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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX World Community  | Strategic Directions  |  New Client Weekly Update

Author Topic: New Client Weekly Update  (Read 89431 times)

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Offline allenx1966

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #161 on: February 03, 2013, 09:57:00 pm »
Why bother with a weekly update thread when the updates are more like monthly.

i think they just coined a new catch phrase "decade impaired"

Offline allenx1966

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #162 on: February 03, 2013, 10:07:44 pm »
I'm pretty sure this has already been explained to ANTS before. What are your motives for your usual negative post ANTS?
really? you have to ask that? ANTS wants what we all want, our good ole WINMX back, and working and popular. seems like anyone with the talent to actually make that happen has abandoned WINMX. the amount of work and effort that has to be put into the current configuration to get 1 file, is harder than it would be to get a minimum wage job and earn the money to buy the file. how you can be negative about someone being negative, just give me a headache. passion is what makes us human, negative or positive. get over it. i have to run, my utorrent just finished another pirate bay download....... oops, did i say that?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #163 on: February 03, 2013, 10:47:49 pm »
Its clear from your own comments regarding a torrent client that your not one of those waiting for anything or anyone Allenx1966.

I wish you luck on your new file sharing network as its clear you are bringing nothing except negativity to those propping up this one. I hope you stay and enjoy their community as ours needs the peace and quiet.

Offline achilles

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #164 on: February 04, 2013, 01:58:21 am »
allenex, no one wants to see WinMx back to its formal glory any more than I do. I have been using WinMx since its first release. You speak as though those sacrificing their time are obligated to do the work. Their doing it for the entire community, and they are doing it for free. They never claimed to be coding wizards of any sort. There has only been a few coders working on the project, and at times they have to stop working on WinMx due to their careers and what ever else life may throw at them.  Most of the coders that have been involved with the project are young, and still have several years before they will reach their prime. They may be good coders now, but they most definitely will be much greater coders several years from now. I'm sure this has been a learning experience for them, and will be the greatest reward they will get out of this project except for the hearts of the community which will be for ever indebted to them.  How can you be so ungrateful, and disrespectful to those sacrificing thousands of hours to help the community?  What have you done for the community?
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Offline Pri

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #165 on: February 04, 2013, 02:32:01 am »
I'm pretty sure this has already been explained to ANTS before. What are your motives for your usual negative post ANTS?
really? you have to ask that? ANTS wants what we all want, our good ole WINMX back, and working and popular. seems like anyone with the talent to actually make that happen has abandoned WINMX. the amount of work and effort that has to be put into the current configuration to get 1 file, is harder than it would be to get a minimum wage job and earn the money to buy the file. how you can be negative about someone being negative, just give me a headache. passion is what makes us human, negative or positive. get over it. i have to run, my utorrent just finished another pirate bay download....... oops, did i say that?

It takes time to build a quality piece of software even for seasoned developers. Things would be much different if the client was just a standalone application but due to the complexities involved in it having to be designed around a closed protocol this significantly impedes progress.

Then you have on top of that the fact that many people involved in the project are not paid developers by their living. They are hobbyists and so they cannot devote all their time to this or even the pursuit of programming itself.

I think your frustration is being misappropriated. The people involved are trying their best to do something good and being angry here is not going to help their morale. The very reason so many programmers have left the community is due in part to the hostility presented by people who feel entitled to fixes, updates and new software.

Remember this, no one here owns WinMX, none of these people created the program and none of them are responsible for it. They have chosen to help in an unofficial capacity and so you should treat them just as you would any other user of the community they are not deserving of this hostility.

Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #166 on: February 04, 2013, 03:11:29 am »
Well said

Offline achilles

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #167 on: February 04, 2013, 04:21:18 am »
Yes, well said Pri! That pretty much sums up what I attempted to explain.
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Offline ANTS

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #168 on: February 04, 2013, 07:32:40 pm »
You lot are quick to jump on me but I can tell you that a lot
of users are running out of patience with this so called new client.

As I said before there is a lack of significant progress
and at this rate you wont have many users left.

Also I am entitled to my opinion on this so called new client.


Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #169 on: February 04, 2013, 08:49:04 pm »
You are indeed allowed an opinion Ants but so are others, if your opinion is simply to be negative when folks are working hard for you and the others whats the point of that ?

Do you feel the developers dont want the client completed also ?

Offline Pri

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #170 on: February 04, 2013, 10:07:50 pm »
You lot are quick to jump on me but I can tell you that a lot
of users are running out of patience with this so called new client.

As I said before there is a lack of significant progress
and at this rate you wont have many users left.

Also I am entitled to my opinion on this so called new client.


Like I said previously this client is simply being produced by users and there is nothing stopping you from doing the same. If you don't believe the current unpaid volunteers are capable of accomplishing the client in a timely manner maybe you should do one.

Offline achilles

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #171 on: February 05, 2013, 04:36:12 am »
Yes, let him build his own client. He doesn't seem to understand that the coders are only users that volunteered to do what they can.  They have no obligations to anyone. This is charity work on their part. If ANTS can't understand that then either we have a language barrier, and need an interpreter for his native language or we have a lack of morality on his part. Everyone is frustrated, and the attackers are laughing at those letting their emotions get the best of them.  Getting angry, and lashing out at those working on the new client is just what the attackers want to see so. So those engaging in this type of behavior are only encouraging the attackers.
I'm a Hardware, and Cyber Security Guy.

Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #172 on: February 05, 2013, 05:19:45 am »
To clarify a few things ANTS;

As I said before there is a lack of significant progress
and at this rate you wont have many users left.
The you, you're referring to here, is you. It is also me and it is the rest of the community. The users don't belong to WinMXWorld or to the coders working on the replacement client.  I think you mean the community won't have many users left. You seem intent on creating a target for your hostility and frustration no matter how misplaced.

Not really an accurate label. I coordinate the team members and volunteers that make up WinMXWorld and I make the decisions regarding the direction of WinMXWorld. It's certainly not a democracy but far from a dictatorship.
As far as the others here who have repeatedly disagreed with your position, they certainly have no more or less authority than you, so they are hardly dictators.

With these opinions you have, perhaps you can explain why you think the coders should give a darn about you or the community or the replacement client. Why should they bother spending night after night working on the project?

The fact is that they do care about the community despite the abuse and negativity of people like yourself and it is only because they care that they keep going.

Given the strength of your opinions you must have some very succinct and compelling thought processes behind why you believe they should keep going.
Maybe you can share this and we can all understand a bit better where you're coming from and share in the strength of your conviction.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #173 on: February 05, 2013, 11:46:25 am »
Guys, I really don't know why we all waste so much energy on this ANTS blockhead, he is not listening/reading a word of what is said, about volunteers, unpaid time, resolving issues, etc etc

I would go so far as to hazard that ANTS is not a sharer even, he claims to be unable to download a thing, but I have a constant queue, because i do share, and not just incompletes or AlbumArt. I browse those folks in my queue, and lo and behold, theres stacks of stuff available.

You get to know who will and wont give in return for what you have, but you keep going...

If ANTS is a sharer, he may have a lovely browse, but uses 0 of 0 and wont start anyone

Ergo, i am inclined to think 'HYPOCRITE' in place of his 'DICTATORS'
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

Offline ANTS

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #174 on: February 05, 2013, 06:11:26 pm »
Guys, I really don't know why we all waste so much energy on this ANTS blockhead, he is not listening/reading a word of what is said, about volunteers, unpaid time, resolving issues, etc etc

I would go so far as to hazard that ANTS is not a sharer even, he claims to be unable to download a thing, but I have a constant queue, because i do share, and not just incompletes or AlbumArt. I browse those folks in my queue, and lo and behold, theres stacks of stuff available.

You get to know who will and wont give in return for what you have, but you keep going...

If ANTS is a sharer, he may have a lovely browse, but uses 0 of 0 and wont start anyone

Ergo, i am inclined to think 'HYPOCRITE' in place of his 'DICTATORS'

So now I am accused of not sharing and having 0 available
and complaining I am unable to DL.

Like I said you lot here are b******s like I just proved.

Offline reef

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #175 on: February 05, 2013, 06:39:54 pm »
You proved something else long before, which is very clear to all that read this forum ;)

Offline harrara

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #176 on: February 05, 2013, 07:09:19 pm »
Hi, today the winmx has worked well for me, no flooding today, great  :)now i got some rare old music to enjoy :)

Offline GhostShip

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #177 on: February 05, 2013, 08:10:44 pm »
Please cease with profanities Ants.

It obvious your here to be rude I understand that, but much as I like to try to have adult discussions with folks that make the effort to post here I dont see that happening in my dealings with you, I will henceforth reply to anyone but you, there is little time to waste when theres no real interest from you in the new client, and being reasonable seems not to have worked.

A small progress update for the rest of you, the nice chap working on the transfers has made some decent progress after a long fight so we are now some steps nearer to getting things ready for a release of some sort, please dont expect anything in the next month publicly as thats not going to happen but we will be making a staff and test group release to find any unwanted bugs or issues later on this week which will hopefully be successful and lead to further finalising of the client, and in the end a public beta, as you all know its been one of our aims not to release alphas to the general public in case they fall into bad hands, thus far we have had a trustworthy group whom all respect the concept of not adding to network issues by making pre-mature releases and we will continue utilising these folks in the first instance, when they are happy there are no holes or exploits then you folks can have a peek.

Sorry if I have mentioned all this before but some of the newer posters might have missed the progress as its pretty drawn out over many months, once again thank you all for your patience.

Offline ANTS

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #178 on: February 07, 2013, 09:30:50 pm »
Well I got you lot crawling out of the woodwork
abusing anyone that knocks the "NEW CLIENT"

I really hope KM fooks winmx for good
you deserve it  :lol:

Offline harrara

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Re: New Client Weekly Update
« Reply #179 on: February 07, 2013, 09:42:02 pm »
Hmmm very wrong, very wrong, but why are you here ? if you are sooo very negative, leave our playground, go and play with someone else

or sleep on it and behave.

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