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Author Topic: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out  (Read 4741 times)

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Offline Tyler

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My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« on: December 09, 2012, 07:32:14 am »
Hi I'm new to forum but not new to winmx I love winmx been using for 10 yrs
for a yr my uploads & dls have been getting timed out, I can get a chatroom list
my setup wizard says it can't get an open tcp or udp port, does this sound familiar? I haven't found a solution
i,ve tried everything utorrent comes in fine. someone pls tell the solution thanks   Tyler

Offline reef

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 08:04:31 am »
Hi Tyler welcome to the forum. I'm sure if you've been on winmx for 10 years you would be familiar with opening ports, BUT sometimes the computers internal IP changes which makes those port forwarding rules useless. Have you double and triple checked that your internal ip address matches the port forwarding rules? And in case you havent ever forwarded ports let us know and we'll try and get you sorted out. :)

Offline Tyler

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2012, 01:16:24 am »
thanks volunteer I actually don't have much experience opening ports I haven't had to and because I am at a disadvantage, I am not a geek (no disrespect to anyone)
just an explanation of my situation. It took me a yr just to enter this forum. 90% of this forum is way above my head, no one likes to show their ignorance.
I'm goimg to try to follow your advice.  thanks       Tyler

Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2012, 01:40:10 am »
Usually the word ignorance has an air of being willfully uninformed (like in ignore). Anyone who seeks some help and is willing to learn is not ignorant.
Everyone who needs a bit of help and is willing to learn is exactly why we are here.

If you can let us know the make and model of your router, we'll point you at a page which will walk you through how to set up your ports.
Or you can see if you can find it here -> Portforward - Winmx

Offline Tyler

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2012, 04:23:52 am »
thanks guys for your welcome & help. My router is a motorola SSID:ATT480. I have my external IP but I haven't been able to figure out my computers IP
I've gone to PF portcheck but when I tried my eyes just glazed over. I still haven't  figured out how my torrent client gets thru when PF says my ports are closed.
When your new client is available, which I am really looking forward to, would that also solve my connection situation?
                     Again I really appreciate you guys.      Thanks      Tyler

Offline White Stripes

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2012, 04:48:39 am »
torrent client most likely uses upnp or runs in a outgoing only mode....

SSID is not the router model.. thats the wireless 'name' that identifies it over wifi..

im going to take a wild guess and say that your router is a tall white thing that says '2 wire' on the side?

Offline Tyler

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2012, 08:41:54 pm »
 my router is about kindle size, brown, doesn't say 2 wire anywhere I can see it does say "NVG510"                                                   

Offline Tyler

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2012, 07:37:03 am »
thats a wonderful directions sent , but portforward can't send me my static adress, it says it cant parse my ip or gateway
I've checked the rest of the directions. if I get my static I think I can do it :cry:               Tyler

Offline White Stripes

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2012, 09:42:01 am »
if you are using xp or older goto start > run and in the box type cmd and click ok or hit enter

if using vista or newer type cmd in the search function of the start menu and hit enter

in the 'dos box' type ipconfig (and hit enter)... it'll show the name of your network card and beneath that your computers local ip address.... thats the 'static' you need for the instructions.... note that the address may change if you restart the router so if it goofs after a router restart just do it over again with the new ip... this post will basically always be here so you can search for it should you need the urls/info again...

Offline Tyler

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2012, 06:40:07 am »
thanks White Stripes, I went thru the whole procedure & got close. Port check says my ports are open but they don't ping.  So I'm going to keep tweeking it.
I'll probably take me a month. Everything I know I've gotten on my own thru trial & error if you can believe that, I don't even see a computer on my job
I have a Gateway SX2800 w win 7 I really like :pray:
                 I appreciate your guidance          Tyler

Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2012, 10:04:04 am »
nice work guys

Offline Tyler

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Re: My uploads & dls have been getting timed out
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2012, 11:06:39 am »
Hi guys, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all
  I have a couple of things , on the router setup I think I've got everything  except the virtual server, where it say to enter the win ports 100000, 100001, I can't find the virtual servers menu anywhere, its not even on any diagrams that they show.
  On portforward static check it shows that I'm dynamic, my IP# isn't available because it is being used. It says to click on apply and it will fix that. Should I do that?
                      Thanks for bearing with me            Tyler

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