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Author Topic: Pirate Bay Founder Held in Solitary Confinement Without a Warrant  (Read 1024 times)

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Following a failed last-ditch appeal to the Supreme Court in Sweden, Gottfrid Svartholm was extradited to Denmark last month.

The Pirate Bay founder stands accused of hacking into the mainframe computers of IT company CSC. In an earlier case in Sweden he was acquitted of similar charges.

Previously in Sweden and within the natural parameters of his detainment, Gottfrid had been granted various freedoms, including socializing with other inmates and the ability to receive mail. He also enjoyed access to books for his studies, an absolute must for someone with such an active mind but no computer or Internet. However, since arriving in Denmark things have been very different.

In a recent letter sent to Amnesty and shared with TorrentFreak, Gottfrid’s mother Kristina explains her son’s plight. She says that Gottfrid is being kept in solitary and treated as if he were a “dangerous, violent and aggressive criminal” even though his only crime – if any – is hacking.

Gottfrid’s lawyer Luise Høi says the terms of his confinement are unacceptable and are being executed without the correct legal process.

“It is the case that Danish authorities are holding my client in solitary confinement without a warrant,” Høi explains, noting that if the authorities wish to exclude Gottfrid from access to anyone except his lawyer and prison staff, they need to apply for a special order.

The theory is that the special terms of Gottfrid’s confinement are in place so that he is unable to interfere with the investigation, but Kristina doesn’t buy that excuse.

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Re: Pirate Bay Founder Held in Solitary Confinement Without a Warrant
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2013, 08:58:41 am »
They believe he has stored a massive amount of data obtained from hacking some pretty large mainframes, including police records and social security numbers, outsourcing might seem a cheap idea to those organisations using it but it does seem placing your data on-line means accepting the risk of losing it at some stage.

I know I have stated it before but its a simple concept and worth repeating, if you don't put your data on publically accessible equipment then you make the risk of loss pretty much reduced and this is done by utilising static lines to your data that don't connect to the public telecommunications/data networks, such lines are expensive but when you weight the potential damage caused by data loss it seems a sensible undertaking, most banks and govt institutions in the UK uses such lines and that's why you wont hear of any large data breaches bar those caused by human interfacing with the data directly or copying.

I think they are scared of just how much data he has in his possesion, after all who might have a few dark secrets on the police computer that Gottfried might know about and be ready to exploit to aid his situation.

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