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Author Topic: Got Time To Spare ? - WinMxWorld Needs You l-((*.*)  (Read 679 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Got Time To Spare ? - WinMxWorld Needs You l-((*.*)
« on: March 24, 2014, 10:15:53 pm »
Folks I have become concerned of late at the small amount of community participation on the site here, I have also been watching the staff count drop and the userbase shrink.

We all know this has been the long term cost of KM 's unhelpful leak of privately held information on how the network operates and why I stepped away from this site to head up development of a client to try to rescue ourselves from the carnage he selfishly unleashed.

The good news is that we have and continue to make great progress on the new OurMx client but the bad news is I have this nagging concern that by the time its finished there may well be no users left to make use of it and that by the lack of active users visiting and participating in the site here developmental time is being lost to helping users and posting news items as well as doing core research and creating documentation for others to follow the path to client building, all these activities are respectful things to do but theres a cost and that is simply that theres very little time to spare on such luxuries for me personally if we are to win this long lasting and perhaps last battle with those who seek to close the network for their own selfish reasons.

So I ask you all if you have time to spare to help new folks or post up some news here ,and generally try to bring some joy back to this place as it really does make a difference to know others are sharing the load and the responsibility for the communities survival, also I know Silicon has had much of his free time suddenly lost to his real life activities so what I'm asking is if some of you folks to step up to the plate and see if you can help keep this place running smoothly, I don't want anyone to be alarmed at this post its just that I know you all want the raw unvarnished truth of the matter instead of horse droppings and that's why I feel its time to lay my cards out on the table, I need you to keep this place rolling while I try to deliver beta 2 with a clear and focused mind, its been very off putting to see no real activity in on site posting except when folks are at cross words with each other, can you help me and the site folks ?

If you have a special skill to offer that might be of use drop Silicon a line, there are staff positions available for the right folks, honesty must be included in your list of skills  8)

I wish to make clear this in no way affects the network for you all, I feel the time is right to let you all know that your help is now needed to keep us on track and united in the effort, thank you all for reading this and I hope coming to our aid.

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