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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Illegal Downloading Is Scumbag Theft By Copyright Bandits Says Media Giant CEO

Author Topic: Illegal Downloading Is Scumbag Theft By Copyright Bandits Says Media Giant CEO  (Read 768 times)

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The chief executive of one of Australia’s biggest media companies has come out all guns blazing in an attack on Internet piracy and those who carry it out. Speaking at the Australian International Movie Convention, News Limited CEO Kim Williams described movie downloading as “scumbag theft” carried out by “copyright bandits” and called for new legislation to protect the entertainment industries. “The scale of this theft makes the London riots of last year look like children stealing [candy] from a shop,” he said.
Australian Media Exec Uses Dickens & Shakespeare -- Who Both Thrived Without Copyright -- To Explain Why We Need More Copyright

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The words "pot", "kettle" and "black" come to mind ...

The scale of the movie industry's theft in fancy book-keeping makes the Zulu massacre of English soldiers look like a walk in the park.

See? Anyone can make dramatic sounding statements by making absurd comparisons.

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I think we all have a good idea who the "scumbag" folks are, they are the industries who pay little if any tax, engage in the wilful fabrication and falsification of statistical data in a shameless conspiracy to defraud the public and artists/actors alike by aquiring monopolistic control over creativity and then further stealing by the continual resale of the same material in different formats while of course dramatically complaining to anyone who holds a public office and has 20 minutes of their life to waste, that those who want to swap the material to a new format themselves are theives and are breaching copyright etc.

I hope the media cartel "scumbags" stop their stealing and fraudulant behaviour and start acting in a more professional manner, but lets be fair I havent seen any flying pigs or a money tree growing locally yet either.

its the lack of shakespeare and dickens in the cinema's that contributes to a lot of piracy, people are paying what its worth.

I recently rented the second ghost rider from the video shop, all I can say about it is i want my 2 hours back.
The video shop gave good service so they can keep my 5 bucks.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Illegal Downloading Is Scumbag Theft By Copyright Bandits Says Media Giant CEO

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