance will be reduced from years to minutes, having the src code to a fully featured client will make all the difference when facing any determined attacker.

Offline Pri

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #128 on: January 15, 2013, 11:19:50 pm »
EDIT: Nevermind you answered this question above  :lol:

I look forward to the new client especially if it will be able to show rooms in the client as I feel that has affected the networks population the most during the past year.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #129 on: January 15, 2013, 11:32:12 pm »
Indeed its been a bit of a disappointment to have held back such already completed parts of the client but releasing a half completed version would simply give those naysayers a ripe excuse to heap scorn on hard to find coding volunteers, as long as there is the will to continue the project then folks will I feel be happy with the end product and also have the means to work on improving their own and the lot of the rest of the community.

Offline achilles

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #130 on: January 16, 2013, 01:03:33 am »
I asked a few of the coders over at the emule forum if they would be interested in helping with a new client about 2 years ago, and they said they were doing maintenance coding on emule more or less, and did not know if they where skilled enough to start a new client from scratch. Its been a long time since I've been on the emule boards, but I will see if I can find anyone interested.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #131 on: January 16, 2013, 06:22:48 am »
Thats very decent of you Achilles  8)

Obviously we are no longer at the starting from scratch phase we have some non critical bugs to fix and the transfers section is in need of extra help, but there is now a tremendous amount of code already in the bag and thus even a decent code maintainer will benefit this project in a big way as its pretty much what we are trying to do now with the code, fix, add and clean.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #132 on: January 23, 2013, 09:55:43 pm »
Did anybody forget the involvement of NB in the attacks?
At the time of commencement, i am sure his claim was a wish to disrupt Sabre, he already had hostile intent
When told sabre was 'not around' due to the new unity between WMW and Pie, he went nuts, went off and found KM and pretty soon, the first primitive attacks began.
NB was also annoyed because he thought he could demand a 'seat on the board' of WMW as a means of dissuading him from doing things (Blackmail)
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But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

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Offline Einsteinus

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #133 on: January 24, 2013, 03:21:20 am »
I think somewhere along the line all these so called disgruntled former "trusted" members lost the meaning of this entire networks mission.  I remember it was something to do with "sharing" and helping other's. I believe I speak for a lot of folks here (or where here) that because of various physical issues are confined to a bed or may be sick but because even in that state of physical challenge are willing to reach out and help another.  So all this childish back and forth with the who dunnit or is doing it is bringing us right down to their level.  Just reading the obituary section here brings the realization of how many people have passed away that have worked for the peer side and the opennap side.  A few from "older age" and many more from diseases like cancer.  Personally I lost 2 admins myself one I never met (some may have herd of Obscene Messiah) and one I was once married too (JavaFx).  So while I understand why everyone want to know "who dunnit?" it is really a very small not too bright human being who would want to attack what should be part of their soul.  I mean everybody knows that a "hacker" has great talents in that they can prove they can do something as in breaking through the walls of a network to wreak havoc, but a TRUE HACKER stops there after they have made the point.  It's all about proving a point not causing long term harm. Once you cross that line you really are a "cracker" or better yet "idiot".  since they can't touch us server operators on the opennap side....they haven't done diddley IMO except cause a lot of useless chatter between us.   Persistance will prevail over perversion and friendship over betrayal as it becomes so obvious when you look around and notice the only people you can brag about your achivements with have no moral compass. I don't believe that anybody who started using winmx  some 12+ years ago would have thought "gee can't wait till the time I totally do a 180 and start attacking the only thing that exemplified a cooperative community that I helped create" 

Offline ANTS

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #134 on: January 24, 2013, 06:33:49 am »
That is a wall of text, break it up a bit  :)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #135 on: January 24, 2013, 07:52:50 am »
Well said Einsteinus, while its been a hard few years the thing that keeps the whole thing alive is friendships and that keeps myself and others working day after day despite setbacks and real life intruding and others holding firm outside of wmw, whilst the network has been hammered hard by criminals the spirit of community remains alive, and as most of you folks know you cant kill a concept let alone the hydra based foundation of its adherants.


Offline Einsteinus

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #136 on: January 24, 2013, 05:48:37 pm »
I think I forgot that I took my ambien about 45 minutes before I wrote that so I just have to let it stand as big hunk of run-on text. :crazy:  It took me until my sophomore year in college that I finally "got" English and how it functioned and that was probally because most of the students in the class were Hispanic  :alien: But all kidding aside it wasn't English as a second language but a teacher that was able to help me understand sentence construction in a way even I could understand :nerd:  In any case who really cares when the sun is out and its a beautiful day and a balmy 8 degrees Fahrenheit  /0\  Just don't tell anyone I had "Ants" in the pants when I wrote that :secret:

Offline ANTS

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #137 on: January 24, 2013, 06:17:52 pm »
I think I forgot that I took my ambien about 45 minutes before I wrote that so I just have to let it stand as big hunk of run-on text. :crazy:  It took me until my sophomore year in college that I finally "got" English and how it functioned and that was probally because most of the students in the class were Hispanic  :alien: But all kidding aside it wasn't English as a second language but a teacher that was able to help me understand sentence construction in a way even I could understand :nerd:  In any case who really cares when the sun is out and its a beautiful day and a balmy 8 degrees Fahrenheit  /0\  Just don't tell anyone I had "Ants" in the pants when I wrote that :secret:

LOL Einsteinus dont do it again  :educated:

Offline harrara

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #138 on: January 24, 2013, 06:24:18 pm »
as a child, I sat on an anthill, ooh Bloody hell it was good ... nope ...
f**king hell it was absolutely terrible pain in the ass ... 8 i was, pore kid

And ontopic, well said

Offline Einsteinus

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #139 on: January 24, 2013, 09:35:06 pm »
OK Ants I will try but I really can't promise you much

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