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76801 Posts in 13506 Topics by 1651 Members - Latest Member: Arnold99 January 24, 2025, 10:45:24 pm
WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Warner Bros. Targets Kim Dotcom’s Mega With Bogus DMCA Requests

Author Topic: Warner Bros. Targets Kim Dotcom’s Mega With Bogus DMCA Requests  (Read 633 times)

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In a bogus DMCA request Warner Bros. has asked Google to remove several links to Kim Dotcom’s cloud hosting service Mega. Not only did the movie studio send in the wrong URLs, they also failed to note that Mega download links aren’t indexed by Google to begin with. Adding to the controversy, Warner Bros does not appear to have sent Mega a direct takedown request for the infringing content in question.

megaCopyright holders are increasingly trying to take down allegedly infringing links by sending millions of DMCA takedown notices to Google and elsewhere each month.

Unfortunately, not all of their requests are accurate.

Sometimes these mishaps are amusing, such as when copyright holders try to take down their own legitimate content. In other cases errors can lead to thousands of websites being censored by mistake.

Today we discovered another bogus takedown request, one that may bring a smile to Kim Dotcom’s face.

Last week Warner Bros. sent a DMCA notice to Google asking the search engine to remove 964 URLs that allegedly link to infringing copies of the movie “Gangster Squad.” The notice in question also lists 16 links to, Dotcom’s new cloud hosting service.

Nothing out of the ordinary, as all file-hosting services store some copyrighted content on their servers. However, Warner Bros’ request is inaccurate on several fronts.

First and foremost, Mega has decided that Google can’t index their site. This means that even if links to pirated content are posted publicly elsewhere on the Internet, Google will not add these URLs to their search engine.

In other words, the URLs that Warner Bros. asked Google to remove were never indexed to begin with.

The second problem with the takedown requests is that the URLs are inaccurate, and don’t point to any copyrighted material. Apparently the automated web scraper used by Warner Bros. can’t handle the format of Mega links, replacing “#!” with “?escaped_fragment=”.

The same errors were later repeated in DMCA notices Warner Bros. sent for other movies, including Argo.

It's just a money churner for the copyright trolls. I'm sure I have said before the millions being lost to piracy is just the emperors new clothes. I wonder what projections have been given to the hollywood bosses on the disaster that would befall them if they stoped pumping money into the anti piracy campaigns.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Warner Bros. Targets Kim Dotcom’s Mega With Bogus DMCA Requests

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