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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMX Lyte  |  Holy sh*t! Smart toilet hack attack!

Author Topic: Holy sh*t! Smart toilet hack attack!  (Read 1697 times)

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Holy sh*t! Smart toilet hack attack!
« on: August 04, 2013, 10:56:25 pm »

Information security firm Trustwave has reported a potential cyber-attack vector to a device you may have never expected the phrase "security vulnerability" would be applied (other than in reference to the end of a toilet paper roll, that is). In an advisory issued August 1, Trustwave warned of a Bluetooth security vulnerability in Inax's Satis automatic toilet.

Functions of the Satis—including the raising and lowering of its lid and operation of its bidet and flushing nozzles—can be remotely controlled from an Android application called "My Satis" over a Bluetooth connection. But the Bluetooth PIN to pair with the toilet—"0000"—is hard-coded into the app. "As such, any person using the 'My Satis' application can control any Satis toilet," the security advisory noted. "An attacker could simply download the 'My Satis' application and use it to cause the toilet to repeatedly flush, raising the water usage and therefore utility cost to its owner. Attackers could cause the unit to unexpectedly open/close the lid, [or] activate bidet or air-dry functions, causing discomfort or distress to user."

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Re: Holy sh*t! Smart toilet hack attack!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 04:40:05 am »
the only thing i can even think of when uttering the words 'remote controlled toilet' is 'ultimate prank target' ...

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