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Author Topic: BT line rental to rise above £15 from January 2013  (Read 1068 times)

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BT line rental to rise above £15 from January 2013
« on: September 09, 2012, 01:11:13 pm »

BT have announced that price changes will affect customers from 5th of January 2013 driving up line rental prices over the £15 mark for the first time. Standard line rental is increasing from £14.60 to £15.45 per month with other increases to calls, broadband and vision prices.

BT note the prices are limited to a maximum of 5.9% for broadband and voice services but the large increases are in the Vision section, with one Sky Sports option going up by 38.9%! If you take BT Vision alongside broadband and phone you may notice that your overall price could be 10% higher in some instances depending on which options you take. Early termination fees are also due to receive price increases.

Line rental costs going up will affect a large number of broadband users as a standard phone line is required to use broadband. It is suggested that people shop around to find the best line rental price as you may find that it is cheaper from your broadband provider or another WLR (Wholesale Line Rental) provider.

It's also likely that line rental prices of other providers will go up, although there is usually some delay in this. Sky have only just recently announced an increase to line rental, with this rising from £12.25 a month to £14.50 a month from the 1st of September. The Sky increase in line rental is only for new customers signing up, and existing customers will continue to pay the lower rate.

A summary is available including the percentage change whilst full details from BT are available here-

"One Sky Sports option going up by 38.9%!"  I wonder who's making a killing on that, Sky or BT? Someone certainly is.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  BT line rental to rise above £15 from January 2013

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