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Author Topic: more tpp news, sneaking another sopa under our noses  (Read 710 times)

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more tpp news, sneaking another sopa under our noses
« on: November 25, 2013, 04:53:31 am »

Specifically the TPP may force ISPs to:

    ‘filter’ all their internet communications, prowling through all our online interactions on the hunt for any possible copyright infringement
    hand over the identity of alleged infringers – not to the police – but to the copyright holders (usually the movie or music companies)
    censor sites that could possibly be engaged in copyright infringement

ISP customers could suddenly have their accounts terminated where complaints against them for infringement have been made.

Having ISPs monitor copyright infringement is the equivalent of a shoplifter stealing a CD from a music store, driving away down a toll road, and then expecting the private tollway operator to stop and search every car on the highway for stolen goods. This is not the tollway operator’s responsibility.

The motion picture and music publishing industries should pay for and manage their own security to protect their commercial goods, just as a department store pays to put security tags on its dresses.

Or better still they could simply trial new models for making money in the face of technology-led change.

The TPP is the latest in a long line of heavy-handed manoeuvring by US companies. Before this was the Digital Millenium Copyright Act and the much reviled SOPA.

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Re: more tpp news, sneaking another sopa under our noses
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 09:38:53 am »
They just seem unable to comprehend that they are already getting a more than reasonable return on the little they put into any endeavour, they entangle most artists up with take it or leave it contracts that most artists unwisely grasp at in case they lose the chance to make "the big time" and then with the rights of the artist tucked into their greedy belts they fill their boots with royalties until the artists work has made back the amount they pretend to have expended, they use tricks like hiring the studio themselves and the production staff and demanding that the noob artist use only their approved facilities and then adding a tremendous amount of charges for such facilities and producers, many times more than if the artist had any say in the matter. I have no respect for such profiteering and exploitation and nor do I wish to respect the inanely long copyright period that rewards such greed at the expense of  public culture who seem to end up with little from the currently flawed copyright model that started out as mere years and now extends to multiples of lifetimes, this is not fair and has thus fallen into the category of fair game in the minds of many and when you read the finer details of constant racketeering by the recording industry its no secret why.

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