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Scientists Announce Faster Net Speeds
« on: February 15, 2014, 03:04:22 pm »
Whilst most of us suffer slower speeds due to ISP penny pinching it seems we can dream still of something faster in the future  :nerd:

IBM today announced that it has achieved a new technological advancement that will help improve Internet speeds to 200 - 400 Gigabits per second (Gb/s) at extremely low power.

The speed boost is based on a device that can be used to improve transferring Big Data between clouds and data centers four times faster than current technology. At this speed 160 Gigabytes, the equivalent of a two-hour, 4K ultra-high definition movie or 40,000 songs, could be downloaded in only a few seconds.

As Big Data and Internet traffic continues to grow exponentially, future networking standards have to support higher data rates. For example, in 1992, 100 Gigabyte of data was transferred per day, whereas today, traffic has grown to two Exabytes per day, a 20 million fold increase.

*poP* ...the bubble has burst already  :(

Back in normality it seems there are still folks stuck on modems due to cheapskate ISP companies wanting to give themselves fatter pay packets rather than reinvesting in their future earnings, a sad but short sighted view, lets hope such companies are the first to go belly up when a startup actually spends the capital necessary to deliver fibre to those that are desperate for a 21st century broadband service.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Scientists Announce Faster Net Speeds

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