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Author Topic: Connected but very limited UL users in my queue  (Read 3712 times)

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Offline enigmatic

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Connected but very limited UL users in my queue
« on: June 03, 2014, 08:54:32 am »
I'm an old winmx users but seldom post. Now I faced an old problem.
after ISP network update, I can still connect to winmx with secondary connection. but now very limited users can find me.

Previously there will be 100 users in my queue in 20 mins. Now only 10+ even if waiting for 10 hours. I always browse the queue user's libraries to finding interesting files. now I can't because nobody in queue.
look forwards on any help

1, I feel primany connection always bring me more users. -> I dont know how to set port forwarding because ISP dont allow me to access routers. they offer me the router freely and do some secret configuration inside, I guess.

2, ISP upgrade the network so I do NOT need to dial again and I can connect to internet directly after startup. after that I can't use primary connection and only very limited users can be found.

Re: Connected but very limited UL users in my queue
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2014, 12:48:36 pm »
when was it that you used to have 100+ users in your queue? I'm just wanting to know if this issue is the current malicious traffic on the network or not.

you should still be able to set port forwarding, you might even be able to find your modem/router on

Offline enigmatic

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Re: Connected but very limited UL users in my queue
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2014, 01:22:11 am »
Thanks for the replying.

If I'm right, 100+ queue happens 4~6 months ago, or at least 3 months ago.
Yesterday I open the winmx the whole day,  max queue after 10+ hours is 61  and  decrease to 40 in a short time. However, the speed is still OK. DL 300K +, UL 200K +. 

I dont know limited queue caused by attacks or some users starts to leave winmx.

my router can't be configured because I can't log into the router, ISP change the password and I dont know that. is there a way to hack the router password?

Re: Connected but very limited UL users in my queue
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2014, 03:08:09 am »
I don't think the conditions on the network now are much different than they were 6 months ago so I would feel safe discounting that as the reason behind your issue.

There probably is a way to hack the router but it's well beyond my skillset and the scope of this forum. I think the best path forward if you want to use a primary connection would be to deal with your ISP and tell them you need to be able to configure the router.
Or perhaps use a router you can configure if you have an old one or can borrow one.

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Re: Connected but very limited UL users in my queue
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2014, 12:03:23 am »
if the router is locked with a password look for its manual online and see what the 'default' password is... it may even be blank and you just click login without typing anything in username and password...

Offline wonderer

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Re: Connected but very limited UL users in my queue
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2014, 12:16:45 pm »
port forward dot com is not any longer what it use to be

I am almost certain your modem has a graphic user interface where you can configure games and applications i.e. set ports
this interface can be entered by typing your standard gateway address in the address bar of your browser
gateway looking like
hardly ever seen this interface shielded with a password

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