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Iron Maiden Tracks Down Pirates…. And Gives Them Concerts
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:57:55 pm »

For more than a decade piracy has been a hot topic in the music industry. While some of the major labels have tried to eliminate the problem by taking pirates to court, English heavy metal band Iron Maiden has taken a more positive approach to the phenomenon. Instead of hunting down pirates for lawsuits, the band is using file-sharing data to plan their tour locations, and not without success.

Over the past several years numerous studies have shown that on average file-sharers spend more money on legal purchases, including concert tickets and merchandise.

The most logical explanation for this finding is that “pirates” are more engaged than those who don’t share, and that they complement their legal purchases with unauthorized downloads.

This means that unauthorized file-sharers are in fact the music industry’s best customers. So, instead of hunting down these pirates for lawsuits, it may be more rewarding to play for them.

The English heavy metal band Iron Maiden is doing just that. The veteran musicians use the services of music analytics company Musicmetric which allows them to see where their albums are most pirated.

Why the Iron Maiden ‘Playing for Pirates’ Error is Such a Disappointment
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2013, 11:05:59 am »

An article stating that Iron Maiden used BitTorrent data to play for pirates has been revealed as false, with a revised copy and apology from CiteWorld really taking the gloss off their ‘revelations’. Now, well over a week later, the story is still spreading, rewritten and retweeted by thousands of outlets and individuals. Why the story gained so much traction and is now refusing to die is simple. It gave a glimmer of hope that someone who mattered was finally doing something positive with piracy.

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Re: Iron Maiden Tracks Down Pirates…. And Gives Them Concerts
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2013, 10:13:25 pm »
I was a bit dubious about this in the first place simply because many folks use offshore proxies/vpns etc and those countries might well enjoy Iron Maiden but who can be sure, one things for certain though never trust a monitoring companies statistics as they have been getting it wrong since day one.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Iron Maiden Tracks Down Pirates…. And Gives Them Concerts

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