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Virgin UK Falling Behind Rivals
« on: February 15, 2014, 12:49:09 am »
A not suprising headline given the facts..

Virgin Media is feeling the pinch from the pay-TV war between BSkyB and BT, signing up fewer TV and broadband customers than its rivals in the final three months of 2013. The cable TV and telecoms operator added 18,600 pay-TV customers and 39,100 broadband customers in the three months to the end of December.
This compares with BSkyB, which added 77,000 TV subscribers, although half are believed to be for its internet service Now TV, and 110,000 broadband subscribers during the period. BT's multi-billion pound drive into top-flight sports rights, including Premier League football, helped it add 70,000 TV customers and 150,000 broadband customers.

Virgin Media's revenue growth all but stalled in the fourth quarter, up just 0.4% year on year to £1.03bn, worse than analysts expected and much slower than its rivals BT, Sky and TalkTalk.

Expect Virgin to counter-attack although hopefully with some ads that dont get complained about for misleading folks as the last few have done.

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