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Author Topic: UK Downloads To Cost More As Govt Closes Tax Hole  (Read 656 times)

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UK Downloads To Cost More As Govt Closes Tax Hole
« on: March 24, 2014, 09:40:22 pm »
Just when you thought you paid enough tax for your music, things may soon get a lot worse as the UK govt acts at last to halt offshore tax abuses  :crazy:

Digital downloads could be hit by price hikes early next year as they become subject to UK tax rates. Currently download prices include a levy based on taxes in the country where a business is located.
Big web firms have sited offices in Luxembourg so they can charge at tax rates lower than the UK's 20% VAT, closing the loophole could bring in revenues of about £300m in its first year, according to government estimates.

The tax change will apply to downloads of films, music, e-books and smartphone games.

The companies this will affect are those that have been profiteering and not paying a sensible amount of (or in many cases none) tax in the countries they do business and this has made them fairly well off but its fiddling if the rest of us do such things and its a wise decision to close this tax doorway, if these companies put their costs up its simply a sign that maintaining their current huge profits are more important than keeping their long term customers, anyone can make a fast buck through dodgy bookkeeping tricks, honest companies are above such underhand activity.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  UK Downloads To Cost More As Govt Closes Tax Hole

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