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Author Topic: Raided 9-Year-Old Pirate Bay Girl Came To Save Us All  (Read 816 times)

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Raided 9-Year-Old Pirate Bay Girl Came To Save Us All
« on: November 29, 2012, 11:30:55 am »
This week, at the behest of an anti-piracy group, police executed a search warrant against an alleged file-sharer. Not only did the police feel it was measured and appropriate to take action against an individual who downloaded a single album worth a few euros, but even carried on once they knew their target was a 9-year-old child. Of course there has been outcry, but let’s look at this from a different angle for a moment. Isn’t this some of the best news all year?

The news this week that Finnish police had seen fit to raid the home of a 9-year-old file-sharer has turned into one of the biggest stories of the year so far.

Ok, the event was hardly comparable to the military-style raid at the Dotcom mansion, but it was still an example of a disproportionate show of force by the police at the behest of copyright holders.

Of course, while Dotcom’s children were undoubtedly affected by the action at their home in January, they weren’t the prime targets. In contrast and quite unbelievably, in this week’s debacle the unlucky daughter of Finland’s Aki Nylund was. But despite being a common-sense disaster, this week’s screw-up could be some of the best news we’ve had all year. And here’s why.

If the police targeted the admins of one of the biggest torrent sites in the world this week or rounded up some heavy pre-releasers or similar, people might complain but it would hardly come as a surprise. The writing has been on the wall for a long time in that respect and the backlash from the public would be almost non-existent.

But in what kind of parallel universe does a professional, western police force think it’s appropriate, proportionate and a good use of tax-payers’ money to send officers to a citizen’s home for a petty file-sharing issue, one involving the downloading of a single music album?

And worse still, Finland’s police were only called in to deal with the issue when the father of the child refused to pay a cash demand of 600 euros sent by anti-piracy outfit CIAPC on behalf of Warner Music for what amounts to, at most, a civil offense. Rightsholders should be able to protect their interests, but using the police – and the public purse – to enforce an unofficial ‘debt’? This just gets better.

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